Inverted Flash

My name is Yrrab Nella, I'm the only Normal Human in a hyper alternating world.

Go on...

I'm Negative superman. I cancel out everything with my negative powers and you cannot even touch me.

Beware the Bulletman, who parents died from a supernatural vampire. A bullet smashed through the window and Bruce was inspired to become the Bulletman. The vampire slayer.


The Shadow Lantern. Who uses darkness from his ring and and consume lights. Able to teleport in shadows and make everything dark.

I'm Normal Woman. There's nothing out of ordinary about me.



Is this some kinda reverse leauge but not insane mentally like bizarros?

What would Aquaman be? A guy from space?

Skyman, with the power to control the sky and all creatures that live in it


So cyborg or manhunter?

I love how every single mass media product referencing comic books mentions Igniswoman as such a cool and useful heroine, because she can be spoken to by salamanders and more!

Nah, she's Abysmal Woman, who inspires others to sink to her level with her petty slights
So basically Dee

A robot with fleshy human limbs grafted on

Ew but nice.

You are like a baby, watch this

>The organism
A super computer that was accidentaly infused with human dna. Now with his computer brain he is the smartest human ever lived, and can hack the planet.

The Sub-Par Redips-Nam!

After taking a bite out of an average house spider, he gained the ability to spin organic webs, and somehow managed to make a strength-enhancing suit giving him the proportional strength of a spider, despite being mentally retarded . Using his abilities to fight crime, he apprehends a mugger who would have otherwise gone on to kill his Aunt Yam. Filled with regret, he turns to a life of crime, hoping his activities will get the old hag killed.



Relddir (Drawde Amgin)

Depicted as Mahtog Village superhero idiot, the Relddir doesn't enjoy any form of puzzles or riddles. He posses no skills at all in decoding puzzles of all kings. His major handicap is somewhat balanced with his extreme talent in fisticuffs. Armed with a twirly cane, he constantly confronts Namtab and Nibor (major villain-duo) but falls frequently into their unique and elaborate deathtraps.


A blind son of a female boxer from Hell's Kitchen has gained eyesight after pushing an old man into a way of a truck with chemicals to cause a car accident. His mother also got killed but then was resurrected by a charity organization The Foot for beying loyal to it during her lifespan and now he hates her. He has grown up to be a cowardly atheistic prosecutor and wants nothing but to bring injustice upon innocent businessmen like Nosliw Ksif. He also likes to help criminals, such as Eyesllub, the world's least deadly assasin


Seems like he could be the edited comic strip Spider-Man

This is the best one.

>call me sbarro
This is the weirdest marketing I've seen to date

Hell's Kitchen? Shouldn't it be like Heaven's Bathroom.