Are mutants human?

Are mutants human?

More than OPs.

Yes, they belong to the homo genus, therefore human. They are not, however, the next stage in human evolution and I don't think X-Men writers actually know what evolution even is.

Interesting I don't find myself agreeing with Pryde's ideas of what is and isn't most American nowadays. History paints a funny story. Some elements just don't make sense till you find yourself in a situation that relates.

No, they are as they like to call themselves, "Homo Superior".


>Are mutants human?
Not according to Marvel.

Which is ironic. Considering there's a group called the Inhumans (which literally means not human) who are treated better.

Main problem with Xmen comics right here. Mutants like Kitty, Storm, Cyclops, etc. are human, but what about Nightcrawler? Mystique? Or any other mutant that makes them look non-human or possess non human physiology?

Then what about the Fantastic Four and Spider-man and other meta humans? Aren't their powers from having mutated DNA, albeit from some sort of accident.


That's not the main problem. The main problem is mentioned on that page: mutants can't simply be treated like any other minority group because, unlike any other minority group, they have members that are the equivalent of walking nuclear bombs. It is not "bigotry" for people to be just a little bit nervous about the idea of having to work alongside or have their children attend the same school as mutants.

Sure, you've got mutants that are harmless, like Eye Boy. But then you've got ones like Wither that can not only cause people to vaporize by touching them, their power ACTIVELY COMPELS THEM to use it on living things. Or Cyclops, who, if his glasses get knocked off for whatever reason, can level a city block in the blink of an eye. Or that one mutant whose ability was just "everything organic in a certain radius of me just fucking melts, and I can't turn it off".

Asking people to just treat mutants as normal human beings from a legal perspective is the very height of idiocy. At their most benign they're just weird-looking, but on average that's like asking people not to be concerned about someone who is constantly armed at all times and may not always have total control over whether they pull the trigger or not.


Were Homo-Habilis human?

didn't marvel go to court over whether or not mutants are humans? they said no

We can breed with them, they are as Human as Black People.

haha so not human at all? xDD

They're cousins. Think of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. Common ancestor.

Fuck mutants.

didn't the 90s x-men cartoon deal with that already?

hence master mold determining to kill all humans (MM doesn't see any difference).

Mutants and regular folk can still produce fertile offspring, so of course they're human. I've always been unclear on how a single gene somehow gets them considered a different species.

Kitty actually makes a good point about the AI also targeting humans who had minor mutations.

You sound like an incredible fag

She is avoiding his argument outright and changing the subject of mass destructive mutants. Typical mutie.

>Mutants are the next stage in human evolution

Have the tariff codes ever changed?

The very idea of a "mutant" is that it's a mutant variation of standard gene.

Marvel muddied the waters and it's been undecided ever since.

This is why comparing them to minorities has been bullshit.

Not really. AI or any such facsimile intellect isn't an absolute judge of anything by nature of its design. A human has faulty logic, a machine faulty programming.

If a higher being with higher awareness saw no difference between humans and mutants then she'd have a case, but so far things like the Phoenix force, Celestials, etc seem to have a very specific idea of the difference between the two. So, there you go.

Probably because there hasn't been a group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Evil Inhumans running around committing crimes against humanity the way that the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has. And that Black Bolt isn't a terrorist who was found guilty of crimes against humanity like Magneto was.

Anything bad the Inhumans've done the mutants did first and more than once.

They're arguing to morality here and arguing it the wrong fucking way. On both sides.

Trying to make it an issue of minorities and humans is idiotic. Minorities aren't born with the ability to level city blocks no matter what jokes would have you believe.

In a comparable situation a five year old mutant and five year old Mexican illegal should of course be treated vastly different. Otherwise if the tyke has lazer eyes he's going to take out a city block.



Gas the mutants. Race war now.

>Little kid flush from the desert gets held by a nurse.
>Tries to fight her off, maybe bites her but can be controlled and calmed down.
>Mutie blows her fucking head off.
Marvel writers don't put a lot of thought into shit.

No Marvel even argued this in US court.

As the Holy God-Emperor once said, both yes and no. They're born human and human in soul and spirit but they're not human because they're advanced stages of human evolution with different variables in their genes

forgot pic

I didn't know Sup Forums was filled with so many mutie lovers.

Tumblr really has taken over.

Technically no.

A long time ago there was a toy deal controversy about the X-Men. They couldn't be made because there was this rule about human action figures and violence or some shit like that. Marvel got around by saying they weren't humans, they were Mutant (a different species).

Because of this, Mutants are technically not Human.

Is this girl human?

Marvel argued they aren't to get cheaper toys

But like humans and mutants can have kids. They're the same


I mean Hulk can level cities and he's human.

Man what's with Kitty's awful new haircut did she jump on the post election makeover bandwagon

Isn't the reason every bad future where Sentinels destroyed everything always caused by their programming eventually deciding humans and mutants are the same target?

Yup. Because cancer or something else gets classified as a mutation to them.

Maybe they should stop calling themselves the next step in human evolution. Might help with PR.

This is stupid the Celestials made thousands of types of Humanoids. Don't they fucking know this by now.

The writers need to make a distinction between harmless mutants and world destroyers. Every time the X-men bring up how the legitimately dangerous mutants should be completely totally unwatched they sound more and more like the hyper fringe gun nuts who think it's a good idea for people to have Duke Nukem esk arsenals

Master Mold was right

>This is about human rights
Oh, so NOW you admit that Alex was right

Black Bolt is a terrorist, set off a biological weapon that forcefully mutated thousands all over the world, the only reason everyone is ok with that is because the Inhumans have a person who brainwashes world leaders

>Yes, they belong to the homo genus, therefore human.

Would you really call australopithecus or erectus human? Mutants are different species of humans. And not some "racist" assertion either, they are legitimately different species. You wouldn't call Tiger a Lion either, or Gorilla an Orangutan.

as says they are about as human as modern humans were to neanderthals which is to say not very but by definition are by merit of being but of the same genus as us.

Mutants are not human, Marvel argued so previously, therefore they are a competeting species and killing them is a moral imperative for the survival of Humanity.

I swear, this is the single dumbest one-line thread ever posted on this board.

YES, user. THEY ARE. Because the word MUTANT implies they are a MUTATED SOMETHING. Care to take a guess at what that something is?

Nah, they're the same species. It's not a tiger lion difference.

Guggenheim couldn't write anything good if his life depended on it.

You're right. Its a human and human who can fly and destroy buildings by staring at them- difference.

nah, "humans" are defective "mutants". as such should be put down to end their suffering.

I don't know, Kitty, are you a nigger?

Better question.
Are they more or less human then homo magi?
And yes I can dam well compare them despite being from different companies

Yeah, people both in-universe and in the real world (like Bendis) were butthurt about that speech, but Alex was absolutely right.

>Two humans smash.
>Get a baby
>It has powers.

Yeah, it's just superhuman.

When mutants are depowered they are suddenly treated as human even though nothing really changed.
And then when Hope and the Phoenix Force forced a bunch of normal humans to become mutants, we're expected to believe they're not human anymore?
This to me shows that mutants are just humans with a mutation, not a different species.

It really should be a gun control allegory instead of a discrimination one. But considering the general political stances of those that typically write the X-Men, that would probably place them in a rather awkward position.

My dick says yes.

Thats actually kinda funny.


Here's Ellis trying to make sense of "Mutant Science."

Then there is the fact that mutants are essentially bioweapons created by an ancient alien species.


That's not even the original design that Steven Sanders came up with.

He was told after the fact to make Shark Tits more animalistic.

Actually, what happened was that Sanders was given the script and drew up what he thought Shark Girl would look like. He was then told they already had an idea for her.

Just like bird and a cat. Both are animals.

That's actually shortened. The full term is "Homo-sapiens Superior"

She did previously in issue 1 of X-Men Gold, more or less.

It's been a while, but how did they rationalize the 198 still existing?

With the way people talk about minorities, you would think minorities COULD take down white people. "Oh no, trannies could rape our (wo)men! Oh no, the blacks are beating up our police with their super-hulking bodies!" Etc etc.

There was no rationalization. It was editorial demanding Bendis retcon Morrison's New X-Men.

Who lost or regained their powers was arbitrary.

Fuck me, I thought I'd just missed a side issue or something somewhere that had explained it.
That's stupid, then.
Rather than assuming the 198 had some meaning behind or whatever, I now know it's just so they had enough wiggle room to introduce new mutants during the time when there weren't any.

You know, I think there used to be a group of people during the forties who considered themselves to be superior to other humans.

Don't really remember how that all panned out.

Master Mold thought so.

>is mayonnaise human?

If it's featherless, then yes

>parents are human
>can mate and reproduce with humans
>can have baseline human children

By all science, they are human.

Yup, the real problem is how potentially dangerous some mutants can be.

I really don't get why they are making this about human rights when you could have a much more interesting and accurate discussion about wether it is fair to give them responsibilities/burdens for something they are born with.

People with guns, people who know how to make nukes, experts at martial arts etc. are held under more scrutiny than average people in some situations, but that is because they chose these things. Mutants never had a choice, but are just as, if not more, dangerous than these people. Is it fair to hold someone more accountable for the way they are born? That could spark some real interesting debates and wouldn't make any side just a dumb "muh racism" or "muh homo superior" piece of cardboard.

clue's in the term "mutant"

mutants are not a different species just because they've taken to using Magneto's race-war bait name for themselves

mutants aren't even a species, most of them have radically different mutations allegedly caused by a single "gene" (more likely a chromosome), therefore not even exhibiting a type by which a species could be defined

they arise spontaneously from human populations; there is no speciation (and in-universe, aside from outliers like Apocalypse and Selene, there hasn't been time for speciation - most mutants have arisen, then vanished, then been recreated in the last decade or so; what may or may not occur in all possible futures is not worth discussing)

and no, australopithecus was not part of the genus Homo, therefore was not "human"; homo erectus was - it had adaptations, which we know from archaeological digs, that permitted it to form tool-using, fire-using, hunter-gatherer societies

Agreed. Well put.

Aren't they asked to treat non-mutants with super powers (magic users, scientific accident havers, etc) like ordinary people all the time?

I don't know, are they? You tell me.

This argument applies to them too, regardless.

You're a homo superior.

Who exactly coined the term "homo superior?" Cause if it was mutants then they pretty much asked for all the shit they've gotten over the years.

I would. There's a lot of sexy mutants out there.
Tell me right now you wouldn't fuck Mistique or Emma Frost.
Hell, get me drunk enough and I'd be down with Wolverine.

By definition, members of the same Genus are not the same species.

Tigers, lions, leopards, and jaguars all belong to Genus Panthera. Are they the same species? Lions aren't tigers.

What bout Homo habilis, our ancestor? Would they be count as human?
No one would consider THAT to be human.

Human is Homo sapiens sapiens. Nothing else.

Mutants are Homo sapiens superior. It just gets shortened to Homo superior a lot.

I have never seen muties referred to as "Homo sapiens superior" only Homo superior

It's through mutation that the various human races were developed, mutating to adapt to their environments.

Imagine if Marvel mutants had to follow that rule.

Are you implying that race isn't a social construct?

Look it up, I'm not the one that decided it.

Here's a thought experiment:
There are five men: two Italian, two Chinese, one mutant.
The first Italian goes to a gun store, passes the background check, waits the requisite period and receives his legally purchased gun.
The first Italian gets his gun through his contact, a mafia black market dealer.
The first Chinese does as the first Italian does.
The second Chinese does as the second Italian does, but with not difficulty, since the mafia doesn't trust his not being Italian.
The mutant summons a gun into his hand at will.

coincidentally modern humans are apparently Homo sapien sapien, but everyone shortens it to Homo sapien.

>Two Mutants Smash
>Gets a Baby
>It has no powers

That's how Graydon Creed came along.

Yes. There are indisputable physiological differences between races, which developed over concurrent mutations over thousands and thousands of years due to adaptable to climate and genetic anomalies that were perpetuated from parent to child.