I want to die

i want to die

Other urls found in this thread:


what is life?

what is just fantasy?

what is nobody cares

>not even posting it
Experience the autism


>Chara killing Goku

who cares, you fucking loser

>43 minutes long


I mean Goku's a god/deity but Chara can just erase reality apparently.

I've been reading that 5NAF AU story that Weaver does the images for, Roommates, and I like it. I don't know why, I only ever played the first game (which was decent) and never got into the fandom, but for whatever reason I care about this dumb FanFiction and reading it all the way through.

>Undertale vs. Bendy vs. FNAF

Has the Bendy fandom already gotten Undertale/FNAF tier terrible?

>Unironically placing Chara and John Cena at universe buster levels

Yes. You clearly haven't been paying attention

>John Cena wins with meme power
Trully the most OP ability

I'm going to kill myself tomorrow

Stop procrastinating, you fucking millennial.

I know jack shit about Bendy other than westaboos on Twitter liking it. Didn't even know westerners liked it all that much.

From what I know, 'let's players' are trying to turn it into new fnaf.

But how can anything defeat him when they can't see him?

Isn't it still just a demo?

touchy, touchy

Save State can beat almost anything with enough time and a good save point.

What not fidget spinner?