Moonstruck Storytime number 1

This comic has nothing to do with a certain cover controversy and offering Image creators to go into sensitivity training.Nope not at all....I'm storytiming this and you will not stop me.

Other urls found in this thread:


oh crap Kate Leth helped with this.....I don't care if people post images but try to save it for when I'm done.

I wanna fuck the fat bitch


this is kind of like Tumblr Seinfeld.

>Storytiming a Sup Forumsmblr comic

WTF is wrong with you nigger?


pain is my life now. Now we interrupt the program for Babysitters club fanfiction.


>I don't care if people post images but try to save it for when I'm done.

I am tempted to post a ton of images in this thread
You are a bad person doing a bad thing

This is what happens when you have this big plan for a good storytime but you don't have time for it right now. Also fuck some of my customers.

>thicc girl is a lesbo
Fucking bitch

now I'm going to talk about worldbuilding.

This character is a gorgon. Classic staple of mythology.

Now you have to ask why does this character need to be a gorgon.

It's not like this character is turning anyone into stone. In fact why does anyone in this story need to be monsters?

you can take a lot out and nothing would change. But there is something at the end.





so this comic is not what you think it is in a way.



this comic is....



This woman's biggest contribution to comics is a Rocket Raccon digital comic.


From my understanding, monstergirls are essentially fantasy versions of people with disabilities. One only has to look at the comparisons between Katawa Shojou and Interviews w/ Monstergirls to see what I mean.


yeah I get that but I think this comic is going LGBT+EOJRNEINF metaphore instead. I do think disabilities metaphors are one of those things I would like more of.

Oop, there's that Kate Leth mediocrity we all came to know and ignore.


it's so true.

last page have at it.

Anyone else want to pin the fat one down, fondle her large breasts, then rape her for refusing to like the cock?

So what's this about a cover controversy? I just woke up.

Wait why does the fat dyke care if she's a werewolf? Everyone's a god damn monster.

It has to do with the Howard Chaykin series divided states of hysteria from Image. There is a variant of the fourth cover showing a man being hanged with his genital mutilated with the word paki written on him. This caused a huge controversy and the creators of this book is making everyone at image go to sensitivity training. Well they say there is choice but you know.

Ah, I thought it might have been that.
I can only hope the sensitivity training is as effective as the seminar in that one episode of "Home Movies".

this comic gave me (pain), I should have not read it, but I did, and this is my punishment

yeah this is worst than I thought it would be.

How does shitty art like this get published. The story and characters aren't even interesting.

>horse dude is shoehorned "quirky" in a forced and fake fake way as soon as we see him

>Fat whore fucking around
Fuck i hate these characters already

That really didn't seem so bad. The art was better than I expected (I like how the centaur guy is drawn especially).

I don't know this was hard to get through.

>boner in public equivalent of pretendbian autogynephile

I'd like the art if it weren't in that shitty Steven Universe-style that I can't stand.

Yet this comic is better than BOOM! publications that have such an artstyle.

Yeah, not for everyone for sure. But in a world full of tumblr crap this didn't seem so bad to me. I'd read more if it was given to me but I'm not going out of my way to buy it.

I know folks are sensitive to this kind of art style with the faces (SU?) but I dig the softness of it mixed with the coloring. If it was all bright colors and hard lines it wouldn't be nearly as palatable.
Like that storybook section, ugh. If they went with more of a Little Golden Books angle on the art it wouldn't have been so harsh.

There's plenty to make fun of in the comic without pretending to be an illiterate teenager

This would be mildly interesting if the characters had some small sign of their mythology. Instead they are just reskins of people.

you mean snowflake, because as painful as I have to admit, I thoroughly read and every character was made into a special snowflake in every way...


Wait what controversy? I've been under a rock

Fucking hell, do these people always have to write the gay guy as some swishy little fairy? I swear to god the tumblr crowd are so fucking bad about going full-on "gay best friend" with those characters, and I'm sick of it. Is it too much to ask for normal dudes who are just into other dudes?

I mean like making the centaur a bit rapey, or have some sign of addiction. The vampire responding in some small manner to sunlight. The medusa at least attempting to be attractive.

This is a good point. Gay guy characters always seem to get typecast into these personalities and it's a shame, would like to see more variety.

Theres a whole culture around MOST of these people being abnormal sissy fetishists that want everyone to know they are homos you fucking dumbass.

yea no, that'd make the comic actually a bit decent and I was pointing out the "reskin of people" into "reskin of snowflakes" not "had some small sign of their mythology"

Ah, sorry about that. Sounds like the rest of this is a load of shit.

Hahaha holy shit, were you rejected by a gay guy or something?

this comic makes me sad because somehow I got a crush on this black chick and I love the concept of her character and the bar where she works in general, plus in the scene where she's like predicting the future or something she's kinda well drawn, too fucking bad she's trapped in a terrible tumblr sjw comic

I dont want any pozzed fags near me or my family

And nothing of consequence happened the whole comic. The premise isn't even all that original either.

I like to remember there are plenty of writers with novel ideas out there that never get a chance to make a comic whenever I read this stuff.

What happen here?

It looked like she got startled so bad that she accidentally transformed (I guess it's caused by a sudden emotional shift) then ran home because embarrassment/clothes are all ripped/maybe transforming can also cause her to be violent so she wanted out? It looks like she's SUPPOSED to be terrified of being caught in public as a wolf and is relieved to be home but what emotion they're going for isn't shown on this page clearly enough.

Not him, but have you noticed these tumblr comics kinda follow a similar setup and cast archetype?

>work at a coffee shop/bar/"chill hangout place for hipsters" in a nice neighborhood
>the pet purse gay friend of ambiguous color
>the butch dyke who also is always white and antagonistic
>the fat brown protag
>the lesbian crush with no real character
>entire background cast is a bunch of minorities and gays and trans in what is for all intents and purposes the whitest place on the fucking planet, suburban starbucks zones
>plot goes from faux "comfy" shit that wastes your time to some ambiguous urban fantasy mystery thing that never gets resolved

Give it a couple more years and I think you could make a pretty good deconstructionist comic about it

I believe it but am not familiar enough with other tumblr comics, can you post some examples?

Kate Leth's entire bibliography, Boom's YA books, squirrel girl and an increasing amount of marvel books.

The smoking gun is there's fucking always a gay friend

Yea, funny, effenminate, gay character seems to be the go to for this type of comics. I wonder if Wallace from Scott Pilgrim is the inspiration for a lot of these.

im bothered by how this nigga spill coffee left and right

>story with magical creatures
>it's a fucking gay coffee shop story

I wish we got more Wallaces. They copy the "gay" part of his character, but not the "snarky asshole who stole someone's boyfriend" part of his character.

That Minotaur's a man? It looks so feminine.

Really, the only comic I like out of this formula is Skin Deep and even that doesn't follow format very precisely.

>Give it a couple more years and I think you could make a pretty good deconstructionist comic about it

We should brainstorm something right now.

Any ideas guys?

A Connecticut Shitlord in Queen Jamalias Foodcourt

Nah, to make a good deconstruction you have to make the characters feel like real characters and not parodies, and you also has to take up elements that are almost always forgotten or hidden on these kind of comics and the implications that exist if you take away the escapism element of it and use real life logic.

So instead of doing a plebcomic knockoff,you has to put some thought.

Like, these comics usually present the world as some kind of minority paradise. If you sesconstruct this, you can focus on the fact that most minorities fucking hate each other.

Or take the "tumblr" protagonist, and realize that the kind of people who do this kind of comic are usually very insecure and depressed, and are likely wearing a mask. BOOM, you just deconstructed it.

So a deconstruction of a tumblr comic could work as a bunch of characters living in a "paradise of acceptance full of gays", where people actualy hate each other if you look closely, and a place filled with people trying to hide their insecurities and self hatred on "quirkness". Add to that some theme about difficulties of early adulthood on the current times, and add some sympathetic main characters despite all this shit...and yes, you can have something interesting.

>Propriety of nobody
The writer just HAD to make a female state that shit, isn't.
Yet, for what I'm seeing so far, the little bat guy seems to be of hers anyway.

Fucking figures.

>written by white women

>tumblr sjw tries to be a hero, gets triggered so hard by reality she an heros
>minority best friend is actually mostly white because his peers would be constantly judgmental about him otherwise.
>token lesbian is actually bi but can't come out the closet because then she'll be hated for making 'normies' think lesbos can be turned

actually, just have all her friends hide themselves from her because she'd flip otherwise. then have the magical famtasy shit happen, and traumatize her

>This whole thread.

Gay bff is actually straight but pretends to be gay to get white knight points and seem more attractive to ladies due to his unavailability. When he actually tries to score a woman he's so bad at it that it just reaffirms his gay image.

Why in a world with countless magical half animal creatures does a werewolf feel embarrassed for transforming into a werewolf? A guy literally turned into a fucking bat and he didn't seem bothered at all.

The actual fuck.

>That entire fucking page
Don't tell me they actually printed this fucking garbage in the comic.
That's fucking atrocious AND hilarious at the same time.

I had to read that title 3 times because I genuinely thought it said Motherfuck Storytime

>the people who made this comic were professionally trained in academia
>they're the cream of the crop that was pushed above everyone else
>they're supposed to be the next generation of comic cartoonists

jesus fucking christ

>Que mierda?
Dios no otravez porfavor

>what would normally be a curt and amusing way of ending the conversation (the girl taking her break), is ruined by having the guy ask about her feelings and for her to affirm she was not offended in any way, lest the readers take offense to the character being bullied or treated poorly
Tolerance ruins humor.

that was stupid and i hate you for posting it.

>¡Que mierda!
So now she's suddenly latina? Without any kind of foreshadowing beforehand?
Que pendejada. Estoy harto de estos justicieros sociales forzando minorias por doquier.

And for the record, it's written "¿¡Que mierda!?", as if it was a question. The position of the exclamation marks being optional.
At least get your fucking shit right, Beagle.

theres leths shit lineart , wee

I'd still fuck like half of these characters.

wait, i never realized that was part of the comic
i skipped that page thinking it was just an user trying to (justifiably) derail the thread
what the fuck

that minotaur guy is pretty much the only salvageable thing about this hot turd.
I don't know what it is but he's just so pleasant to look at, not to mention he's kind of a cutie.

the only things I would change are those hairless arms, tho.

remove the manbun and he's perfect.

I'm partially convinced that the random Spanish is some weird way to deliver secret codes to other writers. If we father all the words chosen over time and put them in a certain order, we can understand their plans.