Is she right?

Is she right?

>Looks at any Sup Forums infested Sup Forums thread

Yeah, duh.

This is a political bait thread, however

This is really untrue. Whenever someone was a dumbass in school nobody blamed the parents immigrant status. I honestly have never heard anything like that really. This is in Canada though, don't know about everywhere else

If that is a public school in NYC then that is straight up bullshit.

New China leads the way yet again.

Not true.
It's against the law to prejudice minorities and immigrants now (especially in countries like Sweden and Germany). She could hijack a bus and run people over for Allah and the liberal media and governments would protect her.

Unless you live in Poland. Poland hates immigrants (especially Muslims).

Nah, WASPs ruining their kids through passive aggression and emotional neglect i a pretty old meme.

Stop this PC BS in my beloved comics...
SJW out!

She (written as) feels like she's right and that's all that matters.

Characters don't have to be right or wrong to have feelings.

This is going to be the most correct answer in the thread.

>fat blue-haired weirdo who gets a terrorist's trash as a bf

I'd say her moms have already messed her up.

Pretty much. You always feel like you have to be an exemplar, because if you're not, the racists will point at you and claim you represent everyone like you.

Jersey City.

Bullshit. The only reason immigrant kids would be scared of not getting straight A's is because their parents care enough kick their asses for anything less. Cheap/broke ass immigrant parents can't exactly promise new cars in order to motivate their kids to get good grades after all and they ain't afraid of using old world methods to do so.

Nobody knows because everyone knows that he's a genetic failure rather than a cultural one.

That or being forced into childbrids marriage.

I don't see why the Muslim girl cares about it, in the next 2-3 years she'll be wed off in an arranged Marriage almost garunteed, its one of the biggest carryovers they took when they came to the West, more than any other islamic tradition.

and it will almost surely be for money or status or w/e the dad can use her for, and it'll be another muslim who will, on average, beat the shit out of her.

so her social issues are irrelevent, once she's married off that entire aspect of her life is dead anyways.

That tends to happen regardless like shipping a kid back to the motherland to find someone willing to marry for a green card.

>from the contry of the diversity quotas
Is out of control stop it

>Because there are weird kids in every society, we can't criticize backwards-ass cultures, like ones that force their women to wear hoods under pain of death.

>You always feel like you have to be an exemplar, because if you're not, the racists will point at you and claim you represent everyone like you.

So kind of like being white?

Well the kids sure don't blame other kids' parents. If your peers think you're a dumbass, they'll just say so. Maybe parents will pass judgment on other parents based on a kid's academic performance, but then they're just being catty bitches.

I say this pretty confidently as a guy who also comes from a 2 mommy household. None of my classmates ever gave a rat asshole SHIT about my upbringing. And that's the way it should be.

ARRRGH , user.




>there is no mouthpiecing in Kamala sol-

>I-Islam is a peaceful, free society that creates perfectly normal people
>Not allowed to leave the house without wearing a rag around your head

>This is in Canada though
Well there you go.

>It's not true
>Spouts rhetoric that shows it's true
what did user mean by this

No. And who the fuck would? It's just more racism. Normal people see through the blame game.

>This is a political bait thread, however
>This is a political bait COMIC, however

You want to stop seeing political discussions about your comics? Write your fucking local comic distributor and tell them to stop fucking putting politics in comics. Simple.

As an immigrant, I relate to this more. My parents pretty much beat my ass or threw me out if I got a B or less(this kind of stuff was normal in our culture). But I don't deny there are some immigrants like in OP's pic.

I will never not be tickled by the fact that Nakia is the equivalent of becoming a Southern Baptist to spite her Christmas and Easter Christian parents.

>I don't see why the Muslim girl cares about it, in the next 2-3 years she'll be wed off in an arranged Marriage almost garunteed
You don't know the character at all

Depends where you live.

If you live in some Middle America suburb where almost everyone is white, no.
If you live in a big city where whites aren't the majority, and there are SJW assholes gunning for you, then yes.

>If you live in some Middle America suburb where almost everyone is white, no.
Tell me where we can find these, again?

Middle America, duh.

>He actually thinks Middle America is already mixed.
>He thinks it isn't under attack by the rest of the nation 24/7.

Do some people think they need to be perfect because they're parents would be blamed for it? Absolutely

Do people by large think that someone who slightly fucks up is terrible because they've got two mums? No, they're worried about nothing

you know what we need

an issue in which the X-Men go to France to fight some super villain, and Dust ends up in jail for refusing to uncover her face.

It's hard to argue with dub dubs, so why don't you tell me which Middle American state you're in where the suburbs aren't mostly white?

Shit son. I'm in WA. Literally the whitest state. And the demographics have already changed.

>Burkas actually make for cool superhero costumes
If you ignore the real world implications, it's like a middle eastern ninja

SJW assholes gun for white people worldwide. It doesn't matter if you live in Middle America or not.

Also, are you seriously implying 99.999999% of SJWs aren't white kids from the suburbs? Because it sounds like you're implying that.

>tfw Albertafag
>tfw everyone here still doesn't like Muslims all that much, and back when you were in high school we basically had pseudo-segregation
Feels good being in the hick part of the country.

Have you ever tought of leaving your home once in a while? Or do you have ANXIETY :(((((

Yeah, self-conscious people all overthink things and assume they're more special than everyone else.

That kid in the corner sniffing glue is judging no one and here's these cunts who can't shut up about lesbians.

To be fair tey're not saying that so much as it's blaming the culture for the weird kid when sometimes it has nothing to do with it.
Or your every little fuck up is used as some example that you're just a prelude to being a jihad johnny, chimping out, or shooting up the school when really it's just a small window of your life being taken out of context.

>Since you guys already have retards you should let in more retards

what the fuck kind of argument is this

Is it really that hard for a shitskin to resist committing crime?

What kind of non-argument is this? Might as well have called him a white ciscum virgin while you are at it.

I think it works particularly well for Dust because the burka is there to cover up her figure, and her power is to become an amorphous sandstorm. It also looks pretty cool when she becomes a floating burka.


Serious question, what's it like where you are? I live in the City, so I've had diversity all my life, but the stereotype of suburbia out West for us is all white.

>I'm in WA. Literally the whitest state

Hardly, it's full of Asians. Somewhere like North Dakota is the whitest state.
(Also West Coast ain't Middle America.)

>SJW assholes gun for white people worldwide. It doesn't matter if you live in Middle America or not.

Yeah, but like the characters in OP's pic, I'm talking the immediate, how your neighbors and classmates treat you.

>Also, are you seriously implying 99.999999% of SJWs aren't white kids from the suburbs? Because it sounds like you're implying that.

Fair point. Living in the big city, I actually don't see many of them, except among the hipsters and the yuppies' kids.

>apple pie kid
What did she mean by this?

>implying if you don't live in middle america you can't talk about it
>straight up says they live in a city
At least be consistent you sniveling cockroach.

>implying any sort of nuance or subtlety of opinion exists at Marvel comics

PROTIP: It doesn't.

Regular ass White kids.

Well what do you want from him? To actually read the comic?!?
If that happen than that means the liberals have won.

Kek whites seeking victim status will always be pathetic.

Trans aren't people
Prove me wrong

>So kind of like being white?

Bull fucking shit.

Mentally ill people are still people. Just mentally ill.

The sky is made of legos
Prove me wrong

>implying if you don't live in middle america you can't talk about it
What? I didn't imply that at all.

Fuck you weren't actually supposed to reply at least Did it right

Being white is literally the most difficult thing nowadays. People think you're rcaist when you're talking about how racism doesn't exist.

Not only did you try to tell me details about my state that aren't true you also decided to tell me details about middle america you're not even in. You're all over the place. You're detail corrective bullshit is, frankly, pretentious and baseless.

Skydivers step on the sky without screaming in agony.

Check fukin' mate.

I hope this is bait.

>People think you're rcaist when you're talking about how racism doesn't exist.

The most racist people I have ever met were white people who claimed racism wasn't a thing.

>being white in current year is hard
Lol no
In the USA and Europe no
>say this when trump had a majority vote of white middle class Americans
It's only online
Being white in a first world born country is literally easy mode

I want politics to get the fuck out of comics and stay out.

>racism doesn't exist.

Racism DOES exist

And it's mostly propagated by "people of color" than whites. I live in deep South Texas and there's frequent race wars between blacks and Mexicans.

>affirmative fucking action
>not easy mode
Kill yourself.


Bullshit, I have friends in Seattle and Spokane who tell me both are filled with Asians. You complain your area isn't white and then complain when I agree with you.

And Middle America suburbia is mostly white.

>I know a friend of a friend!
Sure showed me!

The fact that AA exists in the first place proves whites have it on easy mode.


>in ironically think that afimitive action works for literally every single person of color based on where the get everything suddenly handed to them
>thinking that all the scholarships of diversity is given to ever one of them
>implying that academics don't play the heaviest role in ones admittance to a university
>not understanding the reason why AA was even established meant
Nice meme
Off yourself you poltard level idiot
>deep south Texas race war
Fucking where I'm fine here with my Hispanic neighbors

>Have literal laws against them for employment.
>Means it's easy for white.
Fuck are you smoking?

No he's right, it's just a certain minority of people that do that and imply literally everything a white person accomplishes is propped up purely on white privilege and a white person never suffers consequences. Hardly something of consequence.

>I live in deep south texas
No you don't.

Like there's any proof you're from WA?
Fuck off, you haven't told us a single fucking thing about your state yet.

Who the fuck is Mike?

>I live in deep south texas
Give me a county.

Why when you spend so much time spewing bullshit about all the places you don't live? I spend more time fixing your bullshit than anything else and you continue to mouth off.

How did you miss that user's point this hard?

>Only white people can be racists
>All white people are racists
>Boo hoo, stop whining about your poverty and drug addiction and internecine gang violence because white privilege
>Your physical presence is a LITERAL racist statement. Get out of our diverse space!

Dude, you really think white privilege isn't a thing? tell me, would Obama have gotten elected if he had multiple kids from multiple marriages and bragged about molesting women?

>implying I missed it
Let me guess, you're going to cite something that's impossible to prove like, "Old boy network," or, "privilege?" Maybe even the patriarchy at this rate.



ahahaha, you aren't from WA at all aren't you, you fucking bullshitter

Why do you think affirmative action exists in the first place son? What is the purpose of it?

Tell me. Give me a true objective answer and not some Sup Forums meme.

>No, see, it's impossible people can live in places!
lol pathetic

>inb4 that's a Sup Forums meme because it wasn't the answer you wanted

>Anyone can claim they're from anywhere when they're anonymous

I'm from WA, I swear! And it's full of azns. I'm the only white person left.

Fuck you then cause you're not actually from texas.

>He actually thinks that privilege is real but is too chickenshit to just come out and say it because he can't prove it.


I fucking knew it. You weren't going to give me a straight answer.

>live in Texas for years, specifically in that county
>not actually from Texas


Yeah cause you're lying about being from texas.

>He thinks politicians don't try to garner votes by passing laws for people, specifically the party that has pretty much campaigned for decades on the platform, "Minorities vote for us and we'll make your lives easier with bigger government!"
Are you high?

In my experience no. Me and almost all of my friends were children of immigrants and nobody would blame their parents for them getting shitty grades.

I also had a friend who had two moms and nobody really cared.