How come Sup Forums, how come?

Have you noticed that most of the magic-based based heroes are usually easy-going and caring, whereas the science-based ones are always little bastards who think they know better than everybody and just HAVE to work in "I'm an atheist" in a conversation? Hell, there was a panel over at Avengers Academy (28, I think) where Tigra says to Pym "you've got a godson" and he goes "we need a new name, I'm an atheist". Motherfucker, what is the point of bringing that up? That's the word, that's custom. What, you'll call him your "furry baby between my Skrull-self and Tigra that I kinda-sorta-not-really acknowledge"?

Anyway, think about it. You've got Strange forgiving a terminally ill Mordo after he tries to atone for his sin, and you've also got Reed & Stark creating cosmic gulags. Not to mention their tendency to scream "SCIENCE" like autists. You don't see Fate going "MAGIC".

Is Doom really the only guy to balance both? Are the SCIENXZCE Guys just butthurt they can't understand magic, that they'd rather deny its existence instead of confronting it, even though it's staring right in their face?

By the Bumping Bumps of Bumporr, I Bump thee!

Nothing? Come on, throw me a bone here...

maybe it's because the authors couldn't science, and that's the reason they threw everything into imaginary flights of escapism ...

Probably. But still. It seems that magical characters have better personalities all-around. They're not know-it-alls, they're not condescending, and generally have an open mind. Many of them are men of science as well, and blend the two. It's only the purely tech guys that go into autistic rages.


It varies from character to character, and it depends on the context, but I'd more or less agree. That Pym page especially was cringy as hell. It's mostly a result of writers being illiterate idiots who create characters by ticking off boxes and basing them off pop-culture "icons".


Very well articulated sir! I always knew that flaming angel that was removing people's souls was just a tricky effect. With SCIENZXCE(!), everything can be explained. Verily!

Does Marvel have any Persona ripoff characters who fight by summoning demons from the Dimension of Dreams humans subconsciously fear?

Doctor Strange could theoretically do it. But no, nothing similar AFAIK. Marvel's not big on magic. They only exist so that the fedore tippers can shit on them.

Its probably because a lot (though not all) of superhero comic writers, especially nowadays where they're given more leeway for this kind of crap, aren't the strongest, that's why they're writing superhero comics.

As well, they probably think that if you're a scientist you have to be an atheist as well, which is a common misconception not helped by pop culture scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

And then on top of that you have a lot of writers who use their characters as an outlet for their own insecurities, writing quippy assholes who are always right because the author lost an argument in public and is still angry about it 5 months later.

Reed was actually open to learning about magic back in the 80's.

It wasn't until the 00's that they decided to push the idea that Reed doesn't believe in magic. I know it was a plot point in Waid's run and it's funny considering that later on in Fraction's run he has Reed being full-on atheist.. despite the fact that Reed met God (who happened to look like Jack Kirby) in Waid's run.

>aren't the strongest, that's why they're writing superhero comics.

True enough. Such characterizations always comes from the mid-tier writers and books.

>As well, they probably think that if you're a scientist you have to be an atheist as well, which is a common misconception not helped by pop culture scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I don't mind the atheist part that much. It's just that ALL of them are atheists, all of them use the same non-existent justification, and all of them reside in a universe with legit magicians.

Igonrant generalizations aside, it just makes for a boring character selection, since everyone is a carbon copy of each other.

>And then on top of that you have a lot of writers who use their characters as an outlet for their own insecurities

This one especially is far too true. Strange went from a wise old gentleman to a qupping messwho hits on demon-ladies. Aaron's hate boner for anything spiritual really hurt the character and book.

It's especially gratting since Agatha was Franklin's nanny, Doom is their nemesis, and Reed was explicitly a Deist. Self-inserting at its finest.

To be fair, some of them are in the "I do not worship things, regardless of how powerful it is" mindset instead of the "X doesn't exist" mindset.

Who though? Terrific is the Flat Earth Atheist. Tony said "I've met gods and I still don't believe in them". Hank said he was an atheist because the idea of a God was childish. Reed said to Franklin and Val that God explicitly doesn't exist.

Magic is wisdom and SCIENCE! is intelligence. That's why magic guys are laid back and SCIENCE! guys are overachievers. As for the atheism thing, it's actually 616 canon that the bible is wholly wrong about the origin of the universe, human life, and most everything else. There are a lot of Gods running around and, for the most part, they're actually the inspirations for the legends that man told. Asgardians, on the other hand, are a race of alien thoughtforms that unconsciously matched themselves to the Norse legends to the point that they actually believe they are the Norse gods. This actually plays brilliantly with Thor and Loki remembering mythical events differently because there are multiple versions of most of the myths. They *have* actually shown the creator of the multiverse in-panel in an issue of Fantastic Four, but it wasn't the God Of Abraham, it was Jack Kirby. The Marvel universe is, canonically, a comic book drawn by Jack Kirby. All other gods appearing are just his drawings.

Christianity is objectively wrong because Aliens and whatnot exist. Still, magical entities and beings above SCIENCE! exist as well. The compromise is Deism or Pantheism,or Panetheism. I'm not saying they should be worshippers, but being a gnostic atheistmeans you deny their very existance.

My feeling is that Reed would be open to learning about magic. Mainly because Doom is the guy who's learned both. I would believe that Doom is a better magic practitioner than Reed would ever be because Doom's had decades of learning it.

Tony would be the guy who doesn't like dealing with magic. I could buy him as being atheist (though having a hard time dealing with Thor's world and so on)

Reed could learn basic magic, but I doubt he'd be into spells and rituals. He'd be kinda like MCU Strange.

Bendis is pushing Sorcerer Tony for some reason.

>Bendis is pushing Sorcerer Tony for some reason.

Guess he must've read that What If Tony became Sorcerer Supreme comic

Infamous has one issue left, and Bendis was to wrap up:

>Sorcerer Tony
>the visions keeps having
>the Maker
>Doom's journey

How dissapointing will it be?

>because Aliens and whatnot exist
It's not just that they exist, it's also that they were the ones who created the human race. That whole Celestials/Eternals/Deviants thing doesn't really wash with the Old Testament.

There's that as well. Although it does make for interesting stories. What if Jesus wasn't just a single guy, but a reincarnation of an all-powerfulbeing sent to each planet with life to teach the same basic stuff?Each planet could have its own religion, and you could play with the Celestials being the "angels" of TOAA/kirby/God. Just shitposting,but it could be explored. But nah, let's make everyone a gnostic "you don't exist even if you're here" atheist and call it a day.

>"you don't exist even if you're here" atheist
That's not really how it works. No one in the Marvel universe is going to claim that Thor doesn't exist. The theist/atheist argument usually presupposes the God Of Abraham. Atheists in Marvel are just going to use the "sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic" to side-step the supernatural as simply "something we don't understand YET" and claim that the various gods who are running around all the time not "God" just very powerful beings (which is true in Marvel canon). It's just the one God who conspicuously doesn't show up to fight off the bad guys whose existence is doubted by the Marvel atheists.

As for your interplanetary Jesus idea, it would never see print from Marvel because a lot of people get VERY touchy when the christian mythos is used in fiction. Even Satan doesn't actually show up. Sure there's an empty throne and a lot of demons who've claimed to be "the" Devil, but they're usually shown to be impostors. The "One Above All" (not the Celestial, the other one) is nondescript enough to not really ruffle any feathers, and when Nightcrawler was sitting around in heaven there was doubt as to whether it really was "the" Heaven. That's about as far as Marvel is willing to tread into christian mythology, Jesus himself showing up is completely out of the question. Basically there aren't enough followers of Bast out there to complain about Marvel making her a LOLCAT, but there are a lot of highly sensitive followers of Jesus who can call for boycotts of Disney products if they don't like your story.

>You don't see Fate going "MAGIC".

We should.

Is it wrong that part of me kinda now wants to see a series of Pim and Strange or some other pair of Science and Magic heroes forced to live together and constantly trying to one up/disprove the existence of each other's discipline of choice

Satan being a title no one can actually claim for himself is since needs to defeat all the other devils to claim it pretty cool at least.

Yelling "SCIENCE!" as an explanation or justification for something is a retard meme that somehow caught on in superhero comics.

As if Marvel or DC would actually employ retards.

The Celestials didn't create humanity, any religion's creation story can just ignore them. They just experimented on primitive humans to create Eternals, Deviants, mutants, and the Young Gods.

They'll probably keep coming back and experimenting until they get what they want. Don't tell X-fans about the Eternals, Deviants and Young Gods, they think the mutants are the special chosen ones of the Celestials.

Oddly, the early Ghost Rider comics were supposed to be using the actual Satan, and had Jesus appearing in the comic.

It wasn't offended Christians who forced Marvel to change 'Satan' to Mephisto, and reveal that it wasn't really Jesus after all, it was the book changing writers, and atheists choosing to remove any elements of real religion from the series.

That's just a byproduct of modern writers being really fucking stupid. At least Hank pym was given a decent explanation before some other writer could make something retarded.

Hank would fall under that Category. To him a God is generally just a really superpowered being. That doesn't make himself a minor god just for being good at science. Plus there's the whole sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic thing, He acknowledges that something is happening. He just knows he doesn't understand exactly what it is.