People keep saying carol is going to be in stasis or space between Cap Marvel and Infinity War to explain where she has...

>people keep saying carol is going to be in stasis or space between Cap Marvel and Infinity War to explain where she has been for 25 years
>actually thinking this
>knowing Marvel they're definitely going to hamfist the already feminist shit plot with Blue Marvel's ending where George HW Bush or Bill Clinton tells Carol, who is the first public superhero since Captain America, to hang up the mantle because they don't want the public to think it's a woman's place to be a hero
>mid or post scene is her coming out of hiding to YAAAASSS QUEEN Thanos to death.

it'll happen. I guarantee it.

>yfw le 80s man meets le 90s girl

Nah she's going to leave for Andromeda to finish her Skrull genocide.

she's going to have been abducted by Skrulls after an astronaut mission and kept as a domestic servant/slave like that pink woman in GotG and then get superpowers, break free, free some other slaves and stop the Skrulls from enslaving some other people

I don't actually care if her only dialogue in the entire film consists of her opening her sexy pouting lips and throwing her voice, so that in full stereo surround it sounds like the "YAAASS KWEEN" is being said by Flava Flav hiding immediately behind me.

It's Kree/Skrull war, motherfuckers.

Carol has spent her time between her movie and Infinity War as Mar-Vell's wife on Hala, with their children, Genis and Phyla.

The Marvel's Marvel Family.

She's with Jan in the Quantum Universe... Hank Pym will save and slap her, all together will go to fight Thanos, Pym will use the Pym Particles to send Thanos to the Microverse or will use Cross weapon (aka the most mortal weapon of all) to finish him once and for all.

>In statis for decades like Cap
>self destructive alcoholic like Tony
>Super strong like Hulk
>Can fly like Thor

Truly she is the greatest Averagenger.

>Ragnarok introduces Rick Jones

Carol is really strong when she isn't defeating herself or being raped by the editor in chief.



>forgetting le 20s gentlemen

She's been running skrull death camps in space all this time?


I'll modernise it for you.
>"NO MAN CAN DEFEAT THANOS!" The mad Titan bellows
>"DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?!?" Shrieks carol, charging her energy beams
>carols energy beams lance through the void with a distinctive sound effect

More like late 70s man.

so Ant-Man will also save her in AM+TW and set up Captain Marvel's origin in the next movie?

She dies in Captain Marvel and its a skrull impersonating her in Infinity War. This is the setup for Secret Invasion.

She's stuck in another dimension being mind control raped by the man she will give birth to