Supergirl aka Ourgirl

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I ain't clicking that shit.

fuck off Rich

Never would I think I'd have the appropriate reaction for this exact moment.

>Errata: A misidentified cosplay photo was included earlier, swiftly removed and corrected
Way to go Rich

>didn't go in costume
>just went with her chinless wonder boyfriend
who the fuck cares

fuck off back to your own board Sup Forums

>no new IP


Now I really like her.

Why is it acceptable to go after cosplayers on comic websites?

They're just ordinary people playing dress up?

She should've marched with all the other women talking about how they wish they could blow up the white house and kill all men.

Then she wouldn't be accused of hate speech.

It's funny, I always kind of guessed she was a white supremacist. She just has that kind of face.

Ordinary people don't play dress up.

You seem confused. Sup Forums is to your right.

She had an adult site?

Yes. Most of it in superhero costumes undressing, playing and dancing.

Everyone, you know what to do.

Don't ever cosplay as a DC character again, trailer trash.

for real?

I guess she'd never make a movie where she gets blacked by Cyborg or Steel?

What an awful girl! Not wanting to be replaced by invading foreigners!

You should be a good little diverse minion and kill yourself so some foreigner can replace you! Do you part today, user!

Fuck off, Rich. Go shill your clickbait somewhere else for once.

Why do you keep posting the same comment again.

>no new IP

Why is it acceptable to go after black people or Jews?

>no new IP
Why lie, Rich the Leech?

If only she was chased down and started to strip while crying "it was only a joke" like that one guy did at Charlottesville

If saying "We will not be replaced" and "You will not replace us" is 'going after blacks and Jews'...

That says more about blacks and Jews then it does about her.

Are you saying that blacks and Jews WANT to replace white people?

That was my first post in the thread, Rich. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to ask, what happens to BleedingCuck if Avatar Press goes out of business?

>If saying "bigotry and racism are wrong" is an "anti-white agenda..."

>That says more about white people than it does about me


they were literally saying Jews will not replace us

So? Isn't the correct response to go 'we aren't trying to replace you'?

Except oh wait they are.

dignifying your lunacy with a response, even a denial, is exactly what you want

Jokes on them, Jews don't want to be them.

Man that's why everyone's pushing every Republican ever to disavow the people who don't want to be replaced.

If not disvowing them makes you 'racist', not saying 'we're not trying to replace you' means you're trying to replace us.

That will never not be funny

Attention whore kills her cosplay career.

No one cares

>coexisting is replacement

>Except oh wait they are.

Where did they say this? I must've missed my Jew memo.

You admit to being Jewish?

it wasn't in the Middle Eastern memo either

maybe we're just behind

Look at these pals, "coexisting"

I wonder when the Jews are going to open up Israel's borders so Muslims can 'coexist' with them...

>Jews forcing Europe and other countries into become ""multicultural"" and replacing the native population

But sure, letting people like that know you will not be replaced in racism that this girl needs to be publicly shamed from.

Can you check endthewhiteman.pdf? I'm not at my home computer.

Nobody is even talking about replacing anyone. Society isn't a zero sum game where adding more to it takes away from you and what you have going on.

I'm just seeing a lot about how not to get shot by Nazis

>Jews will be resented due to our leading role in making Europe multicultural.

You don't say.

The easiest way I can think is by not being a Jew in during WWII

and yet here we are

Who shot you, my Jewish brother?

Can we get this shitty disguised pol thread deleted? Please

It's genocide. It's almost the same type of genocide as China put Tibet through.

"Critics cite the government-sponsored migration of large numbers of Han Chinese into the Tibet Autonomous Region as a major component of sinicization.

According to the government of Tibet in exile, Chinese policy has resulted in the disappearance of elements of Tibetan culture; this has been called "cultural genocide".[1][2] The government in exile says that the policies intend to make Tibet an integral part of China and control desire for Tibetan self-determination."

No. Fuck off, phoneposter.

By that you mean getting hit by a car?

Apparently it's cars we have to look out for now. Funny how the alt-right resorts to literal Muslim-tier terrorist tactics.

Can you honestly not see the huge difference between the situation with China and Tibet and that of America and "The Jews."?

How about Jews start taking in their black "refugees"?

Oh wait, only the cultural genocide of white men is allowed. Niggers for every country but yours. There's not motive here.

Yeah, be on the look out for those literally Nazi cars.


China will at least admit that it is doing it. Jews demand everyone disavow for imagined crimes, EXCEPT them.

Jesus you're stupid

I still don't think we have enough information to adequately comment on the situation.

We need to post some her pics. Maybe the nude ones.

Apparently. When are these guys going to start with the acid attacks?

It's okay too kill white nationalists, they aren't people.

Jews should first multiculturally enrich their own shithole of a country before they point their finger in other nations.
It's like China lecturing Nigeria for their greenhouse emissions.

It's okay to kill jews and zionists, they aren't people.

You never know.
In the meantime, you should offer shelter to as many Jews you can.

But they are, it's right in the name. The chosen people.

For a minute I thought it was the cute Supergirl cosplayer.

Whatever she is, she's way better than your palm.

Why did she marry Nazi Jared Padalecki?

Are you going to compete in Tokyo in 2020?

>Prime Minister of Israel "if the levels of Arab citizens exceeds 30 percent, Israel would lose its Jewish character."

But it's okay for you to become the minority in your native home, goy!

>they literally have "anti-infiltration act" to stop non-Jewish citizens
But goys must not have the same ability to retain the character of their countries! That's racism!

I know i wasn't samefagging so falseflag harder.

sage for your shitty bait thread

Different races are fine, as long as they are Jews. Just like different races are okay as long as they are American.
It doesn't matter cause she'd never fuck a pussy ass Sup Forums poster

>Different races are fine, as long as they are Jews

go home, cultist

Judaism is a religion idiot

>It doesn't matter cause she'd never fuck a pussy ass Sup Forums poster
Wew. What keeps you from putting an end?


They never mention the religion of the blacks who want in their borders.

Black Israelites believe that they are The True Israel, when is Israel going to be given over to it's true citizens? As long as they are Jewish, it's okay right? It's doesn't matter that they hate ""white"" Jewish people?

Sammy Davis was a Jew. A large part of Ethiopia is Jewish

Why aren't they interested in CONVERTING the blacks to Judaism? Christians converted so many blacks.

You can become a religion, you cannot become a race. But they aren't interested in converting the blacks. If they are afraid of being outnumbered, they can just convert the blacks, wouldn't that help?

So wait, the Jews are trying to ship in a bunch of people who hate them? For what reason?

They are making it 'racism' for white countries to refuse non-whites refugees. Refugees and invaders will always happen, Jews are just encouraging them in white countries while disallowing them in their own country.

So why aren't they converting the Sundanese to Judaism? If they converted, it would be fine, right?

Yeah, I'm sure it would be fine.

I always wanted to know what a crazy person was like

Am I the only person who remembers reading that run of Supergirl where she actually defends some white supremacist against Steel and some BLM type crowd?

>this delusional
Sure, I can't wait for them to take in all the Black Hebrew Israelites who hate "white" Jews and think they are imposters to be replaced. That will completely happen.

Also Jews are a "ethnoreligious group". "Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation"
"DNA Links Prove Jews Are a 'Race,' Says Genetics Expert"

But sure. Not a race at all.

>this guy is fuckin that

Yup it all makes sense now

>But then she talked about going to Charlottesville for the marches the other day. Nothing unusual about that, many people have. But it seems she wasn’t on the side one might expect to find Supergirl.

What? Does he think Supergirl would be on the side of commies and anarchists?

This is your brain on memes.

The commies and the anarchists were on the right side, so yes.

You mean on the side attacking peaceful protestors?


Don't believe everything you read on Breitbart friend.

Actually make that "don't believe ANYthing you read on Breitbart"

You do know there's over one hundred thousand Black Jews living in Israel right? You seem like the kind of person that doesn't actually know what he's talking about but saves links to other people talking about it so he can post them hoping to win his argument.

What right side, of the history? Cause that remains to be seen.

Just go with "Don't read Breitbart."

You mean defending local church leaders from violent white national terrorists?