This is Rose. Say something nice about her

This is Rose. Say something nice about her

what dat mouth do?

She was lucky to be in a show with such a hot Asian MILF.

Her initial design was ten times cuter

Oddly, I always thought her s2 design was cuterr

I like that plot that was going on with her.

But I never really liked the show or cared to watch it whole.


I liked that she subverted cliches of the early 00's and wasn't an unattainable love interest.

*Mid 00s


I may be alone here but I liked her seSon 2 look better

What show is this cutie from?


American Dragon



S1 Rose a shit, looks like a failed attempt at a moeblob

I don't read you. Rose was in the show from the start as opposed to being shoehorned in

>Both ninja assassins 'destined' to kill the protagonist.
>Instead of killing the protagonist, they end up becoming lovers.
>Rose ALMOST stopped existing when she wished the Huntsclan stop existing.
>Time travel shenanigans in the finale (she regains her memories of her other life).

>Both were raised by an abusive cult and have an abusive parent.
>Both hide conceal their identities at the beginning of the show, but almost half way through the protagonist finds out their true identity.


Lipbites are hot

Worst huntsman

Have somebody notice that she and Terra have almost the same ending?

But Terra never got back together with Beast Boy

How did the show end? I think I stopped watching around the time Rose found out she was kidnapped and also has a twin

Aside from the last 10 min, it is almost the same as "Things Change" (Last episode of TT)

So they made a show about Elliot Rodgers with super powers dating ninja Taylor Swift? That was unironically very progressive if you think about it, East Asians seem to be most ignored ethnic group by American entertainment for some reason, and if they show a pairing it's usually white male with an Asian woman

But Jake isn't a killer

She made my peepee hard when I was younger

How hard, on a scale of 1-10?

She sacrificed herself but came back when Jake wished for her to be saved via the magic skulls

Not user but i would say it was a solid 7 for me

Jake dong

Would this show be better if Greg weisman wrote it?

It's for dick sucking
