The Legend Of Korra Turf Wars

Oh fuck you Tenzin


We already got mad at this. Let's move on to something else.

No! I am almost enjoying my anger!

Also, does anyone have those pictures of Kyoshi being Bi and Sozin being literally Hitler and a meanie?

Litterally Questionable Content tier schlock.

can anybody storytime?

Please please no, we just had a Calexit storytimw a few days ago I don't think we can take another story time of pain.

Is it me or does this feel REALLY forced?

Its been 3 years why should we start now

korra sits and then stands

It was really forced 3 years ago and it is now

I'm getting real sick of this shit. I have nothing against homosexuals, but this stuff hould not be shoved in our faces. I swear if they start pandering to us people with autism, I will be absolutely fucking enraged.

But how else would you know they're lesbians?

It's hilarious how this show's lasting legacy is a lesbian relationship between two characters that each had multiple onscreen kisses with a man.

Mako, the worst fuck in the entirety of Republic city.

Correction. It was forced 3 years ago. Now it's just cringeworthy especially with how much they have to tell the audience how much they love each other

No shit, every single page of this volume has Korra and Asami kssing, new gay characters reveals, nations being homophobic out of nowhere and more shitting on Mako.

Kya: It’s none of my business, but I wanted to >say that you two make a beautiful couple.

>Asami: How’d you know?

Now Kya is psychic

Bryke can barely write in a 23 minute format. You expect them to write anything relatable or human in a condensed comic?

Fucking RWBY managed to have more nuanced character dialogue back when it was five minutes an episode.

You didn't see what I assume was the next page, yet, did you? If you're getting triggered by this, the next part'll really rustle your shit.

>Is it me or does this feel REALLY forced?
>Literally every single person, besides Mako for absolutely 100% totally understandable reasons, is overwhelmingly supportive.
Yeah, maybe just a teensy little bit really forced

I was responding to the person asking if we could move on not thebone aaking if it was forced

Remember when bryke said that Mako and Korra were made for each other

Are you being forced to buy the book? Then it isnt shoved in your face you got dang retard

You're responding to the wrong thing.

They're saying it's silly to still be making angry threads about Avatar.

>shoved in our faces

You could just not buy it.

I'm not really sure how it enters your life without your permission. I'm also pretty sure you can hide threads.

I don't

but that's factually wrong.

>Book is disgustingly forced lesbian shit

>No credible reviewer will ever acknowledge this.

>Are you being forced to buy the book? Then it isnt shoved in your face you got dang retard
Some of us wanted a show about Kung Fu Jesus. If Dragon Ball Z slowly became a show about Goku's love for cock I'm sure fans would get pissed then too. Nothing wrong with having gay characters, but when it becomes the focus and they won't shut the fuck up about being gay then it becomes nothing but pandering.

Yeah, they said it countless of time in the Book 1 Extras. I seriously wonder what made them changed their minds

>I seriously wonder what made them changed their minds
I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the rise of PC bullshit being stuffed down our throats. Do you remember how horrible 2014-2016 was in terms of PC shit being introduced and everyone being too scared to point out how blatant it all was? It's only been recently that people outside Sup Forums have started saying they're sick of it.

>You're a gay


I fucking hate Korrasami and even consider Asami to be the single most worthless character of the franchise, but let's be real we all knew that the comic was going to be 100% lesbian shit and pretending that Korrasami is a deep meaningful relationship rather than the last minute asspull it was from the moment it was announced.

Is this real? It looks (purely visuals) like shit.

>you should just ignore the only content of a franchise you love
Fuck off, faggots.

Monkey's Paw - You get an ongoing Korra/ATLA series with good art and story. The catch is that Scrapper is the creative consultant for Azula

Don't turn the page, user. You're not ready for what we all knew as soon as Kya was introduced.

The negative fan reaction to how terrible the love triangle was and that they saw the opportunity to cash in on the "not being a straight white male automatically makes you a wonderful person" movement

>for what we all knew as soon as Kya was introduced.
I always thought she just fucked a bunch of bald men


Or maybe Kya just doesn't see life through a hetero lens like you damn homophobes do.


holy shit, lol.

especially considering how gay Sozin was for Roku.

i need the sozin page

This new art looks like it was drawn on a ballsack.


It's the people who are excited and happy about it that irritate me, despite the fact that's their business and I have no bearing on it whatsoever.

>especially considering how gay Sozin was for Roku.
They are trying to hide "hey they might be gay" relationships that were far better done than Korrasami

Sure, why not. Can you imagine the twisted vision Scrapper would come up with? That's worth a watch right there.

pretty sure that was the actual reason for proscribing homosex


But Scrapper would also say that whenever Azula isn't onscreen other characters must ask "Hey, where's Azula?"

Does his involvement also affect the non-Azula parts?

LGBT women revealed in the Avatar universe (Korra, Asami, Kya, Kyoshi) - powerful heroic women in important positions (Avatar, child of an Avatar, billionaire industrialist)

LGBT men revealed in the Avatar universe (Aiwei) - traitor to the Beifongs who appears in 3 episodes and then is killed (in a rather terrifying way), never to be mentioned again

hmm…really makes you think.

>The catch is that Scrapper is the creative consultant for Azula
I'd actually be up for that.
It would be horrifying, but far better than this monkey paw.
Truly this monkey's spite will outlive us all.

>Coming January 30th 2018

Get ready for more homophobia and gay characters.....and shit writting

Didn't Kyoshi have a daughter?

That dude looks pretty cool.
I bet every comic and DVD box set I own that he'll be a "homophobe".

he's talking about it being forced into the plot

They didn't even try, did they? I wish these panderers would stop fishing for sjw points and actually write a good story. I don't hate homosexuals, I hate poorly written characters and story-lines.

Well I suppose for a more potent con, every six issues or so Scrapper gets to make a major creative decision instead.
I personally despise the fact that this franchise which had such creativity and energy behind it has been just spinning its wheels, making no effort and taking no risks. At this point, I just want to be surprised.

I don't remember that. But it says she loved men and women.

that's where the "men" part of "loved men and women" comes into play, user

I feel like Kyoshi would have had that Greek/Roman look on things.
The only gay one is the person taking it or eating pussy.

Which should come to no ones surprise.

>l-look at me, I'm still relevant
Fuck off, Bryce.

Would be funny if he was actually a fairy and proud of it and just disliked Korra for being incompetent

How come there's never any stories where a gay person discovers they're straight?

Why does "discovery" have to be strictly one way?

It makes me want to puke that Asami is now billed as the second most important character.

Then no. He'd just force in a bunch of romance stuff after creating a self-insert character for himself, with said character.

This is just a fanfic

This cant be real. Come on user show me the unedited version.

You generally don't shockingly discover that you were a part of the majority after all.

I'd actually be okay with that.

Despite sharing your sentiment, fuck off, phoneposter.

What's so pandering there?
Sozin didn't get to fuck Roku so he bans gays because he couldn't have his gay love. He's petty enough to pull that shit.

Apparently the air nation was pro gay too.

Both Iceman and Iceman will eventually, once Jeen is outed as a villain.

That at least checks out with their zen approach.

Because that's not how being gay works. You would never think you're gay only to discover the opposite.

>What's so pandering there?
Bad guy is bad, so he's obviously a homo"phobe".
Reaffirms the belief that anyone you disagree with is obviously a bad person and must hate the gays, just like the shitty argument that some people use to "defend" season 4's fuck-awful ending.

That's discovering that somebody mindwiped you, which is slightly different.

Did she really think that an Earth Kingdom monarch would allow the Avatar to practice adultery?

>Neglected his own children
>Turned Kya into a dyke
>Trained Tenzin wrong as a joke
>Grand children are literally ugly as sin except for Jinora.
Aang genes were the worst

Then why were their temples segregated by gender?

I thought I was asexual and trans. Then I got a boyfriend. It can happen.

air nomads = good = accepting of teh ghey
sozin = evil = persecuting homos (and probably being in the closet)


It's close enough.
They still have to realize that they don't actually like getting dick up their ass.

Anyone else getting one?
why? i never once thought Kyohsi was gay because nobody ever said anything like that in ATLA

trans people can't have boyfriends?

also that's just called being 14 on tumblr

to encourage even more homosex


It's hilarious seeing bryke making money out of their two "lesbian" girls that they had kiss a guy onscreen multiple times.

I bet Iceman is a pitcher

Son of a bitch, I don't even care for Korrasami but that's cute as fuck

That would just Sup Forums in villain form.

The SAME guy user

I bet old Bobby is but time-displaced Bobby cops all sorts of shit from his Shithuman BF.

I think not liking gays because you're a fag yourself and can't deal with that fact is pretty low on his bar of fucked shut he does. Nigga left his best friend to die and the proceeded to genocide a race. So if I had to pick a ruler for being anti gay I would pick Sozin or Azulon without second thought.

We used to joke that she founded the Kyoshi Warriors as an excuse for a lesbian harem.

This shit is reading more like a parody of gays than anything. Oh I want more this is the funniest thing I've read in a while.

Do you think they know what they have done?

they made history, user

Sozin banned homosexuality because it's adultery and wanted to cleanse the Fire Nation of any impurities.He handled the situation just like any other autocrat should. Fags are too retarded to understand that governing the nation is way more important than same sex relationships.