Star Trek: Borg - Storytime

Transhumanism encapsulates a long-lived error among the headliners of science: in a world without a destination, we cannot even break ground on our Tower of Babel, and no amount of rush and hurry on our part will change that. That we are going nowhere is not a curable condition; that we must go nowhere at the fastest possible velocity just might be curable, though probably not. And what difference would it make to retard our progress to nowhere?






















That’s all folks! Live long and prosper.



This was pretty good, thanks!

Thanks for the dump.

What I liked about the solution, it was a diplomaic one that used a core function of the Borg. Picard defeated the Borg using his wits and not strength and the Borg are presented as a terrifying threat.

Bump it to the limit.

Great read.