Other urls found in this thread:

>nobody wants to see acrobats or clowns!

Well fuck you too, movie.

>animal crackers
>not the cartoon

Looks pretty fuckin bad

It's probably been done way before this, but this reminds me of an "learn to read" children's book, except the family had a son and a daughter, and the son turned into a rabbit, then partially into a gorilla.

Most of the movie is male TFs anyway.

Not enough female TF for me to fal to.

It looks alright, could be surprisingly charming. Don't think I'll ever watch it th-
>Ian McKellen
>Patrick Warburton
Fuck looks like I'm watching it

>95% humans
>5% animals
>not even anthro, just literal talking animals
>they also look like shit because fuck you

Still mad about the poster.

>not even a cartoon adaptation of the Marx Brothers film

I am a little offended but it's needed for the movie to work.

I came here to post this

The poster they wanted to use

>nobody wants to see acrobats or clowns
>at the fucking circus

>Danny DeVito

Are you excited for my movie, user?

The poster they were made to use.

The team does seem really into it.

The fucking guinea pig is orange and blue.

no, I hope you go bancrofft.

I hear emmily Blunt has a really edgy roll coming up. Could that hurt public perception of this film?

>Animal crackers
>Not in soup

In what movie?

The two leads are married in real life, right? I read they ad-libbed a lot of their dialogue.

The fuck is wrong with you

This ones not too bad.
It's not reminiscent of old hand painted posters like the first but at least it's not a fucking cute animal on a white background.

fuck I hope there's anthro tigers.

The mlp movie. It was a joke about how her characters design made half of /mlp/ cry mah edge.

I like anthro animals as much as the next guy but I this film would be better off if the extent of anthro is impossible poses.

Have some barneyfag bait

It was disgusting then, and its disgusting now you little freckled freak


Did.... You just linked to a third party asshole channel gaining them a click?

This is a shill thread

>This has nothing to do with the Marx Brothers

This is a goddamn crime


God dammit your right. Why can't people just link to the fucking official uploads of the trailers.

Animal crackers is what I call mixed race people

Wait nevermind op is the first google result. You have to go three results down to get the offical one.

They're making an Animal Crackers movie? They're not adapting the delicious as fuck frosted crackers?

Kill yourself Barneyfag
That's Tempest Shadow's muzzle

That poster looks nothing like the movie.

While I'm tired of seeing these posters going towards all low effort CGI movies, at least the audience knows exactly what to expect from the movie.

>tfw never been to the circus

they really died off in the least 2 decads

Is that goofball John mcgee?



And the ones that remain usually shy away from animal performances, so they only use fagrobatics as shows, like Cirque du Solei

They're really fun, I recommend looking them up and seeing if you can catch any. Ringling and Barnum and Baily and the other big stadium circuses are mostly dead, but Cirque du Soleil doesn't seem to be going anywhere and there are smaller one ring traveling circuses and the like still in operation.

Here's Ringling Barnum and Bailey's last show.

>This movie

Sad that the circus is not a thing anymore, I wished I've seen the last showing.

There are still a few animal trainers around like at Circus World over in Wisconsin, but animal rights movements are pushing really fucking hard for laws that will straight up illegalize performing exotic animals and traveling animal shows, particularly with big cats and elephants. Kelly Miller Circus is still traveling with a couple elephants and some more animals, though.

Did Bendis write this script?
Because it sounds like Bendis wrote the script.
It really looks like a script written by Bendis.

Circuses still exist even if Ringling Barnum and Bailey shit down. Even if the animal acts become completely illegal in america, they're still a thing in Europe and other parts of the world. Alexander Lacey, the big cat guy that had been working for Ringling etc, is moving his act over to Germany, which is where he was from in the first place.


>Cirque du Solei

I thought it was Circus Olay for the longest time.

Imagine what Tezuka could've done with the basic concept.

Animal Crackers? In MY soup? It's more likely than you'd think!

Oh and see . They recorded the whole thing.

the part where the trapeze artist tries to his extra difficult quadruple somersault for the last time for this show and fails is heart breaking

*shut down


Eh, if it means no more "Tyke" rampages, I'm not complaining.

the next "Food Fight" calling it right now.

Isn't Emoji the next Food Fight?

Nahh, that title is taken by Emoji movie.
Or maybe Nut Job 2.

God, this year sucks when it comes to animation.

Tumblr noses are making a comeback, I see.

>That poster looks nothing like the movie
It looks cool though

At least they still have clowns.
Clowns > animals > acrobats

This looks like a passion project though


Aww I wanted the barneyfag bait for myself.

Looks interesting, but I don't kn-

>Patrick Warburton

Well, I'm sold.

Anybody who finds clowns scary is a fag

If I wanted to watch good movie about circus animals I'd pick Madagascar 3

Mimes > clowns