Gunnerkrigg Court

> Chapter 64: Page 7

> Long haul.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice plane.

Court's not stingy.

>but if I'm wearing the train conductor's hat, and you're being a nerd, then who's flying the plane?

Others identified it as a Beech King Air F90
pic related example from Guatemala


*Surma, bored and horny*

"Sooooo... wanna join the mile-high club, Tony?"

*Anthony, absorbed in his paperwork*

"Unhand me, woman!"

this chapter is just making me feel bad for eglamor
everyone involved in this situation deserved better than what they got

>stupid bitch doesn't know we are at an altitude of 5.1 miles
>bet she didnt even listen got the safety briefing

We're probably going to see Eglamore behaving like an idiot later on in the chapter, which should make you feel better.

Whats up with Annie and her mom always wearing diarrhea green lipstick?

a. its probably just lip gloss and
b. what number do you see user?

>tfw everyone thought I was colorblind in middle school because I was scared In would be declared insane for seeing numbers so pretended not to see it
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is not a good thing to show to an 11 year old


Well, that's kind of the point
Life doesn't give you what you deserve, it just happens

I can only imagine what Tony will do to break the ice.

Not sure this guy understands how lens flares work. They always form lines towards the focal point.

I thought they were out of focus splatter drops.

yeah you're crazy surma
crazy for TONY

Even donald and anja?

>daughter is a lesbian
There's few dates worse than that. Also her soul is some mechanical nightmare made of cables and gears

>Daughter is dating a hot chick
>Daughter is a mechanical GOD
all about perspective.

except tony. He got way more than he deserved

She's bi, since she's had very obvious attraction to men before. Not even in a "haha I'm so straight guys" way.

god, that is SUCH a late 80s hat

... Is that a PRIVATE JET?
Did the court give two teenagers access to a PRIVATE JET?!

>have monopoly on supertech
> control or influence of every country and corner of the earth
>surprised they can afford a jet
It bothers me that people are this stupid

Fuck you, man.

It's a prop, see and pic from Wednesday's update

That's just a prop? How are they flying in it?

The word you're looking for is engineer hat; conductors would wear a suit and a peaked cap. And even then, her hat is less an engineer's hat and more of a newsboy cap.

> Annie take off that makeup
> You look like your mo-- look like a hooker.

Haha, what a slut.

>And then they fell in love. The End
>*Annie passes out for no reason*


>that entire outfit
if she was any more 80s she'd be doing lines on her tray table

Afford a jet to be given to teenagers. Kids who'd probably be intern or assistant level.
Google is worth billions but none of their corporate interns are getting to use a private plane anytime soon.

I REALLY REALLY hope this is the exact plane he referenced in the webcomic.
I really hope so,and in the end chapter image the narrator girl shows up to info dump about the plane, but then goes "OH, you already figured it out and looked it up yourself? Fine, less work needed from me."

They're literally going to South America.
They will be filling up on come and doing lines on the flight back.

> filling up on cum
Holy shit man that's pretty hardcore.

I don't get people who say the comic's quality dropped. GKC has been great since Tony became a regular character.

How does Kat's mom know what the inside of the plane looked like?

The same way she knows how many times Tony stumbled before he found the right hole.

Because she installed surveillance cams everywhere, including on and in Surma's body?

No, because Tony explained everything in excruciating, monotone detail.

While he was fucking Surma right in front of her?


How old are they? Are thy going to bang, or what? Awkwardest love story ever?

Probably Parley's age.

So there's canon precedent for fucking at that age in the comic.

That's hot

Yeah, I wanna draw it...