I'm willing to give Inhumans a chance

The only inhumans i know are Karnak, Black Bolt and Medusa. And i only know them from appearances in other books. Any recommendations?

The Paul Jenkins run and the karnak solo by Ellis are all you need to read

Thanks. Anything else?

this karnak, and Black Bolt's solo.

Any good stuff in the current runs?

Nope. user was being generous

This is mostly garbage, and if you read FF, read it for FF, not for shithumans

The original ff story's they were in

Ha ha. No. Feel free to ignore it completely, as they are X-Men clones

Are they hated for just existing?

Nope it all blows

Yes. By X-fags
Recently they are in some concentration camps

>Are they hated for just existing?

In-universe i mean, not irl.

Yes but there books are also really bland and boring

I was being facetious. But yes, they are.

Black Bolt is currently running. I Royals sorta requires you to actually be familiar with obscure Inhuman stuff. I wouldn't recommend it to somebody just starting inhumans.

Just asking because when i read Inhumans vs Xmen people were fucking cheering for them.

You would cheer too, if jews were being killed by muslims

Not IvX, Death of X my bad.

Eh, nobody cares, so you are forgiven

I'll agree with the Black Bolt ongoing. It's actually pretty decent, and even uses one of Black Bolt's old school moves, "the master blow"

>"the master blow"
Go on.

It's when Black Bolt takes a Black Cock and blows it masterfully

It's just a special combo move he does or something. From some reeeaal early FF Kirby comic, and he used it on someone in the ongoing.

It's a pretty good read if you don't mind the style. And hey, Death's head even shows up, and it's great.

>Black Bolt with a gun
>that face in the last panel

>And hey, Death's head even shows up, and it's great.
Yeah, i know him. That guy, he's cool.

They also declared war on the United States once and never ended it.