A random group of your favorite superheroes ends up plummeting into a portal to another world

>A random group of your favorite superheroes ends up plummeting into a portal to another world.
>They end up in a deep dark, seemingly endless void.
>Then this.............*thing* appears in front of them.
>"Hello, This Is My House........Do You Like It?

What happens Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well obviously this song starts to play.


I know he did a courage video but this is barely related to cartoons

Puppets count as Sup Forums, so if the muppets do then this has to as well.

What the fuck is that thing

Considering that this is probably some kind of hateful god they're fucked

>Jordan Underneath thread appears right after Night Mind video


They tell Jordan to finally get around to that OFF review he's been wanting to do for ages now.

I mean they'd probably all do fine regardless of who was there. This guy's victims seem to have no combat capability and no weapons. Assuming they all come in unscathed they whould either:
>find a way to defeat the thing, save anyone else there and escape
>assuming you can't kill it, contain it, save anyone else there, and escape
>assuming that's not possible either, save anyone else and escape
Seeing as the guy has a giant fucking hole he can get in and out of his house with I doubt being trapped forever would really be a problem. Overall things would go well. I'd pay good money to see it though, the banter between the heroes and the thing would be legendary. Can the therapist dinosaur cameo as a deus ex machina?

Are you trying to force this thing now?

This video simultaneously makes me feel very uncomfortable and filled with laughter. Hope Jordan keeps this series up.

>Constantine and the thing having a snark-off.
>Superman, Hal, and Wonder Woman trying to convince the thing to not eat them.
>J'onn tries to read it's mind, and starts going ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH
>Batman being the paranoid madman that he is, tries to come up with an elaborate and overly complex plan in order to either defeat, or escape from the thing.
>All of the next generation are just doing their own thing, and hoping that the eldritch abomination doesn't decide to eat them all.
I would pay to see this

I mean the thing WANTS conversation. Assuming he can evade any surprise murder attempts Constantine would probably hold him off for a good while. Like I said, the whole thing would be pretty entertaining to see, but I couldn't really see something go horribly wrong.

>I mean the thing WANTS conversation
Not really, honestly we have no idea what it actually wants. It has a schizophrenic blue/orange morality, assuming anything would people get you eaten or thrown down a drain

>this is where I hang out when I wanna hear some music
>music plays
>music sucks these days
This purple fuck is both horrifying and vastly entertaining.

>I mean the thing WANTS conversation.

It seems that way at times, but at other times the thing just up and eats the person it's talking to because it just doesn't really give a flying fuck, and then it goes right back to being all mopey and depressed. It is an odd creature all in all. Doesn't help that it seems to occasionally do things for no other reason than just doing them, judging by all the random shit it has in it's "House".

Is this Nyarlathotep's idea of children's television?

No clue who that is but those numbers don't lie so I guess it is.


Nah, Nyarly's idea of "children's television" would be mostly about teaching children how to murder and be worthy cultists to the demonic gods from beyond. This is more like a depressed Outer God's attempts to fill that gaping abyss it has in place of a soul.

I could see Nyarly getting depressed, why else would he fuck with humans if being Azathoth's babysitter/gopher didn't suck balls?

>why else would he fuck with humans if being Azathoth's babysitter/gopher didn't suck balls?
Because humans are amusing. You push them in the right way, and they break in all kinds of hilarious and fantastic ways. That's why Nyarly is so interested in us, because we are a great source of entertainment in an otherwise uncaring universe of vile, cosmically evil/amoral deities. This *thing* on the other hand, just doesn't seem to care for most things aside from eating and storing thins in it's "house" to try and bring some sense of fulfillment into it's life.

Honestly, I don't get Nyarlathotep's purpose, he's way too human to be cosmic horror, he's more like a guy playing the Sims.

>I don't get Nyarlathotep's purpose
That's kinda the point, you're not supposed to understand the odd morality of an eldritch horror

It'seems rather odd having suchildren a distinctly 'human' cosmic horror, but that'should what makes him appealing. Where all the other dark gods are apathetic to our existence at best, he actively participates within the mortal realm. He takes mostly human shapes and masks and genuinely seems to derive enjoyment from fuck ingredients with us. He is a horrific and at the same time, extremely human inversion of the usual eldritch abomination.

*Damn you auto-correct. Damn you.

He's also the overarching villain of the Persona games. maybe

Looks like this turned into a Lovecraft thread. Nice.

Honestly cosmic horror could work really well with animation, like imagine having like a normal style and then the eldritch horror shows up in water color.

I see you've found the thread

You can fish for (you)'s and shitpost, but be careful not to get B8'd and fall in...

It's a place for... unwanted things...



I'd be a bit more interested in how certain villains would react.


I love these videos but miss his reviews. Hope he hasn't abandoned that entirely.

>implying that the Host doesn't live in the Pit of Hate

Also this guy.

>those sound effects it makes whenever it moves


Aku probably wouldn't give a shit.

The Lich wouldn't care as it isn't alive and probably is an eldritch horror like the Lich.

Well for villains
>Aku: Would probably fare well over all. He's just as timeless and cosmic, and only slightly less evil. Our purple eldritch friend might find some kinship in him.
>Joker: Would get eaten after amusing it for a few seconds, and then over-staying his welcome.
>Darkseid: Would probably try his "Kneeland Before Darkseid" thing, and find the entity to be unimpressed. Might be similar to Aku with them joining up.
>Lex Luthor: Eaten with no fanfare.
That's most of what I got so far for villains.

This is more kino than anything discussed on Sup Forums.

Memes aside the audio on this is so atmospheric and fucking great.

I can just imagine Azathoth demanding that nyarlathotep bring him his chicken tendies everyday

Well that's very existential, what do you want me to do about that?

>chicken tendies
Holy shit


Wow, that's a lot of days. Every day? Consecutively?

Well, maybe one day you can achieve your goals.


Well when you think about it, we're all a little immortal, aren't we?

>The demonic undertone added to it's voice in the second video.


That's a pretty ridiculous statement coming from an immortal being.