Sup Forums material women will never understand


Funny, I saw some woman do a full analysis of the show and she failed to understand anything about it.

I doubt most regular men that aren't huge fans of animation would understand Xavier either, user.

It was a tranny, don't assume their gender.

Ah, I called it. Never mind then.

What does being a huge fan of animation have to do with understanding Xavier, user?

But animation fans are often women?

I loved the show but I cant conceive what there is to understand about it? if you say "get" the show you obviously dont because there is nothing to "get"

the video had some good points, but there are some things that dont make sense

It's a show about the dangers of philosophy, specifically alternative spirituality that some people can get sucked into. (I recall something from the creators saying as such) Some of the episodes have pretty clear themes/aesops too in a stream-of-consciousness sense.

in an overarching sense, sure that is one way to interpret the show. but the "philosophy" is bullshit where there is nothing to get.

its like saying a full garbage bin is a statement about pollution

What is the show called?

You both misunderstand.
The stereotype of the new age and spiritualism was no parody, it was a vehicle for the jokes. The creators made Wondershowzen, they have a self awareness that goes beyond delivering a message. Watching the show they make fun of every conceivable facet of society, whites, blacks, the muslim world, big pharma, television clichés, suicide. Everything is under the gun.
The real point of the show is the composition. The scenes and jokes flow together like poetry, the wordplay is heavily layered and in every frame is a visual gag or clever metaphor you didnt pick up the last time you watched it.
Take the dejavu episodes. They literally just took deadend scripts and plastered them together with a bizarre framing device. They set out to create a comedy with no rules or consistencies and they succeeded with flying colors.
I have to go watch this show now.
Let me get some white women for the first black man in heaven

Xavier : Renegade Angel

Weird, I guess Alyson Levy isn't a woman then.


Thanks man.

Why is this shit everywhere all of a sudden? Did the 19 year olds from Sup Forums just find out about it?

t. woman



You know this image was quite literally created 6 days ago, I can guarantee you any amount of money you've never seen the show and are just shitposting

How, that and guessing that I'm from Sup Forums, you Sup Forums guys are strong.

Change women to normies and you got a thread.

They probably showed it on TV recently.

that's only because women are a subset of all people on earth, though

>I brought up this show and started the chain threads

>XRA is spreading to other boards

Anyways, I just can't get passed the horrible CG, it reminds me of when I tried to watch RWBY, everyone said it was good, but I can't get passed the horrible season one animation

Xavier was intentionally made to look bad. When it first aired I couldnt stand it but I remember having a laugh every now and again.


This is simply because women experience the world by internalizing it. They use experiences to know themselves.

Men attempt to understand the world as it is. Men instictively know/are told to "rise up" to the world (be tough, find your way, etc.)

Men are natural philosophers.
Women are natural nurturers.

Xander is a philosopher failing to understand the world but trying anyway. Failing to "find his way" but still trudging along with a confidence that's endearing to males.

Of course the whole show goes over womens' heads. They probably think "its a dumb boys show for dumb boys with dumb jokes", they dont relate to the human experience if manhood that Xander so vicariously plays in.

Christ you could be less of a pleb, the CG is fine, it's a vehicle for the entertainment,

Maybe you should go back to OKKO before you get hurt

fucking summerfags like this need to be gelded

It was a woman who introduced me to XRA in the first place and highly recommended it

What caused every board to start talking about this

Xavier is impossible to understand, and the people who say they understand it are hipsters. It's a meme. It's anti-humor circlejerk cool kid club for cool kids. let's jerk each other off over our collective understanding of indecipherable hullabaloo. WE'RE FUCKING COOOOOOOL MATE.


I assume this is what a glorious fandom is to you.
(captcha Diss AVENUE)