Avengers Infinity War D23 Footage

No footage available yet
>Avengers tower comes into frame.
>Clips from The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 2, and Iron Man 3 play.
>"We are arriving Mantis said to the Guardians. Teenage Groot in a seat. The body of Thor lands on their windshield. His hair is short. Rocket is startled. Mantis wakes him up. Thor is startled. The Guardians look at him and he asks who they are.
> The ship zips through the cosmos. Wanda dodges something and it breaks a truck. Loki stands in ruin, presenting the Tesseract to someone. Peter's Spider-Sense takes off as he rides a bus. Tony prepares for battle. He is in space with the Guardians. >"Fun really isn't something one considers when balancing the universe," Thanos said. "This does put a smile on my face.
>The Guardians observe ruin in many places. Thanos warps into a new world.
> Star-Lord battles him. Strange battles him. Spider-man, in his new suit, battles. Winter Soldier battles. Wakanda readies to defend their territory. Cap steps out of the shadows. Hulkbuster fights Wakanda fight the four legged creature from Infinity. >Thor's head is squeezed by Thanos Thanos beats Iron Man. The Guardians are then defeated. Thanos has assembled his gauntlet. He throws energy from a hole in space.

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>No footage available yet
Leaks always come out of D23, so it's frankly only a matter of time.

Cringe. Sounds like fan fic.

The body of thor lands on the windshield...now we know how thor3 ends. (I HATE Marvels space physics btw)


Is this gonna be a two hour trailer or will there be a plot and characters and emotions and stakes and drama and the shit that makes a movie a movie?


>Teenage Groot
How long is he gonna be a teenager!?

Until GotG 3 when Star-Lord has to learn to be like a father to Groot.

When's Captain Mahvel?

It's the MCU, user....


i aint even mad


>Spiderman in his new suit
Do they mean his Homecoming Suit, or Iron Spider, or a new new suit?


Iron Spider.

Don't kill Wanda pls.

man i don't like that new opening.


How long does it take for footage from something at D23 to be released? Genuinely curious.

I think they'll officially throw it out during Comic Con

migth as well say
>F U C K P E R L M U T T E R

Sometimes it never comes out

I can't wait to see the vid. Maybe I can't believe there were no leak.

They've got to be saving her for SDCC next week