Geoff Johns Green Lantern Era Storytime

Come right and up and be served emotions and colors folk, we're getting all of them and then some.


Nice, godspeed user, took me like a month to do the whole run.
















Holy shit, thanks for this.


So here's my overall plan for the storytime, tpb by tpb:

1. Rebirth + Secret Files
2. No Fear
3. GLC: Recharge
4. Revenge of the Green Lanterns
5. GLC: To Be A Lantern
6. Wanted: Hal Jordan
7. GLC: The Darker Side of Green
8. Ion vol 1-2
9. Sinestro Corps War
10. Ring Quest
11 + 12. Secret Origin and Rage of the Red Lanterns
13. GLC: Sins of the Star Sapphire
14. Agent Orange
15. Emerald Eclipse
16. Blackest Night (main series, GL tie-ins, GLC tie-ins, Tales of the Corps)
17. Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
18. Green Lantern: Brightest Day
19. Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors
20. GLC: The Weaponer
21. War of the Green Lanterns + Aftermath
22. Sinestro
23. Red Lanterns: Blood & Rage
24. GLC: Fearsome
25. New Guardians: The Ring Bearer
26. Revenge of Black Hand
27. Death of the Red Lanterns
28. GLC: Alpha War
29. NG: Beyond Hope
30. Rise of the 3rd Army
31. Wrath of the 1st Lantern

If you have any suggestions feel free to add them.

Also my internet's being really shitty right now so I might just have to continue or restart this tomorrow.

















hell yeah I was thinking about rereading this





I feel like Sinestro Corps War was just done.
But I shouldn't complain since I love this run, with it being what got me into comics.

Godspeed, user. You'll need it for the literally near-decade worth of GL comics you're committing to.





Hang on a second...the next few pages as they are are too big for Sup Forums to post.

That was...a lot easier to find then I thought it'd be.






Why aren't the limits between posts cut in half for storytimes anymore?





















Thank you user.























