If it can break the sound barrier, falling out of a window shouldn't break it

If it can break the sound barrier, falling out of a window shouldn't break it.

A simple "I'm sorry" could have prevented this whole situation.

Fuck you you pseudo intellectual piece of shit. You think structural integrity in regards to aerodynamics has anything to do with localized blunt impact? You stupid motherfucker, I bet you think a plane would be fine if it fell on top of another plane because they're both "designed to go fast". Fucking God damn what a moron, what a rube.


This episode is totally fine and its message is sound. You just don't hit your little sister, no matter what she's done.

What if she does it to someone who isn't you and gets killed?

The message is dont be a shitty parent

>you sound sick

This is a Binky episode now.

Binky is the real villain of this episode. Spineless little pussy bitch

She deserved it.

If she gon act like a bitch, she gon get hit like a bitch

The problem is, the episode completely glossed over all the shit D.W did, and made it seem like Arthur was the only one at fault.

binky was a beast

That probably makes the episode more true to life than the creators intended. Be honest, if you have a sister... you too have wanted to deck that stupid bitch a time or two. or daily. And the ONE FUCKING TIME she crosses the line, of course your parents take her side despite the fucking shit she did up until the bitch got smacked.

The problem was when Arthur acted out he got hit by Binky as karma and learned his lesson from violence but with D.W. it was wrong.

Spoken like someone without a little sister.

Shut up Tumblr

I grew up with a younger sister, and when a situation like that happened we'd typically both get punished. This is why the episode confused me even as a kid. It made no sense to me that a younger sibling could go around destoying my property after being warned multiple times not to mess with it, and not face any consequences.

then she will grow up internalize this
she will act like a dick her whole life expecting to be treated like a princess.

>little sis guts a puppy alive in the slowest possible most painful way possible just to "have fun".

Well, ''you just don't hit your little sister, no matter what she's done."

I wouldn't hit her BUT I would tell my parents on her so she could get the shit whipped out of her

It's more appropriate for interactions with other women you'll come across in life.

I used to believe this and it fucked up my childhood. If I had a time machine I would tell my younger self to beat the shit out of my little sister.
>She would purposely break all of my shit
>She would literally bite me when I am sleeping
>She would spit in my food

All I had to do was beat her up once or twice.

Honestly the biggest issue with this episode is that DW didn't get any punishment from her parents just because Arthur hit her doesn't mean she gets to get off Scot free

No wonder she acts like such a spoiled brat.

Of all the kids shows I used to watch Arthur by far had the worst parents.

Doesn't the Dad rip on Arthur a lot?

>little sister is about to nuke China and cause World War III
>better let her because otherwise the tumblr sensitivity police might get triggered!

No kidding, there was an episode where DW acted like a total spoiled bitch because of something completely childish and her parents didn't give a single fuck letting her act like that

Even if you have a reason it's not okay to act like a complete cunt just because you had a bad day.

Let's be honest here. Realistically, if Arthur punched his sister over breaking his stuff, he'd be in even more trouble than the show depicted.

Older siblings are supposed to (not saying they often DO, but they're supposed to) have better self control than the younger ones. Which means a lot of the time they have to rein in their anger. That's how families work

Arthur had every right to be mad at DW but losing his temper put him in the wrong. The entire lesson is "Sometimes you'll be justifiably pissed off. Don't let it cloud your judgment."

If I were one of the parents in that situation, I would let Arthur continue to hit DW a few more times unless I thought her life was in danger; kids should learn early that you don't mess with other people's stuff for any reason.
