Women ruin everything

What the fuck is this boys? They made my boy Smokey a bitch.

Why do you still read crossed?

It's over though, user.

Its the last chapter


Smokey... didn't deserve this.

what, have the crossed regained some of their lucidity or what? i can't remember the last time i read any of this.


Paging Dave Sim.

Why does he hate feminists

Traditions are solutions to problems we forgot we had. Remove all of the traditions and the problems come back. "Smash the patriarchy" and what are you left with? A pleasure-obsessed matriarchy.

In Crossed +100 a complete sociopath took over some of them. Because he was so fucked in the head disease couldn't do anything more to his brain. he was already a killer before that with no sense of empathy, mercy and so on. But he kind of thought that everything should be done in proper way and in style. Just killing people and strewing their guts all over the place is gross and inefficient.

So normal crossed were like boring beasts to him. No imagination. No style. He took over and trained them like the dogs, killing anyone who didn't meet his standards. Designed special training to reduce their tendency for random violence, made breeding programs for smartest individuals and so on. Basically treated them like cattle.

But in the end he got results. They were still crazy but capable of cooperation and planning and he build a kingdom on their backs.

They're the rare abnormal Crossed who become sadistic hedonists without a total loss of lucidity.

That's hot.

>women ruined my graphic violence masturbation comic!


>They were still crazy but capable of cooperation and planning

Sounds scary.

>That guy became Smokey's friend for like 17 years and smokey mercy killed him so his bitches girlfriends couldn't torture his buddy to death

Smokey wants to breed a race of SmartCrossed. Finds two smart Crossed twins, and knocks them up.
They then realize their leverage when they recognize his plans.
They make him their bitch or else they kill the babies.

Didn't the babies end up being retarded?

That's humanity in a nut-shell. At some point our collective crazy became less than our ability to co-operate, but it's still there.

This is just "basic Orc" from any fantasy. But going by OP pic, they are more like a bunch of white trash from trailer parks.

They were faking it, kids were actually smart and wanted to alpha out Smokey