Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

>touching food with your own hand
>food was meant for the whole table
truly he was evil, he could have spread bacteria to the whole table

This. He would have spread his gross Goblin AIDS to Aunt May.

Well Green Goblin forgot to say grace, so...

Huh. Gobby forcing her to finish that 'deliver us from evil' line makes a lot more sense now...

This scene really represents Octavius's motives well. He wants to be a father to Peter. By extension this makes him Aunt May's spouse, which is depicted here as him putting his fingers in aunt May's "pie" so to speak.

It also portrays Otto's need to take everything away from Peter. He wants to eat the pizza before the table is set. He needs his hand in everything Peter does and wants.

If you look closer, it also portrays how Otto cleverly alludes to his true nature, by the virtue that he licks his fingers. The tongue, of course, is seen as a symbol of destruction in the bible, for all of the damage mere words can do. Octavius too causes large amounts of destruction, including a large puffy, almost pie-like balloon, through the use of, you guessed it, large blades.

Aunt May, of course, symbolizes the public, disproving of his actions but not able to stop them. Thank you, Raimi, for this masterpiece.



In all seriousness though, this scene is brilliant with its foreshadowing. Especially Norman leering at MJ


I can't believe how good the first one was.
Where did it all go wrong?

The studio demanded that movie 3 have venom in it, but sandman was already planned

2 wasn't great either.
the AI tentacle arms were retarded. it's like they wanted both a arrogant doc ock and a sympathetic doc ock, so they had to conjure up an excuse for both

>"deliver us, from the JEWS!"
it still doesnt make much sense to me

Raimi has such an intriguing mind

You are retarded.

Is this Loss?

Not to mention he works in a fucking chemical factory

nice argument

Just as an aside, I like how Spideyfags sperg at the false implication of Papa Tony/Uncle Tony, but embrace the Papa Osborn motives with open arms

nigga wut

people just like papa osborn because it makes he and Pete fighting more dramatic

>2 wasn't great

Sup Forums's shit opinions never cease to amaze.

2 managed to make a silly villain into a sympathetic and legit scary guy.

No it's now mainstream to say Spiderman 2 isn't good in-wake of Homecoming being pretty meh.

>Marshmallow on Sweet Potatoes

Fair enough. Just sick of the Uncle Tony memes I guess

Because papa osborn as actually a cool set up that made sense. Pete was what Norman wanted Harry to be, and that puts a strain on their friendship.

It also made them fighting and Norman going totally crazy more dramatic.

It's a southern thing, you wouldn't understand

>but embrace the Papa Osborn motives with open arms
One is fanfic for the movies

The other has been like that since the beginning

Harry's jealousy over Norman's preference towards Peter is a good chunk of the reason Harry and Peter's relationship deteriorates

not an argument
except they half-assed it.
I'd argue Norman was more sympathetic than Otto

You were

May was in the wrong. Her old fashioned 'manners' are without worth, Norman was just trying to eat some yummy grub. It's one of the few non evil things he did since going batshit, and he should not be punished for it.

>not having marshmellows on sweet potatoes

I've seen the exact opposite happen.