Steve Rogers

How can they redeem Steve Rogers after Spencer has already ruined him? I mean, he's a Hydra/Nazi/Trump....and the whole Marvel universe is going to forgive him? Not to mention all the people he killed or let be killed. Building a space wall to keep the heroes out from saving the earth.

It seems like too much for Steve to be redeemed?

How will they pull it off?

Cosmic Cube reset.

Heroes are a forgiving bunch

Sorrentino's poser art is trash

same reason batman nobody just finish off the joker. They're a real money maker and killing them off would lose profit.

they will find a ass pull way, as long there is someone stupid enough to keep buying their crap

he's a white male, he's not going to get redeemed

You shouldn't ask that about Cap, but about Inferior Thor, Punisher, Deadpool and some X-Men.

I am pretty sure they are going to reveal that Hydra Cap is not the real cap but one made by the cube. The real steve is in limbo with Kobik.


Waid is doing an arc after SE about redeeming Steve and him asking what the people want of him or something.

They won't. Rogers will be saved and kill himself when he realizes all the bad shit he did.

They will resurrect him in some reboot.

The real Steve is in suspended animation in Jamaica. This is a corrupted clone of Steve created by the Cosmic Cube.

They forgave Tony, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine and a long list of people who went evil and killed heroes. They'll reverse it, dwell on it for a year or two and move on.

Yeah Just like everyone forgave Hank Pym.

I don't know anything about hydra cap and why does everyone hate him, but that page is fucking horrible, it looks like Cap's just nudging her neck, he has no weight on that shield punch, he's not even slanted

Even if this turned out to be the case, Cap's name was still dragged through the mud, even if Steve himself was innocent. Waid will still have a wonderful time with his white guilt Cap comic.

Wow, Black Widow totally did the NOOOO and dive between to get fully fridged.

But yeah, this is all getting reset in time for Legacy and the next Avengers movie, so it's all kinda moot.

You know Pym is the exception.

Pretty much this and out of those only Tony went and did that shit out of sound mind and body yet his fans are the most insufferable about him doing nothing wrong.

Widow jumped into that. Nobody is going to hold a grudge over her dying like a scrub.

Except maybe hawkeye

>implying long-lasting consequences in comics

Not your fault you're retarded I guess.