Stargate Universe: Back to Destiny Issue #1







Shame they cancelled it, I had an odd fondness for this show
















>Stargate universe was nearly ten years ago
God I feel old.

Oh boy

So, ancients who will antagonize the humans until they all die offscreen or replicators?

It started to pick up in the last few episodes, but it was just a shitty attempt to cash in on BSG's success with some shambolic interpersonal drama in a sci-fi setting.
I officially checked out when they let the two teenagers body-swap back to Earth and go get drunk in a nightclub before having a drunken heart-to-heart in a car.









Yeah me too.
Yeah. I think the writers forgot that the fans care about cool sci-fi technology, alien worlds/conflicts etc.
I did not realize it has been that long either. Ouch.

Where the fuck did this come from? And why?
I could never stomach more than two episodes of this fucking series anyway, why would I read a sequel comic almost 10 years after the show died?

Interesting. I wonder how they will revive Stargate in 10 years.

All right, let's see those lists:
>Sg-1 (seasons 1-6) = SG: A (Seasons 1-3) >> SG: A (seasons 4-5) >>>>> SG: U = SG-1 (seasons 7-8)

Thank you for this

>Sg-1 (seasons 1-6) > SG: A (Seasons 1-3) > SG-1 (seasons 7-8) >> SG: A (seasons 4-5) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SG: U

I was kinda eh. All the Earth parts were too insipid for me and bogged down the halfway cool stuff. Yes. we came to see a series about the edges of the universe and so clearly what we want to see the most is some goddamn whiny teenager in a club when she could be a whiny teenager in space dealing with actually interesting stuff. It also takes away a bunch of the drama from being trapped out there when you can have visits and royally fuck some other person's body/life up all the time. What's that? I got genderswapped to a decently wealthy person? Time to see what hookers and blow feels like.
This comic seems to be taking a step in the right direction at least. Universe came about when piracy was getting big and it was one of the first things i couldn't be bothered to get for free.