Who the fuck wrote this shit? Why would the Flash saving his mom change the timeline from before that point?

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It changes Flash's actions, who makes different decisions as he himself time travels before that point.

>buttfucking the space-time continuum causes problems beyond what you'd expect

wow what a shocker

Speedforce I ain't gotta explain Shit

This hack, OP.

It's a literal ripple effect.

Ripples in a pond or lake happen in ALL directions, not just forward.

The comic explanation made more sense than time ripples.

>movie explains why changing the past would change the present
>HUR HURRRRRRR why would Barry changing the past change the present?

I read that as time nipples

Why would it change the trajectory of Superman's rocket?


There has to be some elements ripples can't fuck up like that though, unless RNG is such a bitch that even without time traveling dolts every replay of a time line grants different results.
As in, even without saving his mom, if you replayed the timeline every reload caused Kal El's rocket to crash somewhere else each time.

Barry was so shit that he caused a ripple.

Read the comic.

>There has to be some elements ripples can't fuck up like that though
No place in the water is safe from ripples.

you must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums


Butterfly effect and/or string theory

It's not that he saved his mom. It's the means of how he did it. He damaged time itself when he traveled through, it's not a butterfly effect situation.

This is not hard to understand.

I suppose that since Flash himself has engaged in time travel numerous times, him ceasing to exist could easily alter the past

>It's a Sup Forums didn't read the comic and only watched the animated media adaptation episode

The comic didn't offer an explanation.

Yeah it did, with a visual aid even.

The hell it did.

Where in the comic explains how Superman's rocket landed in Metropolis instead of Kansas? How Joe Chill's gun got nudged to the left and shot Bruce instead of Thomas.

Fuckin' show me. Post this visual aid. Because I read that shit WAITING, searching for an explanation that makes goddamn sense, hoping they'd show Thawne himself nudge the gunman's hand or...or throw a fucking meteor to knock the ship off course or something, and I never saw a single god damned thing that could possibly fit until the animated version tossed in there the dumb but passable idea that sonic booms can happen to the timestream too.

Time travel never makes sense.

>shattered time
>evidence of shattered time

That sounds exactly the same as a time boom only less psuedo-scientific.

Also not pictured is Mirror Master infecting Barry's mind in the Flash arc right before this, so his judgement was impaired.

But really if he had simply used the treadmill none of this would have happened

And look at a cracked windshield.

Like a ripple, it goes in all directions, not just forward.

That doesn't ACTUALLY explain anything because first you need to establish HOW time behaves like a windshield.

See, the concept of the butterfly effect works on CAUSALITY. Cause and effect. The butterfly flaps his wings over here, and it starts a chain reaction where the wind of the wing flap grows and grows until it BECOMES a hurricane somewhere far away. Or a snowball getting bigger as it rolls down a hill.

What caused the rocket's course to change? What nudged the gunman's hand? How come Abin Sur never crashed in Coast City?

The only line on that page that COULD actually explain anything is the part where Thawne says "you pulled the entire Speed Force into you to stop me", and that's only if the Speed Force is interpreted as a fundamental force of the universe like electromagnetism, gravity, or nuclear bonds, and somehow Barry briefly robbing the universe of it affected kinetic energy on a fundamental level, causing some shit to randomly move slower than other shit.

And that STILL wouldn't explain why Abin is still alive. To prevent THAT event, you have to stop him from going to Ysmault and picking up Atrocitus in a spaceship, which is a huge fucking chain of events.

Comparing it to the Butterfly Effect is pointless because it isn't. It's not a "this changed, so this changed too".

Time in Flash comics is a real thing you can fuck with. A legit thing you can break. That's why the Cosmic Treadmill exists, so you can safely travel through it. Flash broke time. Like Superboy Prime punching walls.

The Cosmic Treadmill's purpose is to help Barry control his ability to reach a specific destination. It's like the timer in the Delorean. Without it, he might try to run to yesterday and end up in the 70's by accident.

Any comic that says "it also helps him not break time" was written AFTER Flashpoint.

>Like Superboy Prime punching walls.

Y'know a LOT of people thought that moment was stupid as fuck, right?

But at LEAST that book had first established that the universe had a wall for Prime to punch.

Barry did rob the universe of the speed force. They even go into details about how WW2 happened completely different because no speedsters and no Jay caused the JSA to fail right off the bat. Completely different WW2 led to a completely altered present.

>To prevent THAT event, you have to stop him from going to Ysmault and picking up Atrocitus in a spaceship, which is a huge fucking chain of events.

It explicitly says he shattered history, and broke events. Why do you think that language isn't strong enough to suggest such a change?

Did you get this confused when Mr. Mind flapping his wings and breaking shit there was enough to change the 51 other worlds to be different from Earth-0? It's literally the same thing.

Why would Barry saving his mom result in him not having become the Flash, when in the original timeline before Professor Zoom killed his mom, HE BECAME THE FUCKING FLASH?!

>It's the means of how he did it. He damaged time itself when he traveled through
Barry has traveled through time plenty without breaking it. What was special about this instance?

When Mr. Mind did it, I didn't fucking feel the need for them to show me 51 different altered histories because those 51 worlds are irrelevant to the stories I follow, which all take place on the 52nd world.

But Flashpoint is set on the world I follow, so now I need to see the sequence of events and how it was "broken".

I want to see what time "breaking" looks like from the POV of the people living IN it when it happens. How did NOT flying to Ysmault happen in a way that made sense to Abin himself, so that he wouldn't just...fly the fuck to Ysmault again?

Why would a different WW2 outcome cause the Earth to spin slightly slower or faster or whichever, such that a rocket from Krypton landed in a different timezone?

Did Hitler have a "change the rotation of the Earth" doomsday weapon? Did Captain Nazi pull a Richard Donner at some point?

Because there was a time boom like you said moron.

Because when he traveled back in time he caused a ripple effect that created circumstances that didn't have him become the flash by not being at the right time at the right place.

>Barry has traveled through time plenty without breaking it. What was special about this instance?

Because this time he was emotionally unhinged and pulled the entire speed force with him instead of simply traveling through it.

And again if you had read the Flash ongoing before Flashpoint his mind was also infected at the time.

Have you never heard of man made satellites? I recommend looking them up. They are a big part of the world and responsible for all kinds of things like cell phone communication and have to keep certain paths so as to not affect the orbit of other things going around the Earth. Honestly, I'm rather surprised there are people like you so stupid they've never heard of a satellite or how things in space affect movement of other things.

If you want to see the little details like that you read the tie-ins obviously. But recounting all the little changes is not the point of the story in the same way recounting history of all the 51 Earths wasn't necessary either.

Hitler had the Spear of Destiny in the DCU. If you don't know that you probably lack the knowledge to be part of this conversation.

Thanks asshole, but I ain't never seen a panel where Clark's ship smashed into a satellite on the way down.

The Spear of Destiny was a danger because it could control the minds of heroes. I don't remember anything in DC lore about it changing the rotation of the Earth.

>change the timeline from before that point
Because time ties into every event that has ever occured and will ever occur. It's like pulling a rubber-band, everything will shift.

Don't know why this is so hard for you to get.

I think the problem for you is that you still seem to think that there has to be a clean A to B to C path for the events that merely got slightly changed when it's literally just that pulling the speed force out caused a direct transmutation of events.

And it's something that has very similar precedent


Ripples is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't even have time to click all the idiots who mentioned it. Time isn't matter, specifically gaseous or liquid, so why would it ripple?

>Time isn't matter, specifically gaseous or liquid, so why would it ripple?


>it's like pulling a rubber-band,
not it isn't. we can't conceive of if there would be any friction in time travel. And given that the speed force keeps them from ruining reality at low speeds why would it affect time, a non physical quantification of an idea?

not when people say stupid shit like this to defend it:

It's a Johns story. You are supposed to look at the characters having different/new costumes and pretend you are a "real comicbook reader" because you follow him. The equivalent of "turn your brain off", to think people put this guy on the same level as Morrison, Moore or King. It's hilarious really.

Is there a story where Flash fucks up the timeline so bad that a turd flies through Bruce's window instead of a bat?

Says the moron sperging out about a damn comic book.

Who cares, using time travel as a plot device is gay anyway

I can't even bother linking to all the posts...

Y'all are just being spoonfed dribble, and are very acting out of character and just gobbling it up instead of criticizing it.

There are big fucking leaps to have the Speedforce affect all those things so conveniently as to have a really edgy plot. The comic didn't explain shit.
"Ripples, cracks along the way" yeah, well, what the fuck is the ripple or crack?

I'd like to have an off handed mention. Gravity distortion waved through a portion of the solar system. Just a smudge. Causing time to dilate here, weights to be off center there, thought process to alter because coffee was spilt on John Chill's lap by a kid, so he was more pissed at kiddos than adults when he made that descsion.


But instead we get "LOL RIPPLES"

It's garbage. C'mon Sup Forums. Thought you had more cynicism than to just lay back and take it up the ass.
>inb4 It's all implied. It's their story they should explain that shit. I shouldn't head canon something to avoid a plot hole.

Babby's first college physics class: The Post

Gr8 post m8. You sure showed me!

It's Geoff Johns. Most people in this thread defending the "time-ripples" are trying to explain from a comic-book perspective, and in my opinion, it works. The problem isn't that it does or does not make sense, the problem is that Johns used this "plot excuse" because he was unable to come up with the proper chain of events that would create the changes and characters he wanted.
The guy is a known hack. I mean c'mon, we're talking about the guy who dropped what could have been one of the best redemption arcs in comic-book history just to retcon Hal's actions with "It was a space bug so it doesn't matter at all, everything is fine guys! Character growth and progression? Lol, what's that?".
>inb4 Zero Hour was rushed shit
That's not the point and you know it.

But anyway, we're talking about speedforce shenanigans here. This kind of things are expected to happen when you mess with that.

Do you actually think Johns is capable of grasping even the most entry-level concepts of physics, much less sensibly incorporating them in to a story?

Listen the story is about time travel. As we know, time travel is impossible. But in the comics world it's actually possible, and apparently there's a right way to time travel and a wrong way to time travel. You are literally trying to explain something that's not possible using things that we know of. And I know what you're going to say next, something along the mixtures of "hurr you want me to turn off my brain"...no...I want you to actually is.

The comic explained that Barry pulled the speed-force into himself and this affected all time. "Thought processes" weren't altered organically, they were altered because different events happened and caused them to be altered. Going all "muh 1st year college physics" actually makes you dumb especially when you consider the fact you're analyzing a comic book about super powered beings.

>and in my opinion, it works

Alright cool

Did you literally just pick the least important point on my post and stopped reading after that first phrase?
It's still a shit excuse of cop-out.

>he was unable to come up with the proper chain of events that would create the changes and characters he wanted
Superman's crib landing in Metropolis instead of Smallville alerts the US govt. about alien/kryptonian existence 30 years before they normally would have, you think this would not create huge changes in how things worked?

Yeah, but what make the crib land in Metropolis in the first place?
>time ripples
Thank you Johns.
I'm not saying I'm against the theory of time ripples, I'm saying that the way Geoff Johns used it as a plot device to solve a block in his writing is proper of a hack, which he is.