Animal Crackers

uhhh... it doesnt look TOO bad.

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>mostly male tfs

>Denny Devito



>>mostly male tfs

i think the his wife joins the stage too

>asian tigress

Why does this exist?

A movie that treats clowns as happy entertainers instead of demon monsters? Wow!

Animal crackers are a brand of biscuit right?

Do people really not like clowns?

Yeah that is a nice change of pace.
It seems it is all scary clowns and sad clowns these days.
That said I like sad clowns just as much as I do happy clowns so it was only a lack of variety getting to me. Way too many scary clowns though. Clowns should only be scarry in horror films.

magicians >clowns >acrobats >animals

Wait there are circuses that do magicians?
Anyway I agree with your listing.

>not giving Sly the role of buff douche executive

it looks better than coco, thats for sure

Lame normie shit.

I could never understand why fear of clows is so popular. I honestly believe that most people that admit to be afraid of clows are just pussies that got tricked by mass media. There is nothing scary in clows.

We call them cookies in the States. But you are correct.

Of course. Apart from the fact that it's an occupation where it's easy to get close to children to rape and dismember them while wearing a disguise.

Someone post the movie poster before and after the marketing touchup.

I am going to take a wild guess and say they added a bunch more of the crackers themselves to the poster.

While looking for something it I cam across this.
Holy shit I thought they did not make painted posters anymore. I am going to support the hell out of this film if it means we start getting them again.


At least the plot makes sense. Even though this is just a cash in for Animal Crackers. Also wife is ugly as sin.

>pro-circus animals film
yea, the animal rights people are going to love this

First time I've seen an official channel endorse an It's Always Sunny reference.

no, it's THIS. Because it has bigger appeal to kids,

i root for independent movies now, sick of things that happen at the big guns.

forgot , dammit.

nice to see creators communicating with the audience.

That did occur to me.

I mean technically they're humans performing as animals, but even the idea that audiences want to see Animals perform given it's bad image is strange.

yea, the basic intro of "nobody wants to see the other acts, only animals will make us successful" and then the later basically shows animal circus are great and loved by everyone

Animal Crackers is what I call mixed race people

independent studios have some questionable ideas for movies.

Why is he millenial?
Why is he married to millenial?
Why is he eating dog biscuits?
Why does he have a daughter?
Why did he buy a circus?
Why do they have Animal Crackers?

Some of these elements have to be unnecessary for the main story. Whatever that is.

>blue eyebrows

>This has nothing to do with the Marx Brothers

It's shit

>Keep this box closed
>No consequences for opening it
>Actually encouraged to eat the animal crackers

Is Mackellen the Bear?

nah, he's the villain, the evil brother.

That's a handsome squirrel.

Why does it makes me think of this: