Meet Marvels newest black superhero! and GONE

Meet Marvels newest black superhero! and GONE.

His costume was shit. What was his powers?

He's back though. He was in the old man Natasha rescued before dying in Secret Empire.

>What was his powers?

Who cares about that.
The real question is, where did he fit in on the LGBTQA spectrum?

He is single user. He kind of look like static 2.0

I think it was really cool. His powers were to steal another people's body. I didn't gave him a chance because it was tied to the fucking Inhumans.

He's black, high chances they are electric in nature.

Wasn't he that black superhero that played basketball and whose powers were based around stealing things?

I mean other

Nigga smashed hoes.
He could jump into someones body and use their skills. The way he uses this power or how it manifests is really inconsistent though. Before Secret Empire he could only take control of one person at a time and now he can take control of multiple bodies easily apparently.

His series was kinda boring in the beginning and only really got interesting near the end but by then it was to late...

He is a black guy with a promising basketball career before his Inhuman gene activated, destroyed his body and turned him into a ghost that rapes body. Body possession without consent is rape!

His body wasn't destroyed it was stolen or some shit. His solo series was probably gonna go into it.

at quick glance I thought OP's pic was this guy

Yeah, he was a typical spoiled pro basketball player prior to being cocooned up.

That is interesting, why did they canceled him?

Having his series debut at 5 dollars didn't help much. The ongoing also didn't have as much to go off of as Kamala's did. Mosaic's a cool character, I enjoyed most of the run, but I think Marvel miscalculated in how they introduced him.

Low sales number. Plus while he is interesting I can't imagine how someone with is powers would keep an ongoing running for that long.
Well at least now he's basically ascended to godhood and is considered one of the most powerful Inhumans.

he got cucked by a lesbian who was only dating him because his dad paid her

>Before Secret Empire he could only take control of one person at a time and now he can take control of multiple bodies easily apparently.
I took it that he was jumping in a body, firing, and then jumping into the next one

Hmm is that how it was? It was very poorly demonstrated. Widow was describing him taking over the entire army so I assumed that's what he was doing.

lmao is that true? That is the most beta shit.

>There is new black marvel hero
>He got a cool origin and motivation
>He get his ass cancel.

I hate it when that happen.

yeah she was an up and comer and was with her manager and only got with mosiac because his dad gave her money and said it'd be good for her image. which mosiac found out when he posessed her manager

the shitty art didn't help but as far as I know he can only posess one person and a time for one time only

Not really a beta when you're one of the best basketball players out there, pounding famous pussy, and killing people. Dude was a hyper alpha. I remember threads about how he was at least a departure from the "can do no wrong minority" characters Marvel was pushing at the time. To be honest I wish he caught on more than moon girl or Miss America.

>There is new black marvel hero
>he's literally a basketball american
>his superpower is to steal
Gee I wonder why it was cancelled.

>I never asked for none of this
Why the double negative?