Is it because he ruined Rick and Morty?

Is it because he ruined Rick and Morty?

You're getting your cause and effect mixed up, user.

No, Dan's always like that.

What did he do to ruin Rick and Morty?

Hired bunch of unqualified females for writing for diversity's sake.

>Watching Harmonquest

>The Harmbeast literally interrupts the entire session mid-plot to whine that his character didn't have enough time to whine about daddy issues.

Fuck that guy.

Shoved his high school understanding of Nihilism into the show and wrote terrible lazy episodes like The Purge.


Probably because of his divorce, you mong.

lol treated

but user! Harmon is so smart and understands us dejected and forgotten nerds!
He is our champion

>implying you can ruin an already shitty turd

smear it around as much as you want, but it will ALWAYS be shit.

Don't you mean "wubba lubba dub dub"?

What, exactly, do you feel he misunderstands about nihilism?

it has nothing to do with natural unbinding of truth, it has nothing to do with subtractive ontology, it has nothing to do with formal logic or set theory, it has nothing to do quality/quantity in a phenomenological sense, it's almost like someone read the first 20 pages of some Nietzsche and then ran with it
the general concept of 'nothing matters' has nothing to do with philosophical nihilism anymore, nor did it really have anything to do with philosophical nihilism in the past

You seem to care less about the show's philosophy and more about clarifying that it's not real nihilism.

lol yeah

I'm forced to hang out with shitty self-loathing triple-decker irony bus hipsters like Dan Harmon everytime I'm invited to a party. Fuck him and fuck his sense of humor and fuck his show. IT'S 2017 IRONY IS DEAD YOU OLD FAGGOT

Doesn't make him wrong though.

Maybe because the show talks about it being nihilism when it actually isn't?

Did anyone ever claim to be a nihilist in the show though?

Because he ruined Community.

Because his wife left him.

i mean like...yeah all the time for the characters
harmon talks about it in interviews constantly, its like one of the main selling points of the show

Nah Harmon is just a depressive

It's why Rick and Morty is such a cynical show

She didn't leave him, she just turned into a purse dog.

I mean, he's not doing bad for himself in that department right now

That's his gf

it's unfortunate you guys don't get the show, you actually understand it less than reddit does

you complain about how reddit rick're not supposed to like rick, so why is that a problem?

shit, he even fucking outright says it in the first episode of the season, rick isn't someone you should look up to, hes just kinda fucked up

well thats cuz hes so smart and sees through the bullshit

he also claims that rick is allowed to be fucked up because he has 'bigger fish to fry'
that rick transcends our petty little problems and is interested in the big picture

do you have an example? I looked it up and mostly found articles from chavs who think they're smarter than they are

Are you going to say what it has to do?

It's because I was talking with him after one of his podcasts in June, and I told him to look out for my C101 show that was going premiere two days ago but got delayed for a month.

I'm so sorry Dan. Kino is still on the way.

say what RicknMorty has to do or what ~nihilism~ has to do?

'I think Rick is the intellectual equivalent of the Hulk. He”s that Zuckerberg, Howard Hughes kind of archetype that just doesn”t have time for everyone else”s bullshit. And we love being that guy and we know we”re not supposed to be him but it”s fun to watch him operate.'

What nihilism has to do with.

So basically you're pretending to care so you can talk about one of the few bits of niche knowledge you have that you are proud of. Okay.

The show isn't a lecture on philosophy, so the writers' understanding of the subjects on an academic level is completely irrelevant. The characters can feel like nothing matters if the writer can portray his own feelings that nothing matters. You don't need a degree in philosophy to understand your own feelings.

If you're going to be upset that they used the word "nihilism" when it doesn't align with what you think "nihilism" is, well, tough shit. Words have multiple meanings, and the sense of how nothing really matters that comes up in the show is best described as "nihilism".

>this character's philosophy does not subscribe perfectly to that of the only philosopher I know, so it's shit

>natural unbinding of truth
>subtractive ontology
>formal logic/set theory
>primary qualities
>maybe neo-rationalism?

what does RicknMorty actually have to do with writing like Brassier, Ligotti, Negarestani or Land?

i agree with you

Rick and Morty is fucking shit tier anyway

Iiiiit doesn't. I mean an assumption that the creators think this nihilism isn't an unsafe one, but the show doesn't go into a detailed deconstruction of it's philosophical grounding. Why should it?

In case you didn't notice and despite my best hopes, specific terms and the classics of philosophy that your typical 1st year student understands is just not something that exists in the social zeitgeist. If you wanna talk philosophy to normal people you talk in general notions that often border on meaninglessness. Tough.

Oh, and may Warhol scream in painful agony in the fiery pits of hell as he's being raped with a rusty pipe for all eternity.

No, it's because Trump is ruining the country each and every day and all Dan and the rest of us can do is sit by and watch.

i think the main thing is that no one likes the fans of the show who laud it as a nihilistic force, and who champion Harmon as some comedy philosopher
but everyone here hates those fans

yeah! Trump is a bad and mean guy!

>set theory

I don't think you actually know much about anything, user.


Manlets are upset that there are a couple of female writers now. Nobody else cares.

Dan is depressed because people figured out Season 3's twist
that rick didn't want to go through the effort of finding a real beth, so he created a high quality robot beth

I'm sure Dino is in the writer's room too, he's the reason Moral Orel got super super dark.

I could take or leave the show, but I love when R&M threads turn into autists who can't handle it's popularity tweaking out and trying to shit on it on a philosophical level while failing to articulate their points on any level.

At this point, you faggots are worse than the Redditors in the department of pretending to have any idea what you're talking about.


Sometimes, people like you - and Trump - make me wonder if the exclamation point is the
>meme arrow
of common prose.

You can't ruin something that was never good.

Not an argument

no she finally got fed up with constant abuse like Harmon constantly calling her a stupid bitch and left

Hello, little projector.

you think trump doesn't green text when hes on the chan?

Nah, it's cause he's rich and famous.

>old loser gets a random slut who thinks "he's famous! That means he has money!" who will ruin his mind and convince him that she's his equal even though she hasn't done half the shit he has and only has to open up her legs to find a willing partner
no wonder he's such a loser. his choice in companionship is pathetic.

If he did, he'd stop associating with that sociopath Spencer.

The episode about the universes powering their machines, there you go.

>starts with personal insult assumption
>ends with "tough shit lol the writers can make up whatever definition they want"
Gb2reddit loser, you're an obese embarrassment.

Channel 101 is still a thing, and Dan is still a part of it?

fairly certain user isn't 'pretending to care' about a topic they obviously have an investment in...

Spencer is the real villain here

Wait, just sometimes?

all these theories and bullshit. Dan gets depressed for no reason. Sometimes its trump stuff. Sometimes its Community flashbacks. Sometimes its because his dog ate socks and his vet was kinda rude to him. Listen to his podcast, dude has no filter,

>hates The Purge episode
>never grew up dancing to the dulcet tones of Tony! Toni! Tone!
I feel so bad for you right now.

Nihilism is juvenile in its own sense. It's in a weird superposition between being the only reasonable philosophy and being worthless at the same time. Of course nothing has intrinsic value, humans were an accident. Any meaning affixed to things is just so we can fart around for a few decades and die, and there's too many of us for anyone person to be special outside of the save few who are profitable or entertaining, and those who can uncover secrets about intangible forces beyond humanity (like space and mathematics).

>being the only reasonable philosophy


People act like he was the reason the show was good, but it got worse while he was still at the helm and didn't get much better when he came back.

no this is a juvenile reading of nihilism in itself, this sounds like something on the RicknMorty cutting room floor.
Nihilism is not, as heidegger would have it, the occlusion of being's unpresentable presencing but the process of unbinding that which is naturally meant to be unbound. Nihilism is the process through which the very vector of science (mathematics and its applications) is used to surpass the unstable superstitions and beliefs that prohibit thought.

saying 'nothing has intrinsic value' or 'humans were an accident' has no consequence if they can't be logically explained and defended

if the actual logical consequence of
>'Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die'
>'Come watch TV'
then RicknMorty is not a nihilistic endeavor, it's just a pitiful one

In terms of western, or at least American society, which explains all the angst and degeneracy among the youth. But there's money to be made on poor shmucks with low self-esteem. Why would any other philosophy matter if nothing matters? It's kind of like a blanket belief, which is kind of objectively true, but it will ruin your life if you don't have motives or sentimentality toward anything. It's an inhuman mentality if that means much.

I'm just here for a laugh until I croak. Might as well have a good time if you can, and improve yourself. Those who advocate nihilism, especially Nietzsche and Camus, would probably be NEETs shitposting on here today so I don't really roll with that. Rather make money and do stuff I enjoy.

Dude you're just sucking your own dick at this point

call me steve bannon my dude

>this thread

Why are there so many pseudo-intellectuals on this website?

>Nihilism is the process through which the very vector of science (mathematics and its applications) is used to surpass the unstable superstitions and beliefs that prohibit thought.


Just because your favorite fag said it, doesnt make it is the true definition.

looks like someone hasn't heard of inhumanism

Camus and Nietzsche would def be NEETs, but those guys aren't relevant like they used to be

This is because Dan and Justin think being deep is appealing to the same kind of thinking that say a reclusive alcoholic who never grew up past high school uses to justify their behavior. To play devil's advocate, it was Morty who said it and he's kind of a dysfunctional beta, so it just sounds like a bad coping mechanism.

Don't expect anything profound from a cartoon that makes fart jokes on the regular user. Plenty of playrights argued that you're not supposed to mix comedy and tragedy because of problems with merit like this.

>Nihilism is not, as heidegger would have it, the occlusion of being's unpresentable presencing but the process of unbinding that which is naturally meant to be unbound.

my favorite fag said this one fampie

i paraphrased the quote that i assume you quickly googled

fair point

Is there a philosophy that understands that yes, the universe has no real purpose and humans are an accidental creation of science and evolution, but at the same time believe that humans true purpose is understanding how all our actions have consequences that can affect other people and our actions and ideals should reflect on the empathy of others? Like a philosophy about human decency?

I dunno Nihilism, or I guess this shows version since I never really studied it and mostly making wild assumptions at this point, to me feels too obvious if that makes any sense. Like the idea that "There probably is no God" and "We are meaningless to the universe" is something that through basic logic and reasoning you'll figure it out yourself, but so many people seem to make it a bigger deal then it is.

Who cares if the universe doesn't know about you? There's billions of people in the world who don't know me and probably aren't going to start crying in my funeral. Is that something to make a big deal of too?

No because what you said isn't true.

Nah, I just hate seeing people be fucking losers because "nothing matters." If nothing matters, why doesn't it make sense to get what you want, since the losses don't matter to you. Oh because the goal doesn't matter. Right. Fucking stupid.

do tell

>reclusive alcoholic who never grew up past high school

Yes, that describes them both so well.

The part of me saying Nihilism is to obvious or saying it's unlikely for there to be a God of sorts?

Philosophy uses big words my guy, but no one is right so take it like its free advice with a grain of salt. Most of these people are just up their own ass about this type of psycho blah blah blah shit.

"process of unbinding that which is naturally meant to be unbound" what kind of bullshit is this. That's like saying "humans understand it because it was naturally meant to be understood!" Philosophy isn't natural like math is though, it's a complete human effort and experience. Math exists outside of humanity, but without numbers, in terms of patterns and phenomena. We just use numbers to make sense of it and reflect upon it (since we're the only ones who "can").

And humans were an accident. As far as we know now there is no other life on planets outside of bacteria. Odds of humans existing and advancing to this point is less than .1%. The reason it can't be explained is because it doesn't make sense in the first place, which is why it's nonsense and justifies how we don't have any value or purpose besides surviving like other animals do.

I'm just going to say it.

Harmond is the creative genius behind the show, he's the guy who tries to create narratives, story arcs, lessons, character growth etc etc.

And he's stuck with Justin Roliand, a literal man child who makes silly voices and constantly comes up with dumb jokes. Roliand makes the dumb Nihlistic jokes, Harmond tries to turn them into a narrative. That's what Rick and Morty is.

Look at any of the fucking behind the scenes sruff, or when they talk about creations of the characters. Harmond takes a serious approach while trying to explain motives and ideas he puts into the show. Roliand makes a sill voice and talks a bit about his views on the show, grasping at straws. This has to be depressing for Harmond, espcially since Roliand gets the spotlight and centre stage, while Dan gets a divorce and blame.

But beyond all of this, Look at the creation of Mr Meekses. If any of it is true, think about how much Dan must hate working with Roliand. Because it's like working with a child.

I'm not sure if there is, but I'm gonna say this is called being an adult user, which is why nihilism is considered babys first existential crisis. You can be paralyzed by the "fact" that things don't matter and turn to drugs or vidya to escape that depression until you're a 35 year old Pagliacci sadfuck, or you can shut up, get over it, and find meaningful things to do with your own life. Sometimes having an ego will save your ass.

Let me leave you with a quote from Futurama of all things...

Bender: How do you do it? How do you go on, knowing you lack the inherent capacity for self-determination?

Robot Farmer: Son, philosophy's for thems what don't got to work for a livin'. But me, I got a sick child to feed. So if you want to chat, roll up yer sleeves and do some honest labor.


I can't find the interviews again for some dumb reason but about a year ago Harmon said that he hated working on the episode 'Rickle in Time" because of how much work it took but loved doing The Purge parody episode and said it took him no effort. He said that because fans loved both he learned that he doesn't have to try as hard and plans on making more simple parody episodes like it. There were a bunch of threads about it in Sup Forums too.

Harmon isn't exactly cream of the crop.

this sounds kind of like current nihilistic thought...

the great filter? the mathesis of the universe? bacterial life on other planets that complicate how the human organism can 'understand' things at all? anti-correlationist phenomenology?
all directly being engaged with in philosophical nihilism today

is because he has become a tool

But user is right about God and the universe. Who's going to care about you? The asteroids? The sun? Lmao we're dust in a vacuum. If God did exist, we'd be less than ants and ants don't really mean worth shit to you right? And if you're just thinking "b-but you can't prove that" you've got your head up your ass lets be serious.


i agree user, the working class is too stupid for taking time to consider things.

where does the person who works for a living and also has an actual curiosity/drive to investigate theory fit into this futurama quote?

>You can be paralyzed by the "fact" that things don't matter and turn to drugs or vidya to escape that depression until you're a 35 year old Pagliacci sadfuck, or you can shut up, get over it, and find meaningful things to do with your own life. Sometimes having an ego will save your ass.

this is what nihilism is