Is he right?

Is he right?

Morally yes. Realistically no.

If the entire world is telling you that you're fucked up then you're being willingly ignorant for not listening. You're pretty much a Conservative at that point.

Meaningless, empty words. He could just be talking about anything here.



Patient 0

It's a central principal of America of what the basis of morality is.

Of course you then get head on collisions between two people who tell each other, no you move.

And of course complete fuckheads who screw up this up so badly that it takes the justice system, and a jury of other americans to all agree, "Because you didn't move, you go to jail for a little while".

Don't work so hard at it user. Just let it come naturally.

Yeah, a racist-nationalist could easily be saying the same exact thing

Can you people go five minutes without being /leftypol/


>Just never listen to anyone lmao

Yeah, if you're a college freshman.

Why don't you post the page after that too? Is it because you've never read the comic and found that one page on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or wherever you're from?

>Just never have any principles, align your thoughts and feelings with the mob of your peers, and think what the newsman tells you to lmao
woah how mature

It's called living in society dear.

Of fucking course he was right, it's just a long winded way of saying 'stand for what you believe in' and he even throws in a little 'also make sure what you believe in has a semblance of truth' in as well.

If no one stood for what they believed in, nobody would fucking do anything.

>if you consider another opinion even for a fucking attosecond you're a mindless sheep

It amazes me that Sup Forums is stupid enough to think Captain America wouldn't realize this. Of course anyone else could say this, you can justify anything with the same words. Cap is willing to test his ideologies against others because he knows his are stronger.

>Cap is willing to test his ideologies against others because he knows his are stronger.
The absolute caveman

>these are the two possible options

Are his ideologies stronger? Or are his vita rays stronger?

>abandon any values you may have developed over something you only thought about for less than a second because that's forward thinking

can you post the next page please? I am interested.
Not him btw

>"You should form your own opinions and feelings instead of just accepting what everyone else thinks and does without questioning them. Assess and assert the worth of your individual values against the mob."
Sup Forumsmblr once again displaying the intellectual rigor of literal children

>Are his ideologies stronger? Or are his vita rays stronger?


Don't have it but Cap tells him to shove his armchair psychology up his ass

>This is how Conservatives think

>holding onto an idea because you've known of it longer rather than the merit of the idea itself

Back in the day you'd be that black idiot who refused to accepr the world wasn't flat because your pastor told you so.

The entire point of Cap's speech is stand by your judgement of the merit/value of an idea in spite of the popular opinion.
>Doesn't matter if the whole COUNTRY decides that something WRONG is something RIGHT.

It's a retarded thing to say that has the smell of american exceptionalism and chauvinism

>Holding your own opinions about anything is retarded. Also, racist and sexist much???
Come back when you have an argument

Not him, but I'll post the sequence.

And of course I forget the first image. Silly me

please do.


The rebuttal was less impressive than I expected, to be honest.

That part is flawed though. If everyone is telling you you're wrong then you might want to consider the possibility you may be wrong.

i just gave you one and you ignored it and talked about racism and sexism.

If you lived in the pre-War South, would you have accepted everyone telling you that slavery was the right and necessary natural order of things?
Would the approval of your peers be enough to settle the sickness in your guts seeing a man whipped into submission?

Is it true they gave this speech to shron/peggy in the civil war movie?

Yeah, I was wondering why he's saying it in this picture. He was about to go sign the papers and then heard this. Like really close. Then almost signed later. He basically says it's the right thing but it's inconvenient for him because he wants to go where he wants to go.

Yes. It was a quote from Peggy that Sharon read at her funeral. It's what made up Steve's mind to go against the accords.

There's also the added wrinkle of "compromise whenever possible" preceding it, avoiding the sorts of arguments you see in the thread.

What do you mean "is it true"? Did you not watch the movie and notice it immediately?

"Consider the possibility" doesn't mean "Blindly accept". If it's something like slavery, of course a reasonable person would still decide that it's bad.

>compromise whenever possible
So, uh, completely undermining the entire message?
The "compromise" between right and wrong is still wrong.

Haven't watched the movie yet and didn't want to assume something I heard off hand a year ago on Sup Forums was true.

The "consideration" is already implicit in Cap's speech. Declaring that something is "wrong" necessitates having judged it to be wrong. The popularity of an opinion has no bearing on the content of its character.

>If it's something like slavery, of course a reasonable person would still decide that it's bad.
Before the mid-1900s, nearly every "reasonable" man in the world knew that blacks were inherently inferior to whites.
Before the 1900s, nearly every "reasonable" man in the world knew that women were inherently inferior to men.
Before the American and French Revolutions, nearly every "reasonable" man in the world knew that a proper society needed the guidance of its divinely-appointed King.

What a society judges to be reasonable and acceptable standards can change radically between generations, for better and for worse.

it's not that great tbqh, unless you love RDJ's Stark

thats a retarded thing to say since what if you are actually in the wrong and that's the logic behind everyone to ever do anything retarded and fucked

No, because the implication becomes you hold onto your convictions wherever you find compromise impossible. So instead of "be stubborn in every encounter" it's "be stubborn in the encounters that actually matter."

The thing that a lot of people forget is that he said that planning to stand against the SHRA and not letting others get arrested. He was perfectly fine with not fighting, with simply letting people stand down and stop being heroes or leaving the country.

It wasn't until SHIELD attacked him the day BEFORE the registration act would go into effect that Cap actually went full WW2 mode.

>What if you are actually in the wrong
By who's standards?

No. It is a Nazi ruse.

>All these shitheads who lack conviction