What is your opinion on torture

Should it be illegal under all circumstances? If so, why?
Should it be legal under some circumstances? If so, why?


Jesus Christ Bayern

torture is never justified.


Sure, why not?

I'm not a terrorism suspect, so I couldn't care less.

In fact, the more they torture the terrorists, the bigger the smile on my face.

but if the lives of thousands depend on it?

Don't reply to a leaf.

U're right, but I would still do it without hesitation if me and my loved ones were in danger.

its not an effective means of information extraction but sometimes you just hate someone bad enough to drown them over and over again

>its not an effective means of information extraction
People keep saying this but I don't know if it's a meme or not.
I mean, if we know for certian that madman#1 is going to detonate a bomb in times square and madman#2 is the only person who has information that could lead to the detainment of madman#1, what else can we do? Ask nicely?

I would do it to any murderer, any ISIS member, and any rapist/pedophile. I know people like to act appalled so they seem like good people, but I would genuinely enjoy hurting these scum and I think everyone else would too.

I support it if done for sadistic pleasure or as punishment. As a means of extracting information it's useless. People will confess to being Santa Claus if you set their genitals on fire a few times.

problem is when the day comes they label all those who frequent Sup Forums as terrorists and torture us for the location of our rarest pepes. then i am anti-terrorism.

Give them welfare and a free house. And a harem of white sex slaves to express any sexual emergencies they may have.

No, it shouldn't. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard because it is the right thing to do.

On vacation from Canada?


Subhuman practice.

I think the fear of torture is worth not banning it. This way ppl believe they will be tortured if they don't talk. But apparently torture itself does not reveal real information. I don't know though

If you torture someone they win

There is no objective right or wrong any more than there is an objective left or right. It depends on where you currently stand.

There are always more effective means. Torture leads to unreliable testimony.

only in dire situations.

>There are always more effective means
list them, genuinely interested

so does the Reid technique. we should just stop interrogating because sometimes it doesn't work correctly.

Like what?

Asking nicely?
Giving candy?
I'm sure ahmed will spill secrets if you're nice to him.

hell no

If you believe that you truly have lost at their game. The "objective right" is anything that brings you and humanity closer to the source, light, universal consciousness. Whatever you want to call it, it's love. Pure love is the key and the hardest part of life to grasp.

We need to legalize public torture and executions.

Otherwise the rapefugees wont stop raping

Public executions of rapefugees would be even better.

Shit, I'd even volunteer to shoot em.

Torture used as punishment is subhuman behaviour.
Torture as a means of extracting information is inmoral from my point of view, and should be illegal, as I understand there are cleaner and more reliable ways of finding out about things.
I'd probably look the other way if the police is stupid as fuck and has to resort to torture to stop a deadly terrorist attack in time.

Blackmail for example. Also, offering a deal, for example reduced sentencing (less preferable for obvious reasons)

>if you torture your enemy, they win

Shouldn't stop interrogating, just vary tactics. The reid technique doesn't always work because it doesn't take into account the individual.
It's a coercive tactic used to force confession, much like torture.
The most effective means is to vary your tactics per individual and exploit personality quirks.

>he says no
>offer a deal
>he says no


Inhumane and unnecessary. Testimony given under duress isn't trust worthy, and if people are prone to talking they'll talk anyway without doing massochistic shit like pulling fingernails out and electrocuting testicles.

Torture is barbaric and there's been a lot of study to prove it doesn't work well (when compared to other methods) for intelligence gathering.

Gay as fuck. Hatred is stronger and more prevalent than love. Good luck overpowering all of our energy with your little love antenna.

Shoot him in the face.

Then why do Leafs insist on posting here?



LMAO at all the faggots in this thread.
People have used torture for information gathering since ever.
Now suddenly some PC fags indoctrinated you guys, that it is a bad thing to torture islamic terrorists in guantanamo and you think that means that torture doesnt work.

Let me say tell one thing:
If ahmed tries to pull a bullshitting move and lies once in the torture procedure, he knows a) the torture will get worse b) more frequent.

Also you faggots should ask yourselves why the US still has lots of prisons all around the world where they let some foreigeners torture terrorists.
The answer is very simple: Because it works.

So all the people saying they reject it because it is amoral or something should just go an fuck themselves, because torture will always be there, whether you see it in your faggot guantanamo or not.

Public torture and executions are niggerish and has no place in civilized society.

You know it's wrong. You've just dehumanized Achmed. They have some many prisons and the fill the up with suspects, not convicts. they inflict the most inhumane acts on said suspects. The prisons end up being much like the Stanford prison experiment due to the lack of rules and isolation.

It's inhumane and a war crime.

This isn't about PC. It's about human rights.

They have a base in Falkland and another in Kosovo as well.

Terrorists don't have rights.

Suspected terrorists should have rights.

No, they shouldn't.

The mere thought of even being suspected for a terrorist should make them fill their pants with shit.

Your hippy logic doesn't work in the real world.

If that makes them shit they're pants, then whats the need for torture. Innocent until proven guilty. This isn't hippy logic, it's the law of the land.

The point is they don't shit their pants, so torture is needed.

Like I said, I will never be a suspected terrorist, so I simply don't care.

Torture is good stuff.
Always works.
Asking ahmed nicely for his secrets won't work.
Skinning him alive will sure as shit make him talk.

Everythings fine until you're the "terrorist"

I have no sympathy for islamists. but they're already pushing the domestic terrorism agenda.

Boo hoo you dont get 4th 5th 6th 7th amendment rights, a secret council ruled you an undesirable. Sorry lil white boi. You had an illegal number on your drive bye bye.

American dream.

Every day makes me love Polska even more.

>Hatred is stronger and more prevalent than love
Basic maths and some observation will tell you this just isn't true.
If I wanted to order the most prevalent drives of humanity in general, judging by the consequences and looking at the world today, i would say hate is at historically low peak. Love would be really strong in comparison, maybe even rivalling with greed I would say. I would outright dismiss hate as irrelevant related to these two.


This thread is kind of brainless.
But if you ask me do I support torture on myself then no.

I wonder if the average age of Sup Forums user is under 20 sometimes 'cause there are a lot of people who sound like they dropped out of high school on here.

>literally poo poo pee pee
I don't know if this is meme magic or not.


How exactly does torturing Muslim terrorists affect you?

Are you a suspect?