Who was right?

Who was right?

He was.

>He was
Both are male. You're trolling, right?

It's a mix, clearly people like comic book guy will never be pleased regardless of what the show does. However, just because there is unwarranted criticism doesn't mean the show gets a free pass and can have poor quality.

But the channels getting shit tons of money for the commercial breaks even before stupid thing get released. Television is not running on air for sure, such hypocrisy.

Bart is actually a trans woman, that's why she's played by a lady.

Comic Book Guy is right for the wrong reasons. We pay to consume their product and if it doesn't meet our expectations/standards then we have a right to complain, both by not paying again and criticism which shows where content creators need to improve. In no way do you owe them if the product is poor. You only really owe them if they go above and beyond, and even then you are not obliged to give anything more than the asking price.

>Pay chef to cook for you
>It's shit
>You complain

>Both are male.
>You're trolling, right?
No. I prefer Orcs.


But...you don't pay for it. It's free. That's the whole point of the argument.

This is correct.

>implying you don't whatch everything on your pc

Comic Book Guy is obviously right. They wouldn't need to depict him as a fat, ponytailed slob if they didn't fear the truth he speaks.

You pay with your time. There are other shows you could be watching.

>paying for electricity, viewership packages, registering on the viewership counter to help them generate revenue through advertisements, spreading positive critique of the show via social media, and purchasing products from the show is free
Sup Forums.......

>for free
You have to pay money for cable to watch the show, and the consumers have given Itchy & Scratchy popularity. The show wouldn't have gone anywhere without the fans.

You have to pay for internet.

You also have to pay for a TV hookup.

>for free

i still buy merch sometimes
plus something being free doesnt make it good

Bart (IE the writers) act like complaining about something has some sort of detrimental effect, as though giving criticism takes something away from the show. You don't have to earn "the right to complain" about some random show, the show hasn't done anything to make me owe it something. The mentality here is that the cartoon was made solely to please the viewer and for literally no other reason, and was provided to the viewer for free as a gift with no other intentions. But that's not how a show works, the show was made to make money, with entertainment being the byproduct.

Both are wrong.

Neither side owes anything to the other side.

BUT, if you want people to buy your overpriced plastic garbage, you have to entertain them and make them love your characters.

On the other hand, neither side should act all high and mighty, it's just business.


>for free
I like how they use this excuse all the time and it's completly fake and gay.

This argument makes more sense in Britain where you have to pay yearly for TV

If we complain they might be able to make it better next time.

>You have to pay for internet.
Are you paying for the entertainment specifically though?

back to facebook

Let's analyze these "convictions".
>What right do you have to complain?
People have the right to say whatever the fuck they want.
>I feel they owe me
Debt is incurred through transactions. They can't possibly owe him anything if they never transacted with him. Any time and money he chose to spend on the show were of his own volition and can't incur debt on anyone else.
>You owe them.
Same, for the same reason above. They chose to release their show on TV (with commercials to pay for it) and never transacted with him, so he can't incur any debt to them.

This isn't a "centrist" point of view, it's a realistic point of view. Neither party owes anything to the other party.

But, one party clearly wants the other party to buy their merch, so they cater to them, while still trying to broaden their audience.

And what does an independent transaction between 2 parties not even tangentially related to the production company matter to said producers? Like what are you even on about m8?

Time is a far more valuable currency. If it's shit, then I wasted my time on shit and I could justifiably believe they owe me.

>for free
If I'm not paying for cable or Hulu, I'm buying the DVDs. I'm also likely sitting through the advertisements, which is a form of payment.

>I wasted my time
>they owe me
They didn't make you sit down and watch your show. You might be disappointed, you might be hurt, you might be a retard, but nobody owes you anything for something you did on your own.

If you go to a restaurant, order something from the menu, pay for it, and don't like it - nobody owes you anything. The deal was for you to get the food, not for you to be 100% satisfied with the food. If the restaurant said "100% satisfaction guaranteed" - then they'd owe you your money back.

Three things here:
- nobody gave you a satisfaction guarantee
- nobody even transacted with you
- everything you did, was out of your own volition

Nobody can possibly owe you anything under these circumstances. Same for you owing anything to the other side.

You clearly do not know the difference between shit and not liking something.

I agree.
Watching ads before videos is the price you pay for watching that 'free video'

oh my god I don't think I've ever actually seen that meme format on Sup Forums before. congratulations reddit, you got me.

It's not free. Obviously. If it were free FOX would go bankrupt.

>what is time
>what is electricity
>what is cable/internet bill
>what is buying merch (if applicable)

Any show lives off its ad and product revenue. By being a loyal viewer of that show, I am helping increase its popularity. They are getting paid as a direct result of me watching or not watching.
Not only do I have every right to complain if a show makes a shitty episode, the creators should be thankful that people want to provide their input on how to make a show better. It can keep it popular for longer and they can get more money.

>no fans
show would have faded into obscurity, no money made
brand recognition, marketting and openings to other venues with the property
creators owe fans everything

They should listen to complains. The tv viewers are paying with attention. Ad money only flows if people are watching.

Then a fucking food analogy doesn't work here.

What are you talking about that meme format was hella popular years ago

You're not supposed to just admit you're that new.
