Were we supposed to disagree with this?

Were we supposed to disagree with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Coming from someone who lives in ground 0 of the emigrattion crisis and not thousands of miles away safe in Ameriland... he's right. I mean, he's the Red Skull and the whole point is thathe lures white trash, butobjectively, the "quote"/speech itself is dead on.

Bendis is VERY good at writing for the opposition.

Page 2

I know Sup Forums doesn't read comics, but seriously?


He is fucking right

t. latino

Depends if you are a right-wing scum.

Fake news

Time to go back, Pedro.

No, he has no respect to minor characters. He is a shitty writer. His minor villains are interchangeable.

I don't live in America, stupid burger.

One could disagree with the letting a hobo get beaten to death or the explosive vest part.

Did he had Xavier powers there?

>completely annihilate an entire region full of innocent people
>for a war you really clearly didn't have any endgame for
>consider it an attack on your sovereignty when said innocent people don't want to live in the bombed out shithole YOU forced on them

I mean fuck the bombers who kill innocents but it's not like we didn't create them by doing the same fucking thing, only with drones and missiles instead of suicide and vans.

I think he didn't want to use them to just control people because it wasn't as effective in the long term as manipulating people the old fashioned way.

No, we were supposed to agree with him, making us the bad guy too. Spencer did that on purpose.

Nick Spencer pisses everyone off

Bush was a mistake and the entire way Americans views foreign policy needs a rehaul. Too bad Americans are too fucking stupid and lazy to see the politicians who support these conflicts are in the pockets of big corporations who want to profit from them.

Also isn't America becoming a terror state? I mean Democracy is cool and all but isn't it weird that we just knock out foreign leaders we don't like and rehaul the entire political systems for countries? Let's not pretend we don't pull the strings for their elections. No wonder China is putting up with NK's bullshit to keep us from coming over there.

>literally american al-qaeda

Did you miss the part where he made them be suicide bombers


We need the second amendment because Sup Forumsfags exist.

You’re supposed to be smart enough to understand that people like the Red Skull and every other great defenders of any culture don’t make speeches like these because they actually give any flying fuck about their supposed countrymen, but because they want to gather consent for their ultimate purpose which is always, indiscriminately, obtaining total control over people lives, way of thinking and way of living. Race, religion, heritage, it’s all bullshit used as ammunition for the final objective which is total power over everyone and the ability to deface, kill and mutilate anyone who opposes them, which at the start is, of course, the people you don’t like, but then end up being the people you only slightly disagree with, then the people you thought weren’t so bad all things considered, then you yourself, pressed against the ground and curbstomped, because you did one thing you thought was ok, but the new guy in charge now considers immoral and wrong.

>Disagree with mass immigration
>Become Suicide bomber
What's stage 2? because America doesn't have a tradition of suicide bombers the way that Islam does. You can't just take one civilisation's cultural trappings and slap them onto another's.

>isn't it weird that we just knock out foreign leaders we don't like
Let's be honest here. These foreign leaders are shitty, dangerous people. When you want to maintain relative world peace, you need to step in and take the trouble makers down a peg.

All those radical European extremists killing innocent people am I right Spencer

>These foreign leaders are shitty, dangerous people. When you want to maintain relative world peace, you need to step in and take the trouble makers down a peg.

By replacing them with even shittier, more dangerous people?

Is that the guy who got his dick shot off?

>Take out shitty dangerous people
>By replacing them with even shittier, more dangerous people
But enough about revolutionary socialism.

Clearly they wanted to make a point.
>b-buh dese guys are just as bad so we're right hurf durf *softly sucking on Mohammad's cock*
It's shit writing, and a shit attempt at political persuasion.

It's not america it's sokovia,red skull literally just chose some literall who country for the challenge

Terrorist bombings began in the west tho, only the martyrdom aspet was incorporated through Islam

The point being these radicals are no different from the people they apparently oppose. Mohammed blows up a concert and Timothy McVeigh blows up a building.

Why do poltards refuse to at least skim the shit they whine about,it's a made up Eastern European country not your shitty country

Did you even bother to read the page afterwards? It WAS supposed to bait you into believing such vague nonsense that a lot of people will agree upon, only to highlight how hypocritical the people who claim freedom from tyranny against the "righteous" are just like their opposition.

Read this () before you post that page again, you fucking idiotic sperg.

He picked Sokovia because he knew about a secret cache of Soviet-era nuclear weapons that had been hidden away and forgotten about after the Soviet Union fell. He didn't care about the country, he just wanted control so he could get access to the bunker that housed them.

>implying Sup Forumstards aren't from made up European countries

Isn't this page a year old?

it needed the right person to get the message across, and Red Skull doesn't fit that billing

Actually, Red Skull was so on point that they had to create a hilariously ridiculous straw man the very next page so "you don't agree with him."

Can't manipulate good ones to give decent rates on their resources.

And most of the time you're left picking the least bad one out of a pile of crap due to local beliefs clashing with the western world view.

stop making this thread dipshit

The problem is that, like many real-life propagandists, Red Skull was using common fears to get people to do his bidding.

>The immigrants are going to ruin America, and we need to stop them!
>Okay so you need to strap a bomb onto yourself and blow up a mall

>one guy blowing up a building 20 years ago is comparable to daily Islamic attacks throughout Europe

That's why the next page is so stupid.

If people actually fought back, there wouldn't be a migrant crisis. And if they did fight back, it would not be using suicide vests.

The reasons Islamists use suicide vests is the belief that if you die fighting infidels, it's a free ticket to heaven no questions asked. Getting captured and either being executed or dying in prison means no 72 rape slaves for them.

There's zero reason why a nationalist would use a suicide vest, when they can do something like "put a bomb in a bag".

I don't get why pol trade get offended by this page,we know beforehand red skull has no interest in there country or well being,the country he's in is suffering an economic slump and the guy he uses to bomb people was a guy from an abused home with drug addiction,at no point do they try to say that red skull is wrong just that red skull is taking there real problems and manipulating them for his own needs

>Top 10 Anime dindus nuffins

First off we don't know if that guy isn't Islamic or not,also sokovia apparantly has a history of violence,corruption and domestic terrorism,it being easier to radicalize than most European stable countries isn't exactly BS

yeah, he was using his powers. couldnt brainwash people with that schmuck otherwise

>Did he had Xavier powers there?
He did but he was actively not using them because they made it too easy. He wanted to bend them and break them to his will with his own charisma and rhetoric. Just forcing them to do it with his psychic powers was boring and lacked satisfaction.

I still don't see why it's wrong to prohibit people from the countries we're warring with for now. I mean, it's not difficult to understand that a large portion of refugees would hate us for what we've done them: we bombed their cities, killed their loved ones, and refused to finance the damage done.

Now, they're forced to migrate to a country that caused their problems in the first place? Of course they would hate us and start terrorizing those they believe are responsible. We should end the war and fund the infrastructure we destroyed, but at the same time realize there better off in their own countries.

Furthermore, a lot of them just can't integrate well within our culture. Many aren't even literate, let alone educated, in their countries. Most are unable to even speak our language. How can they find employment if they can't even communicate to the local population properly?

This not mentioning the intolerant Muslims that find it acceptable to stone adulterers, throw homosexuals off buildings, execute apostates of the Islamic faith, oppress women, and don't at all agree with democracy, opting for Sharia Law as the law of the land.

>point do they try to say that red skull is wrong
Yeah right, having words that Nick Spencer publically and vocally disagrees with coming out of nazi-with-the-serial-numbers-filed-off Red Skull's mouth? I guess I'm just not seeing the nuance.

>I've just come from Europe
>Is currently standing in Europe

If you have to use a writers public beliefs outside of the story to justify it being hamfisted then your just out to hate it regardless,red skull took a grievance of an unstable country and used it to start a civil war,at no point does the issue of migrants or whether anything he said was right/wrong come up,all we see is that his words aren't genuine,compared to some of Spencer's other stuff like his Sam Wilson,it's not ham fisted or preachy

>at no point does the issue of migrants or whether anything he said was right/wrong come up
Except the fact that it's the RED SKULL saying it, you know the (known by normies as a) Nazi Red Skull? When you write nazis spouting viewpoints non-stormtard readers are expected to disagree with them on principle.

Yeah and it's made clear he doesn't care about the issues he's talking about,he could be talking about killing fascists and the message stays the same,red skull is a shitty person that uses people's problems to further his own agenda

>No wonder China is putting up with NK's bullshit to keep us from coming over there.
Its because NK actually has resources that they trade to China, only to China. But theres only so much they can do


>These foreign leaders are shitty, dangerous people.

So what? Ain't our job to be World Police.


Skull is Pure Nazi.

>countries we're warring with


>don't like foreign invaders coming into you nation and taking up your stuff
>But approves of invading other nations and taking their stuff
This is why that argument is garbage. Either adhere to it 100% or not at all.

Not to mention China would be fucked over by millions of unskilled refugees if the government was overthrown

>throw homosexuals off buildings
>oppress women
>don't at all agree with democracy
You just partially described the ideal nation for many, many americans.

When China said to glorious leader that they wouldn't get involved and help if he started a war, they made it pretty clear how they really feel about NK.

How many?

Calm down buddy, you're not the only person in America with a grasp of the obvious. The populace is aware of who politicians answer to, but as long as the end result is comfortable there isn't a reason to do more than complain.

True, it's our hobby

>see word refugee
>close image
>sage thread
Go back to Sup Forums.

Whatever portion of republicans also hates homos and anything related to women and civil rights.

What portion is that?

It's ok when only Conservative whites do it.

All of them

>He thinks the War Against Terror is over
You do realize we're still drone striking and bombing the Middle East, right? Hell, we still have troops and foreign soldiers trained and supported by our government in the Middle East. Obama didn't change shit. All he did was make Bush's war more covert by including more drone strikes and less troops, while Trump is following suit.

I don't know any Rep that wants to kill homosexuals, revoke women's suffrage or determine their dress policy, nor do I see any of them wanting to overthrow the democratic process. And I used to live in the most Republican State. Sorry, but the average Moderate Muslim is still more intolerant than the average Rep.

Yes. This is basic Neo-nazi talking points. If you see nothing wrong with calling refugees an invading army then you are at very least a humongous racist.

Oh boy, it's this thread again.

How convenient for you to forget about this guy:

>You can't just take one civilisation's cultural trappings and slap them onto another's.
I agree. It should have been bombing and assassinations. That's how Europeans terrorists have killed people this last century.

Too bad the dems didn't put up an anti-war candidate.

If it was anyone but a war-hawk like HRC I would have voted blue. Since reality was different, I voted Gary Johnson.

They're talking about the first Finnish terrorist attack. Anders Breivik is Norwegian.

I live in Nebraska and know loads of people who agree with all three. Try harder.

As much as people like to whine about this book, it was actually very balanced politically. Sam consistently took a middle ground approach to these issues, which is the reason he eventually gave up the shield; he no longer felt he was helping by taking a middle ground, because people were still fighting, and people on all sides hated him for not supporting their side alone.

Just like Gruenwald's Cap tried to present characters that represented opposition to Steve's worldview that were both liberal, conservative, libertarian and socialist, Spencer's villains have been simply anyone that wants to disrupt order through violence.

This is specifically why the Nazi relationship was excised from Hydra for Secret Empire-- to show that Cap is concerned about things like safety, order, and American exceptionalism, not racism or aggressive expansion.

Red Skull's rhetoric (though it was from Steve Rogers, not Sam Wilson) was intended to have notes that rung true, to demonstrate WHY people were joining up with him. The endpoint was obviously bad, because it resulted in more violence. But it was also a reaction to legitimate fears of what other extremist groups were doing, fears of lawlessness and social instability. It was to show that peoples' ideologies don't come simply from being assholes or ignorant. They come from their unique worldviews, personal histories, their own views on morality, and their own views on that morality being violated.

tl;dr Spencer's Cap has been a denouncement of extremism and "us vs. them" mentality, and it ends with Sam becoming disillusioned because extremism is now the only thing people will listen to.

But all most people do is read the first arc that deals with immigration and decide that it's only preaching liberalism and drop it. And to be fair, the book doesn't pick up into the more nuanced worldview until after the Serpent Society arc.

>beat a man for the color of his skin
Also very easy

Self reflection is not a trait strongly possessed my Americans

Islamic beef with America comes from Israel though.

The whole thing feels like a big ole love letter to old Cap comics, where you could develop those issues, but I'm not gonna lie and say Spencer carried it off that well in the writing. His Superior Foes and The Fix are a lot more together, probably because he doesn't feel the need to pay homage to older comics so much or "take a stand" (and because he gets harassed less about them).

But I do agree with your post pretty much entirely, and it's a shame so many Sup Forumstards and SJW nuts get triggered by what is at heart a fucking meaningless cape comic.

I agree about it not being that greatly written. But I really appreciate the amount of research Spencer clearly did into old Cap comics, bringing so much back from Gru and even Englehart's runs. And that kind of appreciation for classics and acknowledgement of character histories is sorely lacking at Marvel right now.

Makes it a bit of a shame that the next Cap run will almost certainly just be punching cartoon Nazis.

And it's actually pretty ironic that a comic about not being part of ideology wars is hated by both of the ideological factions for being too aligned with their opposing faction.

I wonder if Spencer possibly getting Spider-Man will make more people hate him more or if he'll be loved for his great sense of humor again.

He can definitely do right by Spider-Man and his huge supporting cast - but if it's true he's getting that, fuck, I can see the hot take articles and outrage now...

The winner Writes the history my friend

What exactly did he bring back from the Englehart run?

Not that user, but really? I used to live in Texas, I don't know any county, city or particular region that enforces by law any of those. You should try to present better evidence.

There's a huge difference between finding homosexuality an abomination and disagreeing with gay marriage, and having it law that has the State claim the right to execute homosexuals on the basis of their existence.

That goes for adulterers, don't know any Texan that got away with murdering their spouse for cheating, or having the state support killing someone based on apostasy due to disagreeing with Christianity and leaving it.

Ah yes, anecdotal evidence, the pinnacle of arguments. After all, if I don't see them, then they don't exist!

His reply was to someone else using anecdotal evidence, so it's completely fair.

If you want something less anecdotal, just look at the laws enforced in republican states compared to the laws enforced in Muslim countries. They're not stoning girls for adultery or throwing homosexuals off of buildings in Nebraska.

I'm convinced that the only people still spreading this image know full well that Voltaire didn't say it and just like fucking with people.

No, that's fact. Conduct a internet search of the laws of any state, Republican or Democrat, there are no American States that sanction the execution of homosexuals or adulterers. If an American attempted such an act, he or she would be arrested, tried, convicted, and then incarcerated.

Are there Americans that wish harm to homosexuals? Yes, just like any country with people populating its borders. But unlike Saudi Arabia or Qatar, it's considered an illegal act in America. Culprits would be sent to jail if they act on their personal feelings.

There are a whole lot of countries in-between Europe and the bombed out shitholes that aren't bombed out shitholes

No. That's the point. He's luring people in with a reasonable argument, and then slowly dropping the veil over time to get them to commit atrocities.

that's very narrow minded you user
try expanding your horizons on republicans in the real world instead of on tumblr

They waged jihad before drones and cruise missiles ever existed. It's their religion.

Why do you faggots unironically post this shit, yet bitch and moan about having politics in your comics when it doesn't pander to you.