
>kills thousands of young men in the war, doesn't care, jokes around about burning down Ba Sing Se
>his own faggot son kicks the bucket

>nephew is on an important quest to win back his honor and secure the nation's future
>"Fuck that shit, lol let's hide like dogs and open a teashop!"

>the final battle comes
>"Iroh, take down Ozai!"
>"Nah, let the scrawny twelve year old do it, I'll go for the easy pickings with the rest of the old fags."

Quitter, turncoat, coward, hypocrite... why do people like him, again?

>>kills thousands of young men in the war, doesn't care, jokes around about burning down Ba Sing Se
>>his own faggot son kicks the bucket
people don't realize how bad something is until they've suffered through it sometimes, it happens
>>nephew is on an important quest to win back his honor and secure the nation's future
>>"Fuck that shit, lol let's hide like dogs and open a teashop!"
Zuko wasn't on the path to fixing the fire nation yet, he needed to grow as a person and having a life in Ba Sing Sei was condusive to that.
>>the final battle comes
>>"Iroh, take down Ozai!"
>>"Nah, let the scrawny twelve year old do it, I'll go for the easy pickings with the rest of the old fags."
He explianed pretty well why only the Avatar could create balance, and I don't really call 5 v an entire city 'easy pickings'

>people don't realize how bad something is until they've suffered through it sometimes, it happens
He would have had to be mentally handicapped not to realize what he was visiting upon the nation he was fighting. He was just too weak to handle loss on his own part.
>Zuko wasn't on the path to fixing the fire nation yet, he needed to grow as a person and having a life in Ba Sing Sei was condusive to that.
Turning a proud people into a bunch of cowering cucks watched over by the Avatar's lapdog (Zuko himself) is not "fixing" the Fire Nation.
>He explianed pretty well why only the Avatar could create balance, and I don't really call 5 v an entire city 'easy pickings'
Convenient rationalizations that allow him to go to the rebellious city guarded by easily dispatched mooks while the kids take on the royal fleet and the most powerful firebender alive.

Wow it's almost like he's a human.

>He would have had to be mentally handicapped not to realize what he was visiting upon the nation he was fighting.
It was a war, and he was a general. It was his job, and he probably knew he failed when he couldn't capture the city but refused to give up, which he finally did after suffering a personal loss. There's no point in fighting a battle you can't win. He opened the shop because they needed some time to hide while waiting for a better opportunity, though he personally wanted to just keep on living his tea shop dream but he clearly knew that it wasn't actually going to happen. Still, people are people and people cling to hope. And him defeating Ozai personally would only remove Ozai out of the equation, he wanted fire nation to be given a chance instead of being treated like Avatar equivalent of nazis, and for that he needed the avatar to step in and someone new, who also happened to have a visible mark of dispute between him and the previous fire lord to take over. And he was visibly tired of fighting, people don't always do things they can for a lot of reasons.

He was a fire nation prince, he did what was expected of him until he's brutally shown how terrible it was.
He's a man that realised how wrong he could be and never really trusted himself ever since.

Also, it was important that Ozai defeat came from the Avatar. Had he, or anyone form the fire nation like Zuko, done it, it would have been a succession issue and probably a civil war. Had anyone from another nation had done it, it would just had been a war act and the war would have go on.
It had to be the ultimate arbiter of the world for things to stop right away without any further complication. Well, that and the help of Zuko.

>be soldier
>inflict loss on other country
>lose your own men
>sad but fact of life
>lose beloved son
>can't handle close loss
>you are now a hypocrite
>stop inflicting close losses on others
>find your peace
>mentally handicapped
No, you are. Now I'm sure you'll just bather on about how he should have cut the empathy out of him and kept killing because that's what Sup Forums told you a man does.

>Also, it was important that Ozai defeat came from the Avatar. Had he, or anyone form the fire nation like Zuko, done it, it would have been a succession issue and probably a civil war.
History is wirtten by the victors. Iroh could have spun why he had to dispatch Ozai any way he wanted to. The truth is, he just didn't have the guts. And who would have been on the other side of that civil war anyways? Azula? Lol. One of the unnamed generals? Like they were good at anything besides bootlicking.

Yes, a hypocrite, who never seemed to care for all the men he killed, who in his shameful abandonment of the siege also made a mockery of the sacrifices of those who served under him.

And besides, his literally crazy niece and her girl posse took over the city in what, two days? I guess we can also add plain sucking to Iroh's list.

Based Sozin must be rolling in his grave over the string of failures his bloddline turned out to be, with Iroh being the worst.

>talking shit about one of the best characterizations in Sup Forums media
>the one voiced by the man, the myth, the legend, Mako
Shiggy diggy desu

I'm sure he was even a good person then, otherwise he would never have been well judged by the dragons.

I honestly cannot tell if you are just shit-posting, or actually retarded.

Spent a lot of time writing that bait

Took two minutes, actually.

>Azula and the girl gang invaded ba sing se using a giant fucking drill and when that didnt work, they used espionage
compare that to Iroh
>led a traditional fire nation attack force in a normal military attack
Azulas a fucking lunatic and they used supervillain weapons that time around.

Some people really lack empathy.

There was 1 extremely bullshit moment in TLA which to this moment I cannot accept and not even the writers and characters can accept it.

Why the bloody all fucking hell did king Bumi surrender and got himself imprisoned by the fire nation when they attacked?

>Lol mad genius, you don't understand his ingenuity xD
Suck my dick, if it wasn't for Aang then everyone would have been captured and killed.
Aang/Sokka were the mad geniuses for coming up with that cunning "plague" plan to get everyone out the city.

Better question is why did he send his son, his ONLY heir, into battle? His moral character aside, he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. His son's death was his fault and his fault alone

I believe it was because he knew that he was the target of the fire nation's attacks, and that if they had him, they would be less likely to attack the people in his city. Plus, he could escape whenever he wants anyway.

>Quitter, turncoat, coward, hypocrite... why do people like him, again
Calm down, Azula. Your mother loves you.

There's nothing more boring than a man without flaws.

you clearly haven't read All-Star Superman

OP here: I actually tried to create a model of how I think Azula would try to smear Iroh to someone who doesn't really know him. The quitter thing is straight from the show, but I tried to extrapolate a bit. So thanks, I guess?

In the end the city got evacuated, and he took it all by himself without any losses on his side.

He didn't had a plan, he just felt like waiting for an opportunity.

His son likely volunteered to do it tilo bring honor to his family and his father. Remember the cuture was basically "not" china

>War General
>Cares more about his own son dying than the tens of thousands of young men he never knew
Wow, somebody call up Spiderman because we got a real Shocker over here
