Kung fu panda

In the first movie, why didn't they sentence Tai Lung to death instead of imprisoning him? I mean, they wasted so many resources to try to keep him imprisoned yet he managed to escape anyway.

if we kill him, how the hell will get a movie ?ยง!
stupid question ...

It's an all-ages movie - can't just kill bad guys.

In setting - Shifu begged for his boy to be spared and claimed he would repent in time - which never happened.

shifu becomes the antagonist of the first movie when oogway names some fat-ass nobody 'dragon warrior' instead of the boy (and tigress) he molded to be the dragon warrior.

It might have helped if Shifu at least visited him.

Don't make sense out of nonsense you silly OP.

Tbh if tigress became the antagonist after Po was named the dragon warrior that would've been interesting. However they would've had to buff the shut out of her.

Shifu (at movie start) couldn't accept he fucked up, he should have visited him, but didn't because of bad feelings, pride etc

Oogway realized the power Tai Lung had and chose to keep him alive in order to milk his delicious sperm and drink it so Oogway could live forever. After the first movie Tai Lung was banished to the spirit realm so the only way Oogway could get more of his delicious man juice was to go to the spirit realm himself.

Why is she so perfect?

In the first movie, why didn't they sentence Anders Breivik to death instead of imprisoning him? I mean, they wasted so many resources to try to keep him imprisoned and had to listen to him whine about outdated videogames, yet he managed to escape anyway.

tigress (and the rest) would be the muscle to shifu's big boss status (he'd still have his injury so he can only fight for short periods).

although if shifu falls before tigress, it might make her rage mode and complete the tiger-dragon rivalry

did Po kill Tai Lung at the end of the first one? seems kinda weird since he didn't even want to kill the guy that genocided his race.

How did Po figure out how to do the finger hold thingey?

movie seems to imply it was BS move only kung fu wannabes/nerds can do only to reveal it's an actual move at the end.

You can track down the writers, or you can ask Sup Forums.

Which one is more productive?

No he didn't. In Kung Fu Panda 3, Kai (the villian) said that the wuxi finger hold was a chi-based move that sends people to the spirit realm. That's it. The move doesn't actually hurt anyone in anyway, its basically a teleporter. Tai Lung is still alive in the spirit realm, he just can't seem to get out.

If you pay attention, you can see that Kai has him in his collection.

ah that's cool. thought tai lung's va did a great job. hope they bring him back sometime, since they're going to be making these movies for awhile.

The same twist as Kung Fu Hustle?

oh shit he did. hs://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfECKrabhTYttp

at least Sing thought the martial arts manual was genuine.
Po is the type of guy who sees martial arts movies then try out the stuff he sees IRL.

As it turns out, Pandas are just naturally talented at chi manipulation.
That's why in all three movies he sees Shifu perform a technique near the beginning that he is able to master by the end with no effort.

>First movie - gets dissipated into dust
>Second movie - mast falls and crushes them

What happened in the third one?

Watch it. Do NOT read any more posts. Leave thread. Watch the movie.

Then come back and discuss. Letting 4channers spoil endings for you is stupidity incarnate.





Don't forget they can overpower legendary kung fu masters with the stills they learned by being fat and lazy.

But I don't want to watch the movie I just wanna know what happens.

I mean, killing someone because of a crime is an easy way to solve a problem, also is not that satisfying to just kill them, there must be an actual punishment that lasts long so there's some sort retribution for the crime committed.


to be fair, at least the other pandas were trained to do a very specific roles against specific masters.

but even that was stretching things.

Shit, in any non animated kung-fu movie not only would they have just straight up behaed him, they'd also capture and do it to all of his family so they don't breed any more traitors.

Imperial china was metal as fuck.


It's also worth noting that all Tai Lung was guilty of was Aggrivated assault. He didn't actually kill anyone, from what I remember. He was just a martial artist with a lot of dangerous potential.

iirc the bad guy came from the spirit realm so at the end they basically do energybending to destroy his spirit form forever.

To be fair they aren't really overpowering them as much as they are just really annoying and distracting them

When you think about its true. Its not like tai lung went on a massacre or anything like shen did. All they said was he went on a rampage and trashed the village so if all he did was property damage it would've been better to exile him

Po solves the Tai Lung problem by obliterating him.

Can someone please post baby shifu and baby tigress?


Because she is but they will never be an item

Because if you deny her snusnu she'll break all your limbs and take it anyway.

I'm not normally a shipper but hot damn I wouldn't mind this becoming a thing.