Mighty Magiswords

Season 2 when?

Other urls found in this thread:


Never, hopefully.

Source? Is this an edit or from an actual episode?

Pachidermus Interuptus is the name of the episode I believe.

I never realized until seeing this edit that this was the intended joke.

Thanks dude.




I've heard this show is pretty bad but dear god that girl is the perfect thickness.

>not an edit


Only Reason people watch it


Whether it's bad or not you should decide for yourself.

>deciding for oneself

Never I hope

Is this show good or bad, I can't be bothered to make decisions for myself and need peer reviewed input before I can bring myself to like something or not.


Actually the show has some of the highest ratings on the channel currently.

I like the fact that they don't shy away from female anatomy or female mannerisms.


I like it, it's just dumb fun.

Aren't we currently in season 2?

Fucking madman, how does he get away with it?

>Sup Forums jerks off OK K.O
>shits on Magiswords
>both shows are innocent goofball fun with the occasional witty joke and thicc girls abound

I don't get it.

MEGA where?

Damn that style is repulsive
John K was right

>Pachidermus Interuptus
how do you just remember a name like that.

t-this can't actually be in the show, can it?

How'd he get away with it.

I haven't watched OK K.O yet but I just recently watched Mighty Magiswords and I really enjoyed it. My only complaint is how fast paced everything is all the time. I feel like they could tone it down a bit, but other than that it's a fun cartoony cartoon. Not everything needs DEEPEST LORE.

does someone have a gif/webm of this moment?

>On February 9, 2017, Mighty Magiswords was renewed for a second season

I don't like the characters or the humor or the plot or the gimmick but FUCK the character design is ON POINT.

It is already airing.

Yousa goddamn liar

Nah, CN compiled the episodes that were structured to be Season 2 to be Season 1.

>doesn't know they fixed the pacing.

Post some pics of Zange

Is this supposed to be the American version of Slayers?

No. Stop asking every thread.

This is the first time I've been on this board in at least half a year, so I'll take your disgruntled response as a resounding "YES THIS IS A BLATANT RIPOFF". Thanks.

holy fuck dude go back to whatever other shithole you came from

we don't cotton to smarmy cunts around here, there are no upvotes for you here

Wew lad, you seem sort of bothered. Much more than a reasonable person should be.

That's what people always say when they say something retarded

original characters do not steal

I really hope these aren't edits.
It alright.

okay guys you conviced me ,
my ffxiv expired and need something to watch
where i can download all episodes in good quality ??

They're all edits, my man.



those words aren't that difficult, bud

What did y'all think of "Get That BORFL"? Send pics



she actually says "My hips are fine".

Imagine Morbidia and Vambre


Imagine them what?


Please tell me this is real, if so where can I find it?

I love Zange

holy shit this actually happened?

Wow, this is the best softcore porn i've ever watched

>not reading the fucking thread

Post more pics of Princess Zange


Warriors for Hire are here


all eyes are focused on Vambre's rear



I want to believe, damnit!

stop it

The episode is Get that BORFL and is 100% legit

It's like looking into a mirror!

"So Vamburrito...have you ev-ar heard of 'scissoring'?"

1080p rips:
VOD rips (has recent episodes):


Stop... what?


stop it

Post screenshots of "Get That BORFL".

what is VOD ?

I don't remember any other ep where Vambre is in a mud bath.

need info on this crop


Stop it, Gateaux.


Get one with her and Zange

the one with Amelia and Zelgadis is better.

The pacing wasn't fixed THAT much.

The show's creator is basically your everyday Sup Forums-er

It's kind of a waste of Arin Hanson's talent, but he does better on it than Game Grumps.

You bastard! That's 1 minute and 30 seconds I won't get back!

What the fuck do pacefags even mean? Are you slow?

Literal children can follow the pacing and dialogue. They aren't going to stop and have a deep monologue about stealing sunglasses from a fucking tree DJ.

Get better taste fatfag.
She's the Princess of a broccoli-themed kingdom.

i was literally going to ask this exact same question

Just seems like the lines are spoken too fast. I can follow,it just sounds off.

Have you literally ever seen Slayers? What similarities are you literally seeing?

I don't get the comparison yet I've never seen the anime or Watch the cartoon so why people say they similar
