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Why doesn't the chewed bubble gum want to be friend with that ecstasy pill?

Because you need fresh bubblegum when you take ecstasy, gotta re-supply when it gets too chewed out

the thing is supposed to be a brain or something?

How retardable

Dude can only tell shitty "Oh my life is so miserable" jokes

Is it bad that I thought these were by Owlturd?

only just realized it wasnt

Might as well be, it's always the same Facebook-tier comics

Same basic Idea


>Go to bed
Problem solved, you fucking cry baby

More shit

even more shit

Last one I'm posting


These are all really bad.


why eggs tho?

Found his Tumblr post the worst one you can find.

I guess it's supposed to be a play on the phrase "to come out of your shell," but nothing is really done with that. There would be no difference if they were just people, maybe even be more effective.

Worst one I found after looking for far too long

Oh I thought this was making fun of these comics.
They're for real.


This is actually a pretty good commentary one Tumblrinas and special snowflakes.


and a bunch of the faggots flipped their shit over it and he apologized like a bitch instead of standing behind his art

Then tumblr got pissed and he had to apologize for the comic.

I knew it was only a matter of time until fully related to one of these.

He does that frequently, from what I've seen. Every time someone complains, he deletes the comic and apologizes.

what a spineless faggot

Most artists are left leaning for a whole bunch of reasons I could go into. The left is currently focused on how maleness is bad, so it only makes sense that most artists would instantly cave to fan pressure. And that's not even getting into the fact that people that spend their life on the internet like so many artists don't have much social training.

Yet another "lol motivation" strip.
Web artists think this shit is clever observation. Every single artist/cartoonist has made a motivation strip and it's the ultimate cop out

fourth panel square makes an excellent reaction face

he has no choice. Since he only makes inane garbage he would alienate his only fanbase

Like this?

Or this?

This is terrible

He could just become a whore. It's essentially the same thing, but it pays a lot better.

>When your friends want to hang but you just want to stay home and shitpost

He has a typo in his comic