Will there ever be a Muslim super villain?

Will there ever be a Muslim super villain?

when will there be an islam punisher who hunts down islamic rapists and cuts their dicks off?

I thought comics were for escapism.

There's a jihad one.
Close enough?

They'd just attack other Muslims like ISIS does so noone would give a shit.

Sure, in the next reboot of Marvel Faiza and Kamala will be, Ike will do it posible after the 4th intifada

I'm kinda surprised nobody has made an anti-ISIS propaganda comic.
I mean they helped diminish the KKK with Superman radioshow.
Then again the KKK weren't as quick to kill families who spread negative talk of them.

I'd actually be pretty here for that

Yes, his name was Mohammed and he started the damn thing.

ISIS has nothing to do with ISIS

I kind of doubt that ISIS or the geographic region it operates in are very big on comic books. Superman VS the KKK was effective because America gives a shit about Superman.

That's a extremely idiotic idea, and Israel loves isis.

because the KKK was a bunch of rich white guys while Isis is just rejected victims of racism teenage boys who are confused and trying to fit in this crazy modern times by blowing up themselve and cutting necks for allah

i think Agent One from Nightwing is muslim

Yeah but they keep killing those ones off and replacing them with shitty legacy characters.

And because the KKK had this weird mystique to it before Superman told everybody that they call their leaders wizards and shit.

>I'm kinda surprised nobody has made an anti-ISIS propaganda comic.
Frank Miller's Holy Terror.

>Dark Age MGTOW NEET ticked off he got fired again, wandered off into the mountains.
>While smoking Hookah, he comes up with the ingenious plot to start a cult and make everyone worship him!
>Emerges saying Allah, a two-bit Moon deity at the time, sent a angel to speak with him and starts proselytizing deadbeat losers.
>Farce is a massive success.
>A few decades into Muhhamed's pedophile cult, strife hits the ME. The Roman Empire never quite recovered from the loss of it's western half and it shows in the economy. Currency crash, Aegyptus Gnostics revolt, Sassanids also have a weakened economy. Plague runs rampant.
>In these dark times people turn towards Muhammed for guidance. The goatlover gets ambitious and conquers Medina in a uprising. Takes over Mecca later.
>Now as Caliph, he starts expanding. How? By exterminating all rival tribes and replacing them with dregs shipped en masse from Mecca.
>Normally the Romans would've exterminated the savage Moslem like the vermin they are, but the legions were too weak.
>After exterminating all rival tribes and making the ME into the most enthically homogeneus region on the planet, Muhammed retires to his goat/loli harem leaving governing to his most devout cultists.
>His successors destroy supperior Persia, Aegypteus, Vandalia, Iberia, exterminate the natives then replace them with dregs shipped en masse from Mecca. Rinse, repeat.
Libs don't want you to know this.

Yeah you can as long as you dont make their religion a central part of why they're a villain. It would veer too much into current politics and be straight up offensive.

And before anyone calls me Tumblr, I know a bunch of you would throw a shitfit over a new villain that is a rich white male who uses Christianity as a reason for being evil. I remember the asspain over the Far Cry 5 trailer.

Moses Magnum?

You forgot the part where his first wife was a wealthy businesswoman who /ss/'d Mohammed from a young age, and he was never Caliph, he was just a preacher that the local tribal leaders deferred to.

Something Muslims would READ.
Like a little zine that they themselves made and spread out, involving some kinda Dick Tracy kinda man against a mob of villains (who when being caricatures would still be recognizable who specifically they're meant be person to person).

The Ultimates had a muslim Darth Maul villain.

Comics are haram.

Are you me? I was about to say it.

Oh yeah Colonel Abdul.

He was cool.

No, writers are just to lazy to build a world shaped by Islam. Every story of Muslims will just be told in Post 9/11 America.

Double down on that and make it a woman who left the faith.

Frank crosses paths with her in Europe and she's carving out a piles of testicles and scrote.

Going about her work and humming some old nursery rhyme.

They one her mother sang to her the night the rape gangs came.


I don't see why not, there have been multiple scenarios dealing with cultist fanatics as the antagonistic force.

Imagine a series that is like a Far Cry's twisted racist Christian cult, just make it Islamic.


Hopefully a Turk so we can have a Vlad Tepes hero.

This guy talks like a super villain.

Alternate pitch. A bachta barazi, or whatever you call one of those afghanastani dancing shota twinks.

>They always taught me god was great. They raped my mother to death in front of me and forced me to lick her blood off their dicks for 40 nights, and every second, I prayed for deliverance. The Americans and the UN did nothing, and neither did allah.

>We talk about god's infinite mercy, and god's perfect justice, but on the 47'th night I saw so clearly that there is no justice on this earth but that which you carve out with your own two hands. So I stole a knife, and a gun, and carved it out, with my own two hands. And I will not stop until allah himself takes the AK from my cold, dead hands.

We have enough of those in real life.

Isn't that just any Muslim?

I actually kind of like this.



>a religious leader was actually a liar who used his position for his own benefit
No fucking way! Someone tell the Vatican!

Teamup issue when?


>Someone tell my Rabbi!

There's Kamran, the Inhuman Kamala had a crush on.

>Allah, a two-bit Moon deity at the time
It literally means "The God" in Arabic. Arabic Christians also worship "Allah".

There's been lots of Muslim villains in Bronze Age Batman, particularly Palestinians and Iranians. The Jihad (later renamed "The Onslaught") was a powerful villain group, and its leader, Rustam, is still in the comics.

Then there's the fact that Joker adopted Shia Islam and became Iran's ambassador to the UN because it was funny.

I would read that.

>who left the faith

That defeats the whole purpose of Muslim Punisher.

>got /ss/'d AND f*cked a l*li
it's not fair bros

Trips of Truth

He was also a serious villain and was treated pretty respectfully. He even managed to influence Ultimate Cap's views and I'd dare say he was a much more likable character than Cap.

Someone write this.

Well, being more likeable than Ult. Cap is a pretty low bar to pass.

>everyone else's religion is a scam! not mine tho, that's legit.

if christians thought logically, there wouldn't be christians.


She ascribes to ancient Islam that predates Mohammad.

I like how you have to pretend that allah isn't just the arabian word for god just to distance yourself from those loons.

and as far as exterminating other tribes go, isn't that exactly what god told the jews to do in the old testament?

admit it. fundies on both sides of the christian muslim divide follow the same rules. no drinking, no gays, no drugs, no fornicating. you fuckheads are exactly the same, the only difference is here in the west us secularists have managed to stop you from beheading people in the streets.

and don't get all high and mighty about how christians don't do that shit, because you were right there in the mud with them with your holy wars and witch burnings and torturing heretics until secular society came along and forced you to behave.

face it. life is better with atheists in charge forcing everybody to get along rather than kill each other over what god's name is.

it's especially ironic because god and allah aren't even names, yet you fucks still hate each other over what amounts to a language difference.

>get along
Right, I suppose the edgy people that cannot live without ranting about religion, using an outdated concept such as humanism as their base argument. And since atheism goes hand in hand with liberals, choosing state atheism is practically the same as voting for Clinton.

(You) face it. All atheists have accomplished is becoming inconsequential entertainers on twitter or youtube.

>until secular society came along and forced you to behave.

You mean until the Christian world developed secularism.

>pretend that allah isn't just the arabian word for god

Are you an actual retard or are you just trolling?

that isn't a thing. mohammad merged the local polytheism with christianity and made islam.

so what you're saying is she was some form of animist or a christian.


A true muslim does not approve of ISIS, retard. People who fight for ISIS arnt even true muslims.

you're a fucking idiot. "state atheism" is what this country was founded on. seperation of church and state mother fucker. the state will not choose one religion over another, because that leads to persecution, civil war, and the end of civil society (see every monarchy in human history)

>All atheists have accomplished is becoming inconsequential entertainers on twitter or youtube.

like Einstein and Steven hawking, right?

oh fuck off. secularism as a concept predates your shitty church by thousands of years.

that's like saying real christians don't approve of the KKK or westboro baptists.

you don't get to decide which version is the real version when they're all fake bullshit to begin with.

Because if they did write something like that they would get death threats or be killed. I mean there was one comic team that criticized islam and they all got killed. I forgot which one it was but they got blown up good.

So it's not so much ISIS being the problem but modern day islam itself that needs reforming. Cause the fact it is not reformed creates terror groups like ISIS.

Redneck retard christian did approve of the KKK. And still does.

Imagine a Far Cry game where you play as some Iraqi bloke wreaking shit in the middle of IS controlled territory.

Other than the tired visuals it would be the perfect setting.

Have everyone forgotten about Charlie Hebdo? Kill all who insults islam!

you're an idiot. there's a million different types of islam with a million degrees of insanity. some already are pretty chill, the problem is that the US gives saudia arabia a shitload of guns and bombs.

and saudi arabia's state religion is literally ISIS.

>Allah, a two-bit Moon deity at the time
Pretty sure that's not true, Allah's just Arabic for "God". He's the same Abrahamic one.

What is the punishment for leaving islam?

>No true scotsman

Most of them naturally are.

>and saudi arabia's state religion is literally ISIS.

Which is based in what religion? Islam. Check and mate my good sir.

Go hump your goat wife Achmed. Your religion is a plague upon the world that must be cleansed.

...user, Einstein was Jewish agnostic. Dude went out of his way to even say he wasn't an atheist. Come on man, get your facts right.

ISIS are not true muslims.

Islam is a disease. And diseases are cured.

Do i have to remind you of the crusades?

But Islam is a plague though.

Another thread to encourage inbred whites to spew hatred. Stop it.

He's right, you know. That idea has fueled conflicts in every religion. Christian Europe literally tore itself apart over Protestantism and orthodoxy.

I think it's best to take an objective stance and examine the facts instead of jumping on the us vs them train.

And clearly Terrorists =/= Every Muslim because they target and kill waaay more Muslims than Christians. Who do you think is planting all those carbombs everywhere in the near East?

Want a Muslim super villain? Make them Caucasian or Southeast Asian instead of Middle Eastern and make the protagonist Middle Eastern instead.

All Abrahamic religion is a disease, but this generation won't live to see it culled.

Remind me that the crusaders were trying to contain it before it spread?

Orthodoxy was too busy being under the isamic yoke
Catholicism v Protestantism was where the shit was

The rift split the roman empire in two and would continue to isolate russia until like the 19th century.


You mean the defensive wars when Christianity decided to liberate the regions which for hundreds of years had been full of Christians after the Muslims conquered them? The entire Middle East, Egypt, and North Africa used to be Christian until the Muslims forced their religion on the inhabitants.

Also Muslims have been conquering in the name of their religion for their entire existence, and when you point this out, Muslims always bring up the crusades, a pathetic comparison of tiny period of a few hundred years of war compared to Islam's 1600 year long violent history.


Is your argument that christian nations didn't go to war?

1400 year long*

Not that it makes much difference anyway.


Nice try shifting the goalposts there.

>they target and kill waaay more Muslims than Christians
Sure. Don't forget the the non christians like hindus and atheist, also If we're leave the "terrorist" factor we get all the heretics within their religion and apostates. It's kind of expected a backwards religion such as Islam would prey on their own


When United States embrace Sharia.

No, really. You speak as if this is unusual, what religion didn't fight endless wars?

>Did you know that islamic countries have murderers in them?! What the fuck!

>and saudi arabia's state religion is literally ISIS
They are "classic" wahabbites, ISIS is the "new age" form, disregarding borders and other faiths, but otherwise building something closer to Sadamite Iraq than to Saudi Arabia, which is why they are able to hold such big swaths of land in relative order.