Why does Scar get to come back? He didn't even do anything significant to warrant a ghost

Why does Scar get to come back? He didn't even do anything significant to warrant a ghost.

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He's too evil to get access to heaven.

He died full of hate and spite. That's prime ghost material right there

The same reason his heartless was his body

This isnt fucking Star Wars where only the righteous get to be ghosts, its Africa, everyone is a ghost in some way.

Aren't the usual metrics to be a ghost to die in an awful way? Being burned alive while also being eaten alive sounds pretty awful.

>Scar can come back as a ghost
>Kion can talk to Mufasa for no apparent reason
>Kion is missing from the second movie (obviously because he didn't exist yet) but if they did decide to try and fix that plot hole, the only way that would make any sense would be if Kion turned to the dark side, both justifying his absence and the reason nobody talks about him

Why do the heyenas even want to bring back Scar? They all starved under his rule and then he threw them under the bus as soon as it suited him.

because creativity is dead.

make a new franchise, you lazy Disney fucks.

Couldn't it just be that he left to become the head of his own pride like lmale lions usually do? Honestly, I'm not sure why Simba came back to fuck his sisters and half-sisters in the pride he grew up in, it's not supposed to work like that.

Wait, I don't watch this Lion King fanfiction, but the hyenas want to bring back Scar? Besides the reason you just gave, and the fact that they fucking ATE him, how does one come back from the dead in the Lion king universe? The original movie had some Hamlet-style-ambiguous Mufasa presence after he died, and apparently the kings of old become the stars, but bothing as overt as NECROMANCY.

I can dream, can't I?

He was the previous lion guard.

the frig is this even from


>Why does Scar get to come back?
Because some of his minions liked him when he was ruling the pride lands.

>He didn't even do anything significant to warrant a ghost.
If you actually watched the show then you would know Scar was the lion guard before Kion. He fucked up by using his roar for evil. That's pretty significant since Kion keeps worrying about making the same mistake.

>"I'm Rakini, Rafiki's new apprentice!"

Pretty sure actual animal interactions don't work the same way in disney films, or finding nemo would've been very disturbing.

Plot twist: Marlin was really the mother

I just watched this. Scar doesn't even appear till last 5 second of this tv movie. Kion doesn't even meet him yet.

God damnit. Does Sora need to put you six feet under again?

Am I having a fucking stroke? Every other time I see this thread, half of it's been deleted, and then the deleted posts are back the next time I see it.

>half of it's been deleted

>Why does Scar get to come back?

pour l'argent

Posts deleted, janitor'd, gone. Or at least, that's what my head was thinking. But I figured out my problem: There are two threads, using similar OP images, discussing Scar's ghost. The other one has like 15 more posts, which is why I thought I kept seeing the reply count go up and down.

Anywho, carry on.