To be fair, who wouldn't make a deal with the Devil to see this again?

To be fair, who wouldn't make a deal with the Devil to see this again?


Me of course
I like sucking dicks

Malebolgia please

Fuck, he knows

The inconsistency of why Al became Spawn and what Spawn's powers are always bug me.

Post Malebolgia we learn the whole thing was Mammon's idea and that Al made the deal long before he died. Also he gave up his throne in hell, eventually killed himself, and now that he's back suddenly he's got his king of hell powers back.

It makes me miss when Hellspawn was still a book. It was inconsistent by intent and at least always provided an interesting spin on whatever was happening in the main book. Also the art was sick as fuck.

>a nigger


*mullato. FTFY. Light-Skin mullatos are the best of both worlds user. White woman features, with black woman ass, hips and breasts. Perfect for a side-chick.

>Black women have the best asses, hips, and breasts!

As a man who spent 6 years of his life in a majority Black area, stop this shit.

For every Black woman with a smokin' hot bod, there are twenty that are a random assortment of beached whales, lanky skeletons, and just flat out average and unimpressive.

If there's one thing in this country that doesn't discriminate, it's the average American's penchant for poor diet and general lethargy. Women of all races in this country have those wonderful specimens that fill out perfectly, while others are disgusting, and most just fall somewhere in the range of average.

We're obviously talking about the Top-Tier Woman of each colour here user. It's not like every white woman has perfect features either. But put a perfect light skin ebony against a perfect white and a perfect black, and the mullato wins.

wrong. go beyond mulatto.

I dunno.

What is... that? I hope you're not using it as the example of the perfect woman, because that face is fucked up.


>imperfect in anyway
You and I are enemies now.

Jesus fuck, that's on hell of an ugly face user. The chick from Dear White People is hotter than that.

she really ain't.

>that's on hell of an ugly face user.


You're memeing at this point. If you think that face is attractive,well... eh, what do I care? Folks like what folks like.

>If you think that face is attractive,well... eh, what do I care?

I accept your defeat.


She looks like E.T

Yeah well I wish her lips would phone home to my dick.

Not seeing it.
You're good people user.

Jesus fuck, why is that fag still posting that ugly Asian/black/whatever mix? This thread was prime for ebonys, but you messed everything up...

Well Black girls need to pick up their game.
But if it makes you feel better I stop posting Miche.


>a perfect light skin ebony against a perfect white and a perfect black, and the mullato wins.

For you. I'm not of the same opinion.

Not to mention it's ignoring Latinas, Arabs, and Asians....though at the end of the day it's all about taste.


He would have been able to forget her if only he had been provided with opium and Asian prostitutes. Well really just opium.

Wanda is pure black.
She's lighter for whatever reason in the show, but she's the same tone as Al, Terry and her kids in the comic.

That doesn't look full-black user. Djmon Hounsou is full-black. This Wanda is mixed. Black, sure, but not "full black".

By your logic Terry and Al aren't black, but they are.
Maybe you should actually read Spawn as opposed to making guesses.

I'm not saying they're not black, you dimwitt. I'm just saying they're not Sub-Saharan African Black. And I have read Spawn, I'm not from Sup Forums. It's just that they are much lighter, to the point where they look mixed.

Mulatto is half-white, faggotbreath.
>And I have read Spawn
I doubt that, because you'd have remembered issues like 127 where you see all three of them together with the same fucking skin tone. Or, you know, EVERY TIME THEY MENTIONED THEY'RE BLACK.

Wasn't the live action movie white washed? I vaguely remember that.

They made Terry white because they couldn't get over the Fitzgerald name, but this is the actress who played Wanda.