Trump the man who gave up his billionaire lifestyle

>Trump the man who gave up his billionaire lifestyle
>to be humilated, ridiculed and slandered
>to save the American People.

Other urls found in this thread:

Praise KEK, and pass the ammo.

these dubs are for you Donald

>omg le trump deserves muh vote just for running XD

Trump is the smartest human alive, you can't argue with that.

kys you will never be as good as the Australians

>nothing to gain
>everything to lose

May kek bless you with the speed of a thousand horses Trumpai

I shall conjure magic to aid you, Trump.

"""nothing to gain"""""

>ammo inbound
Praise KeK. Ruler of darkness,
bringer of day!


good luck Trump

He bears the world's sins, like Jesus Christ.

Donald J. Trump

> XD

God damnfucking queer

Well, he is a jew after all.

I got goosebumps from that

Why is Trump so based?


Trump or civil war.

Tough choice.



He didn't gave up anything. He doesn't even understand what a blind trust is.

He ran a campaign, largely with other people's money, to promote and accelerate his brand. Also to get TrumpTv off the ground with huge name recognition.

Pretty much everyone who is helping Trump's campaign this year, including himself, are in it for ((((moichandizing)))).

Yeah right he totally not using campaign donations to buy things from his own companies and he won't be starting trump tv after he looses to Hillary

Look who just arrived to correct the record.
Good boys.

13 more days until your cheque stops arriving.

You're right and fuck, I wish we could get a cut of all the Pepe the frog stuff being sold.

no one that actually posts here would say "pepe the frog"

10/10 CTR replyng to CTR, gg

Yeah just ignore the facts that he's grabbing his supporters by the pussies and robing them blind just keep calling everyone that points out how fucked up he is ctr



Isn't this literally the Batman story?

Both of his parents are dead.
He is a multi billionaire.

Here is even a video which proves that he is batman.

He is truly the greatest hero of our time

Whoa there, Trudeau deserves your vote because a cuck that big deserves to be followed by cocks like you. Stupid leaf.


>nothing to gain
You really believe this?