Actor of lead character in the Emoji movie, a movie that a lot of kids will see

>Actor of lead character in the Emoji movie, a movie that a lot of kids will see
>Children don't deserve to be happy

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Well, that's a pretty goddamn bleak outlook.

It is a ignorant and obviously sheltered one, Children aren't aware of their mortality? Try telling that to someone who grown up in a warzone/been abused/orphaned and all other shit.

Reality gives no FUCK about ages when victimizing people and hurling the fact of mortality in their face.

Also you don't seem to notice the "HuffPost", but it is obvious clickbait.

Yeah, wealthy Hollywood guy deserves to feel mirth because the mean old president hurt his feelings.
The children living in poverty and those who are bullied or sexually abused need to stand aside and let actors have some fun for a change.

this is the guy from silicon valey right?
well, he does a good job of playing an asshole

A man willing to attach his name to the Emoji movie is a dumb shithead. Truly a shocking revelation, historians will be discussing this wholly unanticipated truth for centuries. Shakespeare? Who's that? I wanna talk about emoji guy, he really shook up the place with his belief that children shouldn't laugh.

>Children don't deserve to be happy

That attitude certainly explains why he decided to star in the Emoji movie.

Well, he is in the Emoji movie.

The whole article is pretty wild.

>I want to shill for my political beliefs
>Oh and I also hate children
That's pretty much the best way to get people to turn against you AND your beliefs

I get what he's trying to say, but that's the kind of mentality you only have if you're self-centered or have not yet realized that kind of thinking becomes a self-destructive social cycle that makes the young and old miserable simultaneously

acting is not the same as being

>[He takes an enormous bite of pizza]

>The children living in poverty and those who are bullied or sexually abused need to stand aside and let actors have some fun for a change.

your entitlement is showing. men deserve happiness because they earned it. what has a child earned? nothing. even a swift death is not something that a child deserves, much less mirth and happiness.

/redpilled faggot

i ain't gonna lie, i literally laughed out loud typing that. there is some truth to it but what a stupid thing to say.

What a piece of shit. It only makes it worse he's one of those Hollywood liberals who act like the world is ending because motherfucking Trump got into office. I'm not the biggest fan of Trump either but you don't see me saying I want children to not laugh because they don't deserve happiness. If anything, children need more happiness than adults so they grow up into happy optimistic adults themselves, so we get less of this T.J. Miller guy.

Hating children and believing they should have to work in coal mines is usually a conservative thing. Why does this guy even hate Trump? Trump's secretary of education will dismantle the public school system, end all programs and benefits for disadvantaged children, and put those little rugrats to work. This guy should love Trump.

I mean, He's right, children are fucking scumbags and I wished they would all die
But saying it outloud on a fucking interview that's gonna go on the internet? This fucking guy may have just committed career suicide with such bold claims
But more power to him for sticking to his guns, I guess

You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is involved in some pizzagate shit and gets career suicided after a pedophile scandal

Jeez, dude. Sure it was an enormous bite, but it was still just a bite. Not everything needs yo be a scandal.


WTF is this shit? I'm cringing so fucking much.

what the fuck

>adults need laughter more
Is all he had to say.

This just makes me imagine him clenching a fist or shooting parents a stinkeye whenever he hears a baby laugh.

He's like the villain of one of those 70s Christmas specials.
Like I can honestly see this guy wanting to ban toys

Was he high?

Hating children and preaching against having any at all is pretty solidly liberal now.

Hell, it even combats climate change dontcha know!

It's ironic. They sound like a stereotypical conservative when they say that.

I love that he yelled at the cast members who weren't US citizens for not donating. Like you think money could fix the obvious problems with her campaign. She spent over a million. Having fund raisers and parties in like 7 states does nothing. Half her base hated her.

I mean assuming the sterotypical is Christian it isn't. Grain of sand on a beach and stars in the sky and all that...

I swear I am voting for Trump in 2020 just to piss off douchebags like this. Enjoy making America great again, loser. You never were great and never will be.

That is a very sad man. And why is this motherfucker acting like kids don't see some serious shit?

I hope the movie bombs so hard now.

What an edgelord
Children have the purest laughs

Not some sort of self loathing chuckle when a comedian says something that is "omg that's totally true!"

Kids will laugh at poopy and that is precious. Especially considering they won't always be like that and will grow up to be someone who thinks kids don't appreciate laughing

Oh no. I don't mean any religion in that. I mean stereotypical conservative of the "black-hearted businessman" kind.

Outside some hardcore Catholics and a small minority of fundies, they really aren't like that at all. Most pop out one or two kids and call it a day.

>Children aren't aware of their own mortality
What about all the poor starving muslim immigrants and mexicans your kind love so much?

i actually agree with what he's saying 100%, that kids who are loved and aren't bullied and have interesting surroundings don't actually need good comedy, but his use of the word 'deserve' is bringing up a whole festering warband of other connotations.

in all honesty, i think children are limited in what they can find funny. a lot of what adults would find hillarious would be horrifying to children, because they involve concepts that children have never thought of, like complete and devastating failure, or growing old alone, etc.

...i just realized that the kind of stuff that kids would find funny are the kind of stuff that a govt censor wouldn't immediately snuff out in an authoritarian shithole -which is a lot of stuff, but they don't NEED it the way an older child or adult might.

What garbage. Waste of a human being.

>rabid Hillary supporter
Oh I'm not surprised.

He says that like happiness is some sort of finite resource that gets divided.

*divided up.

Are we sure he isn't playing :( instead of :/ like the trailer suggests?


all this from a cash-in film about emojis

>kids shouldn't be allowed to have fun and laugh until they understand death and suffering
Well that doesn't sound right.

Also, last sentence is basically him admitting he has drinking problems, adults do not need to drink - only shitty ones with addiction issues do.

Is anyone else getting some deja vu from this post?

How old is this article, did we have a thread about this before? Cause I swear I've heard this exact phrasing before.

she's a neo lib, not a socialist. neo libs and neo cons are always going to get fewer votes. she's still a damn sight better than any modern republican, but she's also farther to the right than the republicans were in the reagan era.

all her virtue signalling about guns and the bullshit wage gap, and her shilling for the tpp is what killed her.

actually what really killed her is calling bernie supporters insane. insane means not even worth discussing. how's that for marginalization? hillary clinton's own words killed her more than any imagined mysogynistic bullcrap from the right.

i truly feel that, with her being a relatively right wing authoritarian type, she wound up being surrounded by yes men and so there was no one other than bill fucking clinton to head her off from saying some really dumb shit. and of course she told bill clinton to take a hike.

i wanted to like her. i liked her in the 90s and even in the early 2000s. but during this last campaign, holy fucking shit she made such a heelturn that i find it hard to believe that she wasn't led to lose on purpose.

i don't feel bad about hillary losing. i feel bad about where our country is going and where i am in it, but she dug her own grave.

I don't exactly get he thinks children don't deserve to be happy.

He does however sound like a fucking weirdo and I don't envy his kids...

looks like the wrong edgy faggot killed himself this week after all.

>How old is this article
2 days

Reads like something a guy in his fist Psychology course would say.

I've never typed those words before, so unless someone decided to go back in time and post them on Sup Forums somewhere else, coincidence

This man is 100% correct. When children laugh at something, they don't understand the full context of what they're laughing at. So to put it bluntly, they are laughing the wrong way.

>"And it’s interesting to have this element of haters, like “Ghostbusters,” but to have a movie that is not a reboot, it’s something completely different. And, people go into it with this sort of strange, low-standards mentality. And then when it’s a great movie, they go ... whoa, OK, I guess."

How long until he kills himself? I give it 4 years

So I guess they've reached
>any publicity is good publicity
levels of desperation for marketing this shit now.

You autistic fucks this guy is a comedian. He's joking.

comedians are usually funny.

He's right

Kids are fucking stupid

Sup Forums were kids once and look what they turned into

Fuck them

Perhaps Jeff Dunham is more your style.

does this dingus even realize this is the comedian who got so pissy over trump they punched a taxi driver

>you can laugh the wrong way
A laugh is a laugh. There is no such thing as a wrong way

>Who is Andy Kaufman
Lurk moar, my good bitch

>comparing t.j.miller to andy kaufma

look just because you liked this guy in silicon valley doesn't mean you have to defend him and make an ass out of yourself

Sounds like him and I would get along like two peas in a pod.

If you can make it through this, my commendations

that IS pretty funny though.


i have such low expectations for this that i may actually enjoy it...

it looks like different emojis are different personality types. that's honestly pretty clever.

What an insufferable little cunt

But it helps. Robert Downey Jr. liked how Tony Stark from Ironman suffered an addiction just like him (Alcohol for one and drugs for the other), which helped understand the character he played

*takes enormous bite of pizza*
*takes a sip of Mountain Dew*

Hardly. Everyone hates children, especially liberals.

I just imagine a neckbeard fedora lord saying this
>"Yeah, I think kids haven't truly felt the suffering of this existence, therefore do not deserve the pleasure we can derive from it."
>*Takes an enormous bite of pizza and sloppily drinks Mountain Dew*

What a salty bitch.

Wait, this fucker has kids? Oh god that's horrifying. I hope their mother has her head screwed on right at least.

That one part is true, though. Happiness is a zero sum.

To make someone happy, sometimes you have to prevent the happiness of someone else.

image sadly related

Is it one of those "celebrity didn't mean anything terrible but was dangerously close to it and worded it badly/media resources fucked his words up and now everybody will hate said celebrity" situations?

>Millionaire actor talking about how hard he has it compared to kids

Apparently this guy spent half the interview ranting about politics, and he has in the past punched a person for having opinions that he doesn't agree with Sure, journalists can often misquote people in interviews or make them look bad by taking their words out of context. But I don't see a favorable way to interpret what he said about children, and I think the way he approaches politics says a lot about him as a person. Don't feel too bad for him.

That is a dangerously insane man.

What about half laughs?

>but she's also farther to the right than the republicans were in the reagan era
I'm pretty sure she just wanted to extend everything Obama was doing.

>So this was an opportunity to do something optimistic, positivistic and you know, we have very few weapons in the current administration, and one of them is to target a younger demographic and try and help them understand and adopt progressive values.

>So the movie has a lot to say to women, and how they have limitless potential, and one of the characters literally breaks through a glass ceiling. And you’ve got a guy who wants to be what everybody wants him to be, but his malfunction is that he expresses himself and is ― we’re trying to say that the best you is not the you that you’re doing for everyone else, but the authentic you. And don’t hide that, be OK with expressing it.

And of course he got really angry about his cast members not donating to Hillary Clinton like he did, because they all need to support a particular candidate as much as he does or else they're bad people.

I imagine that every word was said in between big, sloppy pizza chomps.

>People are getting upset over what a stoner comedian says about kids not contemplating the mortality of death when laughing
>While being interviewed for the Emoji movie.

I think you guys are taking this a bit too seriously. TJ can be a dick, but I think this is one of those cases where it's a joke

>Children don't deserve to be happy
So That's why they made the Emoji movie!

Jesus, what is this shitty meme movie doing to its actors?

Is Miller going to commit suicide after?

>The lead voice actor for The Emoji Movie insisted in an interview Thursday that the movie is a very, very important way of fighting President Donald Trump's administration, rather than just a film about talking faces.

>Sitting down with HuffPost, comedic actor T.J. Miller trashed his former co-workers on HBO's "Silicon Valley," saying they did not do enough to stop Trump.

>"Right before the election … I asked, ‘How much money did you donate, you Hollywood elites? How much did you donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign?'" he recounted. "And everybody in the cast said nothing. They hadn't given a dollar."

>By contrast, Miller was very much on board with The Emoji Movie.

>"How rare is it that we get an opportunity to do an original property, right?" he said.

>"This was an opportunity to do something optimistic, positivistic and you know, we have very few weapons in the current administration, and one of them is to target a younger demographic and try and help them understand and adopt progressive values," Miller continued.

>"The movie has a lot to say to women, and how they have limitless potential, and one of the characters literally breaks through a glass ceiling," he added.

>The Emoji Movie will be released in theaters July 28. According to the film's synopsis, Miller's character, Gene, is "a multi-expressional emoji" who "sets out on a journey to become a normal emoji."

>I asked, “How much money did you donate, you Hollywood elites? How much did you donate to Hillary Clinton’s campaign?” And everybody in the cast said nothing.

She got a billion dollars worth of campaign backing. Even if they had donated money, it still wouldn't have made a difference.


Miller's being a shit because of a couple of reasons in relation to how bad his life has downward spiraled.

The cab driver incident basically exposed him as the worst kind of SJW asshole. The kind of asshole who believed that anyone who voted for Trump deserved violence against him and that's going to taint him as a box office draw BIG TIME. Especially since he's at the peak of his career right now, in terms of trying to transition from TV actor to leading man in theatrical films.

He can't cope with his preferred candidate winning. The part of the country that voted Trump hate his guts given how he's now on the record as committing violence against Trump supporters. He's tripling down on the anti-Trump shit because he's both a true believer of the SJW garbage and because pandering to SJW shits is the only way to deal with half his target audience now hating him.

Furthermore, his main meal ticket (Silicon Valley) has told him to fuck off and wrote out his character in a manner where no one gave a fuck about him going away and being stuck in an opium den, with the only person who knows of his location not telling his friends where he is.

They did this because they wanted to minimize his role as a favor going forward, so he could still do movies and the show. Miller told them to fuck off as he wanted to do both and make them work around HIS schedule instead. So they wrote him out and told him not to worry about coming back period.

So he's lost his main meal ticket and a film like Emoji (a piece of shit film that Hollywood has been trying to get off the ground for a couple of years and whom Miller only signed on to do because they offered him a SHIT TON of money) is now the only project he has to look forward to. And he knows this is a huge steaming pile of shit.

Hence him trying to sell the movie as an Anti-Trump hit piece film in desperation to get people to watch it so it doesn't tank and kill any chances of him having a lead role in any further films.

Nigger he's being facetious, you think he's unironically shitting on the film he made during its press tour?

He's not wrong, though. From the children who post here to the ones who spam garbage over voice chat in video games, children do not deserve happiness until they've been given a dish of cold reality to the face.


How is it edgy? Children are generally awful, spoiled rotten little shits in my experience.

I'm sure you're a bright ray of sunshine yourself with that attitude

Not really i mean yes and no her actual polices depend on her record. She's a demcrate because her husband is. I mean most of the surface level policies tend to be democrate but the deeper ones are rather republican in nature. I don't think she or trump are good for the nation but i still think it would have been better than this shitshow we got.