Penn Zero Part Time Hero one hour series finale airs tomorrow...

Penn Zero Part Time Hero one hour series finale airs tomorrow. For any of you anons who have being watching season 2 so far what did you think of it and the show overall?

>series finale
Fucking hell, already.

It's really a shame this show never caught on.

It had some good humor, the villain was top tier with an adorable sidekick, Penn was surprisingly competent and not just another "overly energetic naive kid whose own optimism is his downfall", the worlds were imaginative and had good art. I think the only really sore was his dumb best friend. It should've just been the girl and boy, almost like a reverse Kim Possible setup.

I liked it, but man Disney really gave it the shaft at least WOY didn't have half of it's second season dumped on the app first and the rest air at 7:00AM in a single week.


It was good. A lot of the worlds where a lot of fun. I never would have imagined Top Gun Dragons

I only started watching recently but I really like it. Haven't seen any of this week's episodes yet.

I remember seeing a couple episodes a few years ago, it was alright

>Anime parody
>It's all pretty standard
>Suddenly TETSUO!

I enjoyed for what it was. Season 2 has been pretty good as well. I really enjoyed the dead comedian episode.


Show had a two year hiatus between season one and two.

I guess it's good they're at least getting a chance to end it

I love the show. I watched season one right before s2 aired. It sucks disney shafted it so hard. The show is pretty witty and charming most of the time.

>Right Now Kapow dead
>Billy whatever burned off in a week
>second season of Penn Zero burned off this month

I mean granted one of those shows sucked but Disney must really be banking on Star carrying their asses to ditch every other half-decent show they have.

Wait, is that thing still on going?

This show was any good?

I thought the art was beautiful. Very imaginative character designs. But the scripts just sucked. The premise made no sense (the bad guy tries to kill the heroes in the multiverses but on Earth he's a teacher that the heroes have no problem working with.). The multiverses just came off as video game levels. And the show focused too much on grossout.

I think the 2nd season showed they just ran out of ideas with the fact that half of it is them going back to the same universes. Plus the whole series arch was about getting his parents back, so it would either be they would have to find some other conflict for future seasons, or seasons and seasons of "I'll save you two eventually!"

Yeah the parents thing is damning, but Penn could still be a hero

I don't think they ran out of ideas so much as they saw they had to wrap the series up and decided on focus on getting the series a proper resolution than spreading it out on new worlds when they don't have the time for both

revisiting worlds allows them to see their friends again and give some closure

Decent show, it just does not begin to make any sense at all.

After doing the same thing for years with Phineas and Ferb. They pushed that show hard while everything else on the channel got 2 seasons then dropped over and over again.

So the art teacher and Principal is trying to murder three students as a part time job, is that ever addressed?

Sadly I'm gonna have to catch it when someone uploads it online. Shame how shafted this series was, could have been as popular as Wander but never got the chance.

Yeah, it's glossed over. I like to think that they themselves wont die but the characters who's live's they are taking charge in will, which is why they try to stay alive, could you live with the fact that your actions caused the death of another?

Technically they would just be murdering the heroes that the kids take over I think, since the origin's episode just had Penn pop right out when he died in his first time going in (even if it was a simulation)

Honestly I'm kind of bummed that they never got to address the whole concept of whether the heroes they took over even remember the whole adventure, if any loved ones of the heroes could ever notice that this wasn't actually their friend or husband they're talking to, etc.

In the Purple Guy episode it showed that the people or things they take over simply blackout when they get switched.

Their plan seems to be "Let Star carry us till August, then we are banking it all on Ducktales and Star until the end of the year."