There will never be another speedster this perfect again

>There will never be another speedster this perfect again

I'm giving Priest a chance to make Blally some quality before making that call, but yeah Wally's good shit.

Barry's better. That's why he gets the real Flash costume and The Flash book. It's also why he's on the Justice League instead of the Justice League: Junior Edition.

I kind of like him now but he'll never get stronger character work and growth than white Wally, just not how comics work anymore. He simply won't get enough issues.

a pity (You) for effort

Yeah, wally would never get the actual flash suit and book, and DC would NEVER put him on the JLA.

>professor zoom

did Wally Flash sell bad? Is that why they brought Barry back?

Or was it just repeating what they did with Hal because it worked with him?

Barry is better, you don't need to baut.

They brought back Barry after Bart's disastrous run as the Flash.

Only while Barry was dead. He's literally a backup. The second Barry came back Wally was irrelevant because Barry's demonstrably better. That's the entire point in Barry coming back -- so the iconic Flash can take his rightful place.

Barry sold worse in the New 52/DCyou than Wally ever sold in his career.

They just like Barry more at DC offices.

Telling the truth isn't bait.

The sales had dipped toward the end, but they weren't particularly bad.

>Is that why they brought Barry back?

No, it's why they made Bart the Flash. Barry was brought back because after Bart failed they had no other ideas.

>Or was it just repeating what they did with Hal because it worked with him?

Not exactly, but Johns clearly was trying to attempt that and give everyone a role (which is why he brought Wally, Bart, and Jenni back and changed Jesse back to the Quick codename over Liberty Belle) before his run was derailed, RIP in pieces.

>That's why he is in a shit Flash book and the shit JL book
You sure showed him.

>He's demonstrably better
>You can tell by the way Barry's run was far worse and stole everything from Wally's.
I know you are baiting but you need to try harder.

Barry is best boy, this is true

>New post
>Posters don't go up though
Let me guess, it's that autistic Barryfag that samefags every thread about why the worst flash is actually the best.


Barry has always been better. Wally, like Kyle, is beloved only by 90s powerlevel fags who grew up on anime.

>Blitz was the last good Flash run
>That came out in 2003
When they announced Wally would be coming back for Rebirth for a split second I thought The Flash would be good again.

>Barry will always be better
Than how come none of his runs have been good since he came back and why does 99% of Sup Forums choose Wally, Jay or Bart over him? Why are Sup Forums recommended Flash always Wally or Bart related?

Titans was fine when it was a Wally book. Should probably just go back to that and stop the senseless drama (and also get rid of Booth but that's a given at this point).

>Barry isn't popular on Sup Forums so you have to samefag a thread to make it seem like more than one user likes him
Pretty sad user. Don't worry, Barry will get a good run one day.

Wally fans have it rough. Barry stole most of what Johns wrote for him in current continuity, we have 2 Wallys running around with little going for either, and we cant even use Zolomon anymore

Kyle is a bitch

Wally+Hal is the only way to live

It's sad that Barry can't have his own identity. Everything Barry has has been taken from Wally's run.
>Speed force
>Story telling elements
>Aspects of personality
Barry's run has just been a rehash of the last 20 years but worse.

>Reverse Flash
What the fuck are you talking about? Thawne was still around dicking with Barry before Hunter Zolomon showed up.
Hes still the down to earth guy who does the occasional dad joke

Speed force is basically the only thing, and even then it's been used differently. You also forgot some character dynamics like Piper being his friend.

Barry's comics have been bad, but not because he's taking from Wally's run.

Wally gave RF his Origin story pretty much and defined his attitude towards Barry. Many aspects of hunter were put onto current Prof Zoom and you can tell if you compare pre Wally RF to post wally RF.
>He was always a down to earth guy
He is now a depressive fuck up that no longer acts like a good father figure. In the shows and upcoming movie they clearly tried basing him off of Cartoon Wally.

They also took the evil speedster shit from Wally's run. In Barry's old run you wouldn't have so many fucking evil speedsters, it was Wally who popularized that and it's been run to the ground.

Piper being his roommate was taken from Wally

Shit man, I was just thinking about 86-2006 Flash was the best the character has ever been and it hasn't been the same again. I was giving Johns the benefit of the doubt about bringing Barry back if he could take the Flash franchise to the heights he took the GL franchise, but that didn't happen and we have been stuck with mediocre Barry stories since then. Feels bad.

Literally name 1 Barry story better than anything Waid or Johns wrote with Wally.

Remember that time Barry went back in time and erased thousands of people out of existence including his best friend and causing DC comics to be shit for a good 5 years all because he wouldn't listen to Wally about the dangers of going back in time? Yeah, Barry totally is a great character.

He can't. It's the same faggot who goes into every Flash thread. He even admitted he started reading with New 52 and the TV show.

Don't ever mention it, man. I'm still mad as fuck because we didn't get Zoom Corps War.

>and we cant even use Zolomon anymore
This is really what gets to me. There is no better time for Hunter to make a vicious come back but DC is insisting on making Wally smooch Donna instead.

I don't believe it was Johns's idea to bring back Barry but he did have a plan to make the most of it, too bad we'll never see it.

Yes that's what I meant by mentioning it, that he missed and actual thing taken from Wally in his list.

Hasnt Godspeed essentially replaced Zoom?

Flash has been nothing but mediocre garbage since Wally got sidelined.

Got to week those execs happy goy

Flash Rebirth, Dastardly Death, Running Scared, Rogues Reloaded, Lightning Strikes Twice etc etc.

Your shitty Wally Linda love stories and edgy 00s crap isn't as good as modern comics. There's a reason Barry's a million times more popular less then a decade after returning than Wally ever was with 20 years all by himself.

Barry's better. People like him more. His stories are more interesting because he's a more interesting person. Wally has no character traits besides "Is the Flash." Barry's a scientist, founded the JL, and his family issues play into his story better than Wally's shitty lottery stories with his mom ever did.

Get over yourselves. Stop whining about Wally and just enjoy the great Flash run we have now that Barry's back.


Barry's book is a lot fucking better than Wally's. I tried reading Titans just to give Wally a chance at that mess is hot garbage.

>Lightning Strikes Twice
> on par with any Wally story

He didn't erase Hal. He didn't erase anyone. That was Pandora and then retconned into being Manhattan.

Barry time traveled to stop a malicious time traveler. This is something both he and Wally do all the time. He was going to fix it when big blue dick showed up and messed it up.

Or do you think Wally's a shit for time traveling during Chain Lightning? Or during The Human Race? Or during Black Flash? Or during Rogue War?

Get off your fucking high horse. Time travel is implicit in The Flash. The one time they fucked it up it was a third party getting inbetween Thawne and Barry's feud.

Barry's the one who fucking TAUGHT Wally the dangers of going back in time. Why the fuck would Wally ever give him that advice? Barry wrote the book on time travel.

The thing is, this guy obviously isn't even a Barryfag. He just chose the most Sup Forumstrarian position possible to shitpost.

It's like Blitz but less fucking stupid. At least the villain makes a lick of sense. An anti-hero speedster done right. Godspeed's the coolest evil speedster and, amusingly, that's a long list to be on top of.

He doesn't quite have the petty narcissism that makes Thawne amusing to read but he's also a better developed character in that short span.

I think Sup Forums is pretty split on preferring Barry or Wally (or just not caring). You can't really be contrarian about it. Some folks just signed on with Flash: Rebirth or the New 52 so they view Barry's comics in a better light than Wally's, especially given the art.

I mean there were people in the old Venditti Flash storytimes saying how much they liked the run even though older Flash fans treat it like cancer. It's just different audiences and Barry's audience shot up in size rapidly for obvious reasons.

Your taste is awful. Godspeed was a generic villain with the same old "we need to kill criminals, I'm making the world a better place" motivation seen a million times before, with a background cribbed from Hunter and without any other substance behind him

>People who didn't read the comics until now prefer Barry

You're getting worked, dumbass. Guy is baiting and it's not even subtle but go ahead and give him the (YOU)s.

So Barry fans need to be bullied for being casuals who don't actually read the good arcs.

yeah that surely won't make you come off like an asshole.

where do you think you are

>Not bullying people who read only the new shit instead of reading the classics first

>shit for 5 years
Someone didn't read the majority if the New 52 titles. There were a whole lot that were good, but nobody ever talks about those. Reminder that it brought us Omega Men, Dial H, Multiversity, Morrison's run on AC, two fantastic runs on Swamp Thing and Animal Man, and a bunch of good GL arcs.
WonderAzz is one of the best and most unique takes on the character and her lore in recent memory, fight me.

Dumb question.

In Justice League why was The Flash Wally and not Barry? Growing up I thought Wally was THE Flash and then got confused with Young Justice, the CWverse and comics themselves. An oversight?

Because Wally was the Flash in the comics. Same reason Kyle was the first GL, why Tim took over Robin after Dick, and probably several other legacy situations I can't think of right now.

>and we cant even use Zolomon anymore

So is old Wally still going by Kid Flash?

Super speed is the lamest power ghe same way Superman is the lamest superhero.

You have to write it so the user/Superman doesn't have the foresight or intelligence to use their power to its actual potential.

>Superman is the lamest hero
>Speed is the lamest power
I bet you think Batman is the best hero.

Wrong on both counts, faget. Read a comic.
That's fantastic bait, by the way.

No. People call him Flash just like they do Barry.

I've read every Wally comic from the storytimes around here. I know all about all his "great" stories. Most of which are just "Gosh Linda I love you but we fight a lot!" over and over and fucking over again. At least Barry had some variety.

If that's how you interpreted the story then you're even stupider than the average Wallyfag. We got a much better look at August than you're giving Williamson credit for.

We also got the best Thawne comic to date just recently. What more do you guys want? Bringing Barry back created your beloved "IT WAS ME" meme for christ's sake.

He's being called The Flash but he should get a new name. Twice over.

Linda called him the other Flash which should basically just be his title at this point. "Hey, it's that guy who thinks he's The Flash but isn't!"

>Barry had some variety
You mean the current run where it's all Evil Speedsters and Wally Rehashes?

The Human Race, Born to Run and The Return of Barry Allen are the best 3 Flash Arcs and they are all Wally's.

>Faster than Barry
>More responsible than Barry
>Has been The Flash longer than Barry
>No one remembers him because of Barry's time stream fuck up

Well we could reuse one of the old nicknames, like Crimson Comet or Scarlet Speedster, but thats not great either.

>We got a much better look at August than you're giving Williamson credit for.
No we didn't. His entire character's the most by-the-books evil counterpart as it can be. Out of all the evil speedsters he's the least interesting and the least original, and that's including fucking Inertia. Better motivations than Hunter? Don't make me laugh

Every time the Flash name changes, you can be guaranteed the sales were flopping.

Hell, any time a hero has a legacy, you can pretty much assume it. The exception is when they were dead.

No you dumb shit, just stop fighting over which pulp serial comic book character you think validates your hobby more. Neither Barry nor Wally are bad characters and both have had good and bad stories, both have identified the Flash in major ways. There is literally no point to fighting over which one "deserves" the title because it's a fucking pop action story where the writer can do whatever the hell they want as long as the good guy can catch the bad guy and basic character traits (of which both Barry, Wally, and Kid Wally have enough to spare) stay intact.

I seriously don't get the fucking big deal. Both Wally and Barry are in good stories, both Wally and Barry have been in shit stories.

>Both Wally and Barry are in good stories

>in good stories


None of these things are true. Barry's obviously faster, Barry is literally a beacon of responsibility, Barry was The Flash for longer in his first stint (30 years vs 20) and the final one was literally never his fault. Pandora and Manhattan.

Whatever, so long as it's not The Flash. Jay only gets a free pass for seniority and his super hero name basically being Jay Garrick at this point.

Born To Run is lame. Rogues revenge is much better.

Hunter's motivation is he's fucking crazy. They both have an interest in their Flash but instead of being a weirdo madman obsessive like Hunter, August actually puts his money where his mouth is and tries to help Barry. Imagine how much better Barry's life would be right now if August had gotten away with killing Thawne and Barry never had to go through this Running Scared stuff with Thawne.

August's a bit megalomaniacal but he's got good intentions. He's a cop so he's fine with killing in self defense to stop scum. Hunter's just a spooky fast guy with a boner for time travel. August actually wants to change the world for the better. Those are always the best kinds of villains.

Titans is trash, Williamson Flash is aces. They turned Titans into CW tier teenage relationship drama, it's a fucking joke.

>Barry's obviously faster
Kek, nope.
>Beacon of responsibility
Kek. Then why did he go back in time when he knew he shouldn't have and fucked everyone over by using the time stream like a toy? Even the TV show insults Barry for that.
>Barry was the flash longer
Yeah originally, not in the new 52 timeline
Yet it was you faggot. Barry shouldn't have messed with time. Professor Zoom is right, Barry is a fuck up.

Agreed. I can't understand how people read that saccharine sweet "my neglectful parents boo hoo oh I'm kid flash now" shit and think that's a good origin. He got his powers literally the same way Barry did, it's the most unoriginal tripe I've ever seen. At least Barry's loss is impactful and his origin is THE origin of The Flash. So good Wally had to rip it off, like he ripped off everything in his run.

Too bad he is still worse because he is clearly a rip off and since he was only introduced to be a traitor it was obvious it was him.

>Kek. Then why did he go back in time when he knew he shouldn't have and fucked everyone over by using the time stream like a toy?

He has never done this. He time traveled for a very good reason. Using time travel to stop a malicious time traveler is the entire point of their ability to time travel. If you think Barry's irresponsible and shitty with his powers then what do you think of Wally? He used his powers to try to stop Cobalt Blue. He even fucked up so bad multiple times that he DOOMED THE UNIVERSE. But he got like 5 shots at it in the same story.

Barry was about to fix things when someone else maliciously changed history. Did you even read DCU Rebirth? It wasn't Barry's fault. He didn't "mess with time." He attempted to stop someone else from messing with time. That's the exact fucking opposite. The universe he was living in WAS the messed up time universe that he was righting.

>He ripped everything off
You mean like how Barry has been ripping off Wally's run since he came back?
>He got his powers literally the same way Barry did
So? The cannon explanation was Barry gave him the power which makes more sense than how Barry got it.
>The most unoriginal tripe
Then you must hate Barry's run then, oh wait.
>At least Barry's loss is impactful
You mean new 52's? No it wasn't. It was forced as shit to make Barry more like Batman.
>And his origin is THE origin of The Flash
You mean Jays?

He's a rip off? He's an improvement. I would think a Wally fag would be able to understand when a character is inspired by another but improves on it. That's what you fucking Wallyfags always say about Wally with regards to Barry, no matter how untrue.

>He never done this
Except he did. That is what Flashpoint casual. Barry went back in time and fucked everything up. This was said in the comics, it was said in the TV show.

>It's an improvement
>New 52
>An improvement
I love these CW kids but they don't belong on Sup Forums.

>So good Wally had to rip it off, like he ripped off everything in his run.
>when you have so little of an argument you have to start using the arguments against you

Wally IMPROVED on Barry's story. Barry ruined the story when he came back. The Flash hasn't been good since Barry came back.

>You mean like how Barry has been ripping off Wally's run since he came back?

Wally took the suit, the villains, the power, the origin, the fucking name. Wally is nothing but the biggest ripoff in history.

Reverse Flashes? That was Barry's thing first. Another baffling criticism wallyfags pull out of their collective vaginas.

"Make Barry more like Batman." Batman is a broken person who is who he is because his parents are dead. We know Barry's a good person who would use his powers for good regardless, but his mother dying gave him a goal to strive towards. It actively pushed the story and his character forward. It was certainly better than "Well my parents suck but now I'm adult and that literally doesn't matter."

Jay's origin is sniffing fumes. If you ask anyone what the Flash's origin is they'll tell you getting struck by lightning. Much like how Barry's suit is THE Flash suit. Jay came first but he doesn't define The Flash aside from super speed -- of which most innovations with the power were created in Barry's run.

>Barry is such a rip off their fans have to rip off other peoples arguments
Wally took everything Barry had and improved on it.
>Barry got struck by lighting
Actually it was that lighting struck chemicals that fell on him. You don't read comics, you just watch the show.

Yeah man and when Wally went back in time in Chain Lightning one of his fuck ups caused the UNIVERSE TO END. But we don't get on Wally's ass about it because he had the opportunity to set things to right.

When Barry was about to set things to right another character came in and fucked up the timeline. Barry isn't any less responsible than Wally with time travel. He's just better at it so he can use it more often. We just saw him time travel in the Button and, gasp, nothing bad happened to the universe. He's been time travelling all throughout the New 52 and nothing bad has happened. Barry's responsible as hell with time travel. Manhattan isn't.

Wally defined Current Flash just like how Jay defined Golden age Flash and Barry defined Silver age Flash. You are an idiot.
Chain lighting wasn't Wally's fault and like you said HE FIXED IT.

I was paraphrasing you semantic fuck.

They retconned the chemicals mattering with the COIE/Secret Origin take and later again with the Speed Force anyhow.

Jesus Christ, it's just trolls trolling trolls at this point and everybody's working way too hard on these elaborate shitposts.

>Barry is better at time travel than Wally
This is objectively false. I know you don't read comic books and that just proved it.

even John Fox is better than Barry

You mean during Wally's run and after? So then that takes away all those points you were trying to make then.