Family Guy on R&M

A writer of Family Guy said in an interview "Rick and Morty has a tacky writing style. Their one shtick is a drunk uncle, and that's dead in the water after season 2."

What do you think about this? I mean we can all agree Family Guy is a funnier show, but I think that was a little harsh.

Beter is Family Guy in a nutshell.

i'm sorry did the asshole writers from a tv show which exists to write script around product placement just insult another series.

I really want to fuck Mila Kunis

A fair point.

Trust me, you don't. Puffy vagina.

fake news

I just marathoned through Rick and Morty.
I liked it, but it did get pretty old pretty fast. Not the drunk grandpa thing, but just the fact that so much of it was funny random words and stuttering, awkward voice work.
'And this smuble doople will let you access the comy bomby and it's called action adventure cool two brothers it's just called two brothers ha ha poopybutt'
Isn't that funny when it happens more than once.

Source otherwise you're fake news.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing


They're both shitty shows that rely entirely on the main character being their comic relief

reddit will deny this


Pretty sure user was referencing Rick and Morty's best who character

Family a Guy should've stayed cancelled.

They're both shit. It doesn't matter.

>Their one shtick is a drunk uncle, and that's dead in the water after episode 1

Heard you guys like news.

Rick and Morty isn't great, but I do think it's gotten an undeservedly bad rep (well, until this new episode which I haven't judged for myself for not watching it as of yet). It has an interesting premise, some strange charm, it's humor (whether you like it or not) has a certain style, and the characters don't seem like they're forced into their role like in Family Guy or The Simpsons. I honestly think it's refreshing that we have a show like it too.

However, while it's clever at times, I have NO idea why people say it's actually genius. It's decent writing -- not brilliant. I think Rick and Morty is just this strange, funny show with a cool premise. People take it way too seriously, though, and I think that's the problem. They latch on to it claiming that it's this work of art with deep emotions and whatnot. And it has emotional moments, like most animated sitcoms, but they're nothing incredible.

I personally love the writing style for it's pseudo-impromptu nature. It's just "alright, what happens next?" and it leads to funny things like the Meseeks. Then, you have the "holy shit what is this" episode with Mr. Poppybutthole where it's just a giant left turn that gets crazier.

It's a funny show, I don't know why people constantly claim it to be far better or far worse than it is, but I think it's not that bad. It feels original despite the basis being an obvious parody of Back to the Future, and the whole show is different from what we've gotten from other shows. It's like, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon are just shells repeating the same tired shit, so something as weird as Rick and Morty that comes out is of course going to get people's attention.

So in conclusion, Rick and Morty is different and weird, hence why people were attracted to it. The show's constant left-turns leave the audience wondering what crazy thing the show will do next and so on and so forth. It's more about "what is gonna happen next" and "how far can this go?".

fuck off

Nobody working on FG has the right to criticize anybody else's writing.

This is literally the thread from the other day where Trey Parker allegedly criticized Rick & Morty as well.

>The same writer of Family Guy went on to discuss his personal politics. "Say what you will about me, but I feel that niggers are an impotent race," he declared. "It's better if we just mercy-kill them all right away. I do my part every Saturday night."

>Their one shtick is a drunk uncle, and that's dead in the water after season 2
He's not wrong. I was officially done with Rick's bullshit after that extended look at his botched suicide attempt.

I want Rick to kill himself. I want him to put himself out of our misery.

Well, he didn't say Family Guy is better.

and this. garbage thread

I don't watch the show and have only seen random snippets. I was shown a kangaroo court video where the characters reenact a real incident from a courthouse.

My friends where laughing but I think you need to already have an affectionate view of the characters to actually think it's funny.

South park and Family Guy lost their humour and charm on me a decade ago but even today's Simpsons might get a giggle from me. I think it has to do with morality and seeing everything through a cynical and sarcastic lense, where the idea of a 'dark' side of humour is still appealing to you.

From simple slapstick where a hit in the face was funny just because it was an extremely violent act for someone not doing any real bad to just mentioning dicks and penises was hilarious because it was taboo, then not respecting another persons opinion and disrespecting them in their faces with mocking sarcasm and buffoonery. It continues to devolve from there, eventually you hit up people like george carlin where everything comes at you at once and throws religion, god and traditionalism under the bus while behaving like a clown for your amusement.

I think this stuff eventually will make a person depressed and jaded until only the most sick stuff and contempt or disdain to other people will get a kick from them.

Like I don't feel amused when someone on screen gets drugged up and acts like an idiot to then embarrass their foil in front of their family/colleagues or cause trouble; I think this just normalizes degenerate behavior for younger audiences watching it that will go out in to the world and think less of the seriousness of drugs and their effects.

Homosexual activity and cross dressing is another matter entirely, like the latest Beauty and the Beast film where that one guy was thankful for being dressed up like a woman. Utterly disgusting behavior.

The Kangaroo court video was by a fan animator based on an actual court transcript. He somehow managed to get Roiland to do it. That's probably why you think you have to find the characters funny before hand. Because it was a fanmade video.

Why are you idiots falling for this b8. Totally made up quote designed to make everyone argue

This. I think its the real reason theres such a large gap between seasons

It gets stale super fast
like Moonbeam City

Hey, Peter!