The New 52

What went wrong?

Gaying up Lobo in the new 52, turning him into Edward Cullin.

Change for change's sake

>Gaying up Lobo in the new 52, turning him into Edward Cullin.
as oppose to leather-daddy with dreads

Not calling it The Fun 51

people not appreciating one of the better Wonder Woman runs in the last decade

>The New 52 was 6 years ago

>not calling it the Nifty 50

>not calling it The Fine 49

>leather daddy with dreads
Dreads? Are you talking about the pirate Lobo in the original 52? That incarnation has been long gone & forgotten about.

I unironically prefer new Lobo, old Lobo makes me cringe Yes I know he's a pastiche of 90s edge

The Great 48?

>Not calling it The Great 48

Bad press and too many fuck ups obscured most of the good books, so it was practically impossible to win hearts and minds over to the new status quo.

>Not calling it the Fell From Heaven 47

>not calling it The Heavenly 47

Stupid people bitching.

>Not the Phoenix 46

>>Not calling it All-New All-Different DC NOW!

Throwing away the old continuity. Literally none of the stories told in the New 52 required that. They could've just called it a relaunch and nobody would've batted an eye.

not doing a hard reset

instead they did some pussy ass half baked reset, for that reason we got Rebirth

>Not The Jive 45


The negative effects are still strongly felt, and may not entirely go away.

New Lobo? The current version of him that very much resembles the 90's Lobo? Or are you talking about New 52 Lobo who only had about what...5 issues before his comic was cancelled? LOL If it's New 52 Edward Cullin Lobo, well that's some cringe-worthy taste you got there man. Old Lobo is badass.

it wasn't a complete reboot
they didn't start from the beginning for half the books
they condensed all of pre 52 Batman and Green Lantern into 5 years
but series that had real reboots (The Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Animal Man, Swamp Thing) ended up being really good
There were some good Batman stories, but Morrison should have been allowed to have finished Batman Inc in pre 52 universe
Green Lantern was good until Johns left, he should also have been allowed to finish in pre 52.

A lot of things.

First, the timing was bad. DC should have let the old continuity had some final issues in the style of several Convergence's tie-ins instead of "and that's the end of flashpoint....oh, BTW, we are rebooting everything lol". DC rebooted without giving closure. Also Batman Inc and John's GL run should have ended outside of the n52 continuity.

Second: Too much garbage creative teams. 3 books with Rob Liefeld, Lobdell crapping on the young heroes books and the like. They didn't reboot with a "best of the best" mentality, they crapped 52 books with filler teams because they needed 52 books on shelves, even if they sucked. Before Watchmen had solid creative teams, i would have liked that kind of quality on n52 books.

Third. That stupid 5-year timeskip. It wasn't necessary. The point of a reboot is to have a fresh start. I would liked to see character development instead of just assuming it happened.

Fourth. The changes for the sake of changes. And yes, i mean the "n52 Lobo syndrome". What happened with Lobo was stupid. I didn't like the design that Berganza liked, but it would have been more tolerable if it was a 21th century parody instead of a generic badass. That also applies to several changes to characters to Superboy, which backstory become incredibly convoluted for no good reason.

The new 52 had several good things, but the bad things were really bad. The new 52 had clay feets

>Swamp Thing
That continued from Brightest Day like the other half-reboots

It destroyed the legacy that made DC interesting.

it wasn't planned out
COIE was planned for at least a year in advanced and they still fucked up

I couldn't find early #1 issues anywhere.
>hey it's a great place to jump,back on!
>don't you know about preordering?
Blunder of the century.
Cancelled everything I was even mildly interested in.
I just gave up on floppies and DC (less reprints) forever. Yay nu52!

This. I realized all the best stories in the Nu52 were the ones that didn't pay any mention to the reboot, and could have been told entirely in the old continuity.

Agreed. They had a decent amount of solid titles running before the relaunch. They should have just focused on revamping their shit titles.

not the core 44

The 43 for me?

Who else but the 42 for two?

5 year time skip

condensing huge storylines/events into that 5 year skip

also my powergirl.

pretty much

some stuff needed changing but they threw the baby out with the bathwater

The 42 FOR YOU