Is Sup Forums hyped for Inhumans?

Is Sup Forums hyped for Inhumans?

>marvel studios thinks getting Jae Lee to draw the promotional image will make me want to see it

try again satan

Pilot was so bad that even the Marlel aligned reviewers shat on it.

Yes I'm hyped for the Inhumans mini by Priest.

I managed to get through all of Iron Fist, I'm pretty sure I can handle this.

But I'm not excited. It looks like a bad YouTube fan film.

Shite show shite characters

It's apparently so bad that everyone hates it.

>marvel studios

Director slammed the trailer

>I was mixed about the first trailer as well. I felt like it didn’t give you the scope, it didn’t give you a lot of secrets or visual effects. I felt it was a little bit too early because the visual effects were not ready – Medusa’s hair was not ready. So I was really nervous about it and would think the fans would not really like it. When I watched the first trailer I was like ‘ooosh’. But me, as a filmmaker, as a director, you’re not involved with the marketing part of these things.

>The Unspoken is okay with using the Alpha Primitives as slaves while Black Bolt objects to it
>he's only regent whIle Black Bolt is the rightful king

Fuck this revisionist history

>Medusa and Black Bolt are related

I was hyped until I saw the preview. Like, I like Priest and I'm sure it'll be well written, but in 4 pages, Priest retconned like 6 different things and the solicits are implying even more from there.

>as a filmmaker, as a director, you’re not involved with the marketing part of these things.

Fair enough, but if the show still blows the fat one then that's on him


I would've been hype for a movie that had a proper special effects budget

This show looks like an embarrassment to inhumanfags and gives 0 reasons for anyone that doesn't already like the inhumans to give a single fuck about it.

I don't know much about these meme characters. I'll probably end up reading Jenkins Inhumans soon.

>Comic adaptation looks almost exactly like the source material
>everyone hates it


I wonder if he was given a list of things to "sanitize"


The Unspoken was a retcon to begin with

But making Black Bolt into a usurper of the throne was a lot more interesting

>looks almost exactly like the source material
I had to reread this line about three times to make sure I was reading it right. I still can't believe someone would think this is true. I mean I know user is baiting, but there are people out there who actually believe this.

>I've never read Inhumans before the push

They weren't good after War of Kings

I mean, I can understand addressing the Alpha Primitives in such a way as to make Black Bolt more sympathetic, but the rest of the retcons are just... weird. Weird, contradictory, and generally pretty pointless.

>address the fact that Black Bolt accidentally killed his parents
>BB killing his parents is what caused Maximus to go insane
>Priest's mini has Maximus pre-insanity despite taking place after the event that caused it

>first Royal to leave Attilan and scout NYC was Triton under BB's orders as King, followed by Medusa as an amnesiac in the beginning of Lee/Kirby F4
>mini is about teen Maximus, Medusa and BB hanging out in NYC and meeting Spider-man, Wizard, etc. despite none of those characters being active until after BB became King

>The Unspoken acts like BB is the rightful king and he'll just willingly abdicate the throne once he comes of age
>Unspoken only lost the throne because Black Bolt deposed him

>claim that Maximus' powers that he got from terrigenesis were genius-level intellect and mind control
>Maximus was a genius before he got his powers
>Maximus' mind-control is presented as if it allows him to perfectly read BB's mind despite it being Mind Control not Telepathy

Like, he's addressing things that only someone familiar with the inhumans would address (the alpha primitives, the death of BB/Maximus' parents, the Unspoken's rule, etc.) but then mixing things up that even a cursory glance of wikipedia would have fixed. Just seems odd. It's Priest so I'm sure it'll be a great mini, but like any Year One mini, it's bound to conflict with the past.

Who? Are they like the X-men?

Yes. So once it flops they'll fade into obscurity in the comics, a bunch will probably be killed for shock value somewhere down the line.
I can't wait for what's gonna happen after the TV series flops.

I'm as interested as a person can reasonably be, i don't really care about the drama concerning their recent unnecessary push in comics, anons on Sup Forums should stop getting triggered and pretend the very concept of Inhumans is unacceptable

The trailers didn't interest me much, but I'll check it out if people talk positively about it

If anyone that worked on this is here, it really does looks like complete shit.

What mini? Can someone post the preview?

Priests's Once and Future Kings mini. First issue comes out wednesday.







I already feel that it's going to be awful


>Is Sup Forums hyped for Inhumans?

It sounds like this is an attempt to replace the issue in this pic, which existed to fill in the blanks for everything Lee and Kirby never explained in the original Inhumans Saga in FF.

>>address the fact that Black Bolt accidentally killed his parents>BB killing his parents is what caused Maximus to go insane
>Priest's mini has Maximus pre-insanity despite taking place after the event that caused it

There are already contradictions on Maximus' madness. Lee and Kirby seemed to have him become insane after he loses the throne to Black Bolt, and Untold Saga supports that, while other comics portray Maximus' madness being caused at the same time as his parents' deaths.

>first Royal to leave Attilan and scout NYC was Triton under BB's orders as King, followed by Medusa as an amnesiac in the beginning of Lee/Kirby F4
>mini is about teen Maximus, Medusa and BB hanging out in NYC and meeting Spider-man, Wizard, etc. despite none of those characters being active until after BB became King

The Jenkins Inhumans series already confused things by having Triton leave Attilan during World War 1, making them appear far older than they were supposed to be. This is going to confuse things even more.

>4 pages in and already we get plot device so Black Bolt can speak

It's sad that the comics have settled on putting Maximus in bland costumes, and now this show is following that example. Maximus should be a ridiculous strutting peacock of a man, with insanely elaborate costumes.

Don't pretend any of us have anything better to do on Friday nights, user.

Like, man, if they were going to do that then why bother making it so Maximus can perfectly read BB's mind? One page has them change Maximus' powers for the sake of him being able to give exact quotes of what BB wants to say rather than people just having to interpret from his body language, then the very next page, remove BB's powers so he can speak anyways.

Even beyond that, it's ridiculous that BB was the one who made the realisation that they were power inhibitors instead of Maximus. BB should be WAY too hesitant to actually speak to confirm that he can or not, especially if this takes place after he killed their parents, and between the two, Maximus is the genius so he should be the one that can instantly identify the tech being used and its use. Hell, by establishing that Maximus' mind-control is basically telepathy just one page prior, he should have realised that he lost his powers from the fact that he became "cut off" from the minds around him before BB could have realised that his voice isn't shattering mountains. I guess it's because BB could no longer "feel" the electrons around him or some shit but I still don't see why BB was the one who made the realisation before Maximus.

Not to mention the idea that Maximus would lose his intellect as a result of power dampeners is laughable.


More like the im-WHO-mans

Though in all honesty I have no idea who the inhumans are

He looks like Carpenter's Thing trying to masquerade as a human.

It's still Scott Buck so I have zero faith.

I didnt give a shit about the Inhumans in AoS, so I doubt I will now

I hope it flops so that Marvel stops trying to make turn the Inhumans into X-men

I don't know what it is and me not liking Inhumans. It's not even a forceful dislike or hatred or accumlative dislike.

Whenever I read or see anything revolving around Inhumans it naturally, almost instinctually feels boring or... faux like... it feels like if I'm walking into a Bookstore or Comic Book Store and I come across a series of books for a hero group that are from a comic book publisher that doesn't really exist and it's some... hipster or unknown/fringe company. I remember getting comic books from a Fridays specialty for kids as a child and the heroes were these mismatched/horribly written and the most silly or dumb abilities I've ever come across.

Hell, even the group of Inhumans looks like a bargain bin of miss-matched heroes from different eras, times, that you might find at a KB Toys


A group of cool Kirby-made Fantastic Four supporting characters that would occasionally make guest appearances in other books and get a mini or two about once a decade.

Then Marvel decided to try and turn them into the new X-men and failed spectacularly.

>Priest getting crap artists again

It's not part of the MCU, why would I?

>Inhuman empire is know across cosmos
Don't they just hang on the moon though?

They took over the Kree Empire for a bit.

Hot damn. I want to be culturally enriched by that beauty.

Hell, I'll go see it in IMAX. Even if it is dickcheese.

I made a promise with a friend of mine to see every MCU thing ever when Iron Man first came out. He was killed two months before GotG 1 came out so even if shit sucks I do it for him.

>that spoiler

Ooooh priest is doing his title panel thing

>anons on Sup Forums should stop getting triggered and pretend the very concept of Inhumans is unacceptable

X-Men fans with persecution complexes are going to be REEEEEEEEEEing about the very existence of the Inhumans for decades, particularly those really weird ones who actually think they are mutants.

Pic related was a 1998 'remix' of the Lee/Kirby Inhumans Saga. It was pretty bad, and got really basic things wrong, like Medusa and Crystal being cousins, instead of sisters, but it had one piece of revisionist history that would have made sense; the Alpha Primitives being creations of Maximus, instead of a slave race Inhumans had used for centuries.

Why didn't they draw Medusa's jaw properly?

>MCU is so shit user's friend hired someone to kill him so he didn't have to watch anymore
Based Feige.

This shit causes the same reaction in me as the fucking emoji movie. I will completely ignore this but just knowing that someone seriously thought making this was a good idea makes me cringe and be ashamed for them.
So please just stop reminding me.