This is Susan Storm-Richards. Say something nice about her

This is Susan Storm-Richards. Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:


She's a MILF

I like you as a character, and months ago when I heard the Invisible Woman trademark was something or other legal jargon I was hoping you were finally getting a solo series.

Also I love you Sue.

She's easy, apparently.

That doesn't sound like a compliment or anything equally nice.
Please apologize to Sue. She is not easy and would never enjoy the attentions of Spider-Man behind Reed's back.

The hell?

She deserves better than Reed desu.


She's an extremely good character and critical to the FF as a team. The Marvel universe without Sue is missing an important piece.

She had one of the best costumes in Marvel comics.

I unironically ship Peter and Sue.
It's a crack ship that actually feels like it could be a real ship.

I feel like they'd balance eachother out well.
Peter is what Sue wishes Reed would be: A brilliant and genuinely caring man, but also capable of getting out of the lab and having fun, and putting family first.

And Sue is what Peter has always been looking for. A strong willed and maternal woman that will never ask him to stop being Spider-Man, will give him the leeway he needs to be a super hero, but will also challenge him when he needs challanging. Plus she can handle herself against his entire rogues gallery.

Most powerful member of the FF.

I do this too, and it's only enhanced by the fact that it can never be. They seem to both have feelings for each other—It's a quiet tragedy, which is kind of sad and nice at the same time.

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter user. What do you think of Dick Grayson and Kate Spencer?

There are so many relationships with other heroines that Peter could have had since OMD that could have made OMD worth it in the end.

We could have had Ultimate Sue survive her universe dying and then had a Spidey x Sue that way.
We could have had an actual thing being Carol and Peter back before Carol went to shit.
We could have had years. YEARS. Of Peter and Felicia trying their hand a serious relationship as crime fighting partners and sharing an apartment as lovers.

Instead we got a bunch of shitty Civilian literally whos, Slott's shitty OCs, and teasing with a bunch of other heroines that went nowhere.

I miss Spider-Man.

She's got a nice fat ass.

Feels like this pairing has been teased quite a bit.

Followup: it's not actually Sue, Alex is playing an online game where everyone is a Superhero.

Tell me the date actually happened and that Peter was wearing a nice suit over his costume.

Could never find the full issue,

>one of the best
>one of
That's the GOAT female superhero costume. Apologize immediately.

I want to slap her on those knees. I bet they wibble and wobble all over the place.

>We could have had years. YEARS. Of Peter and Felicia trying their hand a serious relationship as crime fighting partners and sharing an apartment as lovers.
This is the worst

She's out of sight

Nothing is worse than Carly Cooper.

Marvel's best female superhero desu

She'd make a good wife for DOOM.

Victor pls

Best cape milf and the perfect cosplay for my gf.

Fuck off victor.

If anything, just give Peter and Felicia back that fun dynamic they had.

I don't see how this can happen with what Slott has done to her. You'd need to do a ton of mind erasing or soft retconning l.

I hate what he's done to Felicia more than I hate else he's ever done.

Sue would make a good wife for anyone. I can't imagine any man that would turn down a wife like her. Hell, even her kids aren't enough extra baggage to deter most.

It's funny, isn't it? It goes beyond
>villain tries to fuck his rival hero's girl, because competition
He remade the universe with near omnipotency and made her be his wife.
He clearly wants her. Like, seriously, cry at night and hug my pillow levels of wanting her.

Susan, I said shut up!

I feel he just wanted to be Valeria's father more.

The way to open her lair in Howard the duck was him and his friend trying to figure out which book was the trigger. The book that triggered the mechanism was Charlotte's web. Jaded as she may be, her feelings for Spider-man are still there. So the pieces are there but I doubt Slott would ever touch it.

Sue is VERY pleased with this.

I know he really cares for Valeria, but what's his relationship with Franklin? Does he like/care for him?

It's from Untold Tales Of Spider-Man Annual ‘96

Pic not related, except we all know Sue wants to fuck Spidey's brains out.

>but what's his relationship with Franklin? Does he like/care for him?
I mean, he threw him into hell once, so I doubt its much love between the two .

>That thirst level


>handle herself against his entire rogues gallery

Handle herself? Hell, she can curbstomp all of Pete's villains. He can just fucking stay home.


was just about to post the sandwiches page

sue and peter are too good

thank you based hickman

Except Felicia's decades of character development was OMD's other casualty.

John persons made a nice picture of her

This pairing has literally been teased for decades now.

What's with this chemistry?

>Part 2
Why isn't Reed saying anything? ...

>The Amazing Spider-Man: House Husband

>He spun it out of his web fluid! For me!

"web fluid"

I wouldn't say ALL of his villains.
Norman Osborn is a dangerous mother fucker, and while I have no doubt she could take him, he's not somebody to underestimate, nor is he someone who wouldn't take her and her powers into consideration.
Same could be said for Otto.

carnage and venom aren't that easy either

I think peter just has a natural affinity for blondes.

He's got his head too far up his ass to see it.

I think he also projects a certain naivety and immaturity that triggers motherly instincts

But what about The Wall?

They're not easy for Peter because they're essentially tailor made to countrr him.

Sue on the other hand can make a forcefield around Eddie/Cletus's body and basically rip them out of their symbiote.


Reed the kinda nigga to call himself 'Mr Fantastic' after his friend laments being made of fucking rocks

he's the perfect storm of autism and narcissism, he'd never even consider that Sue might be attracted to men who aren't him

Marvel writers and fans alike have unironically been shipping Peter and Sue for decades. But it's a forbidden fruit. It can never truly be.

The date did indeed happen. And she drove. If you know what I mean.

She produces cute daughters.

I'd imagine their foreplay would be quite something.

Google R34 susan storm. A heads up she is pregnant in said pic

The upside-down kiss from the first spider-man movie only Peter's nursing from Sue while she jerks him off.

>t can never truly be.

I wouldn't say it can never be. They've done crazier things, and Sue x Peter is tue exact kind of "Shock" drama they pull to increase sales for a few months.

What it can never be, however, is the status quo.

I love milfs and all that... but I'm the only one that don't like Peter with women older than him like Carol and Sue?

>"He loves tinkering around in his lab more THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD"
>That implication.
>*Gulp* "S-susan, where are we going? Is there some trouble at this motel?"

Paheal. Forewarning here; It's cropped out but she's pregnant as well.

If I could find the artist I'd pay him for an ongoing...

>Web bow tie


I liked Sue x Namor when he wasn't as much of douchebag as he is now

Heh heh.

Why this became a Sue x Peter thread? she almost fuck Black Panther too :P although I think that isn't canon.

> :P

Namor was boring before he was a total douche. Now he's at least unique as far as capes go. But I admit either FISHED or BLACKED is preferable to Reed.

But everyone knows WEBBED is the superior ship.

>Sue x T'challa

>Sue x Namor

>Sue x Peter
Cute. CUTE.

That which is forbidden is really enticing.

Peter/Sue is a shit pairing

>Namor was boring before he was a total douche.
In his solo where that scene came from, he was still a real dick, but he wasn't as flanderized and uninteresting as he is now

off yourself

Killer Moth X Batgirl is forbidden, this is hardly a taboo.

This is a cuck thread. It doesnt matter


Oh, hey Reed. Susan stepped out a while ago. She said that her and that intern Parker were gonna run some important simulations.

They tease the hell out of it though despite never pulling the trigger.

How does sexualizing a hot neglected MILF make one a cuck?

I'm sorry Mr. Fantastic isn't actually as fantastic as he appears to you. Oh wait, no I'm not. And neither is Peter.

Sue's been (physically and verbally) wrecking Doctor Doom for years. Osborn and Ock don't even rate.

Cause he knows that no other dick can satisfy Sue.
>this is canon
>Sue's pussy has permanently taken the shape of Reed's cock and no other can compare

>being an asshole chad and cucking another man

stop this

>they tease the hell out of it
No they haven't, no one at Marvel is actually thinking that they should pair Sue up with Peter.
This pairing is nothing but contextless cropped panels and projection.

>this is canon

>She probably licked his "web fluid" off the floor and Reed was smiling the whole time.

Hey, welcome to super hero comics. I can tell you're new to this scene but that's ok! Do you need any tips to start? But first, please verify that you're over the age of 18 so I know what's safe for your fragile mind.

*koff* source?


Ignore them. They prob jack it to Peter harem fics

>you're just not mature enough to get my precious ship

Nice fan art. Too bad Sue has actually officially cucked Reed...