Miles Morales will be the real Spider-Man of the MCU

Miles Morales will be the real Spider-Man of the MCU

Both costumes Tom Holland has so far allude to Ben Reilly. It can't be a coincidence.

First you have the blue hoodie costume in Spider-Man, then the black spider chest logo in Infinity War. Both Ben Reilly costumes

OOORRR the character artist took the most stylistically aesthetic suits from the comics in order to successfully translate them to film. You know Occam's Razor.

>these costumes look like Ben Reilly
>so that must mean Miles will be in the MCU!

Tom Holland is only going to play Spider-Man in highschool. If they don't kill Spider-Man off, they'll hire a different actor.

Post your face when Peter was Ben all along and Spiderverse happens

That logic doesn't even make sense you fucking mouthbreather.

>Miles Morales will be the real Spider-Man of the MCU
I hope so. I'd rather Holland leave as soon as possible so we can get a REAL Spider-Man movie.

>the most stylistically aesthetic suits
Why would you reference the most critically aligned period of spider-man history unless you were trying to put a unique redemptive spin on it


>and Spiderverse happens
I think you mean "Clone Saga", casual scum.

I know the Clone Saga but I think they'll go much further with this


>Homecoming was not a REAL Spiderman movie because I didn't liked it

Kys faggot

Look at this angry shill.

As a spic I just want to state for the record that I hate niggers and making spiderman a nigger-spic instead of picking one or the other was shit

It was trying too hard to copy Miles anyways, quit getting fucking mad.

what issue was that again user?

Spider-Verse #2 I think

>brought back during Spiderverse just to be killed again
>brought back as a completely different character and as the Jackal, ends up as another Deadpool
>gets dragged into MCU-ltimate filth
Jesus Christ. Parker Luck is a bitch.

Parker luck doubles down on clones.

You can get a series out of the clone saga alone.

>movie centered around Jackal
>movie centered around Lady Octopus
>movie centered around Judas Traveller
>movie introducing Norman Osborn to MCU

Throw an introduction of Kaine there too and spiderkino is set

cheers user. it was!

>I hope I'm not the racist Spider-Man

>Dr. Octopus(female)
I'm doubtful her movie version will be hot but can't say my dick won't try

>the guy from seabiscuit
>the guy from social network


Most normies don't even know who Miles is. So no, they won't.

I thought Sony and Marvel are using Peter for the live action Movies and Miles for the animated Movies?

I'm perfectly fine with him being the Prowler, as long as he shows up in the next movie in costume. He did try t buy the tech for it in the movie.

>Spiderverse movie
>we get Tokusatsu Spiderman in an MCU movie