
New episodes come out next month. Are you interested?

>The News and The Petals - September 11, 2017
>The Nuisance and The Best - September 12
>The Worst and The List - September 13
>The Deal and The Line - September 14
>The Singing and The Puppets - September 15

Other urls found in this thread:

>The News
>on 9/11

Ben you absolute mad man

You got a fat synopsis for these episodes?

The Petals
>When Leslie’s petals begin falling off, he feels like his good looks are fading, so Gumball and Darwin use everything they know about style and beauty to try and help him.
The Nuisance
>The Wattersons fear the worst when they are summoned to a Town Hall meeting, but are surprised when they’re offered a new house - until they discover it’s in a different state.
The Best
>No matter what Gumball does, Carmen thinks she knows better; when Gumball attempts to gain the moral high ground, but fails, his only option left is to bring Carmen down to his level.
The Worst
>The Wattersons compete over who has the worst life.
The List
>When the kids find out that Mom’s life hasn’t panned out as she’d hoped, they start taking on her chores, but they accidentally grab her bucket list instead of her to-do list.
The Deal
>Richard goes on strike to prove that his work around the house is under appreciated by Nicole.
The Line
>The Wattersons will do whatever it takes to get into the first screening of the latest Stellar Odyssey sequel.
The Singing
>Join the citizens of Elmore for a song and dance spectacular that will have people covering their ears with joy.
The Puppets
>Darwin is delighted when they discover their old childhood toys, but soon realizes that some things are best left in the past.

What did Benjamin mean by this?

Thanks, dad.
>it's another Richard is an irredeemable retard episode

Season 5 seems way more hit and miss than previous seasons unfortunately. Judging from the synopsis, it will likely continue this way.

>The Best
>No matter what Gumball does, Carmen thinks she knows better; when Gumball attempts to gain the moral high ground, but fails, his only option left is to bring Carmen down to his level.

So literally just "The Saint", but instead of Alan, it's his girlfriend.

>The Nuisance
>>The Wattersons fear the worst when they are summoned to a Town Hall meeting, but are surprised when they’re offered a new house - until they discover it’s in a different state.

>episode where they leave fucking Elmore

Alan's girlfriend, not penny right?

>more family shit
Jesus, fuck off with this shit, Ben.

>9/11 is also no news is good news day

This season has been odd. The episodes have been way more hit and miss. Granted they are still funny but the writing feels off. Plus they completely dropped all lore suddenly when season 4 had a shit ton of it. I'm kind of interested to see what happens at the end here but I'm not expecting anything big to happen until season 6. Kind of want them to explore more.

At least the puppets looks interesting

post more gumball


i need more

Holy shit, no one gives a shit about the Wattersons



Sounds like even more of the wattersons being awful people as usual. Why did they start making half the plots of the show revolving around that?

[gumballxcarmen intensifies]

>daily dose succ

I'm still waiting for that fucking episode where the entire family goes to the Void.

I imagine it'll happen in the last episode of season 6 or something, since that would be a perfect setting for characters whose show is about to be cancelled.

What episode?

The Console