What if they're from some alternate future where the Nu52 was allowed to continue

What if they're from some alternate future where the Nu52 was allowed to continue.
Superman/WonderWoman still a couple, Barry/Jessica pushed harder by editorial rather then going back to Iris. Explains what happened to Jon.

>Superman/WonderWoman still a couple

But they broke up long before Rebirth

No just alt future of rebirth. Gonna be undone anyways.

That reminds me, altho completely unrelated

what happened to JL3000? I remember reading the first 2 issues back when it came out but stopped. Are they still around?

It was retcon to never existing in Rebirth

The girl twin got flash powers and is now hanging with Ted and Jaime in present day

Yes but in a future where the new 52 kept going they weren't going to get back together. Clark and Lois even still had a son in new 52 futures.

Barry/Jessica is a good pairing though

she deserves much better

It definitely isn't

I agree
Iris is a useless cunt

cool designs

No it isn't.
Any woman who gets close to Barry is in danger of being Zoomed.
I don't want Jessica to get Zoomed.

speedsters were a mistake

Jessica deserves better

Superman/WonderWoman should be pretty OP, though. This guy doesn't seem so tough.

you want to fight him? I think not, puny man

and the bat mech girl is also hanging in the present day with them too

> Super+Wonder kid
> Cruz + Barry Flash
> Cyborg's metal babby
> ring twins/siblings
who are the ring kids?

Green lantern don't reproduce more green lanterns.

He is tough enough.
Perhaps Wonder Womans "magic DNA" is actually hurting the kryptonian DNA and makes Hunter weaker than either of his parents.

they are so gay....and emo

Haven't been keeping up with DC at all lately.

Could some give me a quick rundown on the continuity """"""""fixing"""""""" events after CoiE? Titles of the events are enough.

Zero Hour
Infinite Crisis
Final Crisis


Flashpoint led up to the New 52, right?

Yes, it wasn't originally planned as a continuity fixing event, but it had time-travel in it, so they decided to adapt it, after they decided to reboot.

Did Convergence itself actually do anything to the continuity? I thought it was mostly self contained, with any effects on the canon happening after and independent of the actual event.

The twins are most likely adopted and guys kids.

They went back in time to the first crisis, and prevented there the collapsing of the multiverse.
So now DC has another reason to use multiple 52 earths spanning multiverses.
It also brought in the pre-flashpoint Superman into the new 52 universe. That was now retconned again, because Didio wants to get rid as much of Convergence as possible, because it wasn't liked as well as he wanted, but at the beginning it was supposed to bring great change.
As far as I see they mostly left that hanging, because the event simply wasn't that great.

By who? And why would they need adopting?

Hitch still trying to push his aborted story-lines

better than pushing Damian, Jon and Barry/Iris

>better than pushing Damian, Jon and Barry/Iris
Dami and jon are to cool for this losers.

Or an alternate future where Superbro never died and merged with Superdad. Just imagine the horror on Prime Earth's Superdad's face when he learned the fact that he absorbed Superbro and effectively erased him from existences.

Jon will never be cool

shut up damian

Dami is the best hero kid.