"I know privilege when I see it"

"I know privilege when I see it"

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It means you can't discuss it on Sup Forums because the cuckolds here have deemed it so you can't discuss it.

danny rich as fuck thanks to his big ft inheritance and has never needed to make money in his life

So how big are the noses behind this show?

You can sometimes see them just out of frame, like a low budget movie boom mic

I literally just searched "mumbo jumbo" into bing news and found this as the first result: boston.edgemedianetwork.com/entertainment/culture/219901/six_reasons_gays_are_a_higher_form_of_evolution

Why must my supposed privilege be checked?

I haven't watched the shows but doesn't mean his parents died?
Where's the privilege in that?

>Listen black dude, we need to team up to defeat a multiracial Tibetan ninja cult that has infiltrated into every level of American society as we know it

>Lol no dats racist

You can tell LC show was done by black people. None of this shit in it.


>"I know a nigger when I see it"
Did Raimi write that?

Means white people are gonna get triggered by facts for the millionth time

That's what makes it so ridiculous.
Ignoring the fact that Danny's inheritance gave him the privilege of being targeted for assassination at the age of nine years old, Luke cage received his superpowers by stealing a car and getting an injection. While Danny got his superpowers by killing a holy dragon in a death match after ten years of brutal trials and intense mental and physical training.
Not even Sup Forums but I mad.

He means the color of his skin gives him and him alone the right to evaluate others' lives and use his findings to judge their ideas and contributions

>cage received his superpowers by stealing a car and getting an injection.
While being tested like a lab rat and being the only person to survive said injection. But leave out all the facts because they make your argument weak

It means blacks are whiney subhumans.

He's not talking about race, he's literally referring to the fact that he's a billionaire fighting street-level crime.

It means he resents the upper class. Its called being tsundere

Then why do their huge dicks feel so good wrapped around my pussy lips and help me give birth to healthier babies due to greater gene diversity

Luke identifies with street level people, be they good or bad. Not with Dany the white billionaire. Luke is torn between his people being bad and Dany being right. So he makes an arguement about Dany being stupid that he should fight people of his class and let Luke handle what's his. Luke understands the plight of street level mooks more than Dany ever will, more than Luke will ever understand being a white billionaire is. So in Luke's mind, Dany should quit being a street level puncher and be more like Tony Stark and face the big guys head on because that's what Dany is better off doing with his billion dollars and connections.

Because Jews, and white women because they'll fuck anything, even dogs.

but not you.

I fucking love when Tumblr comes here
Nothing but quality posting, not bait at all

How does a dick wrap around pussy lips? A massive urethra?

I don't have a problem with Luke saying that stupid shit, since as far as he knew it was true.
But after the whole responsible big business and child abuse subplots of Iron Fist, there should have been somebody to call Luke a presumptive asshole.

He was trying to capture his one fucking lead on what would have been his army against the Hand and the Hand's operations in New York. Reminder that the Hand is an interdimensional criminal organization.

>Not with Dany the white billionaire
He was a hobo for an extended period, spent years as a monk, and has basically not lived in a penthouse in over a decade.

Fuck's sake, Luke is a cop from Georgia. Danny probably spent more time living on the mean streets than Luke in the time it took him to reintegrate into society, find a series of fake papers, and get from Tibet to the USA with no fucking money.

made me chuckle

>Where's the privilege in that?
Ask Ward

Luke Cage nevertheless received his powers by happenstance after doing hood rat shit.

Danny is a prissy bitch who spent most of his life homeschooled.

If we can ignore Lukes suffering in the process then we can ignore Danny's. Danny inherited a bunch of money for being born white and privileged

Wait... what? This sounds painful. Although the genetic deversity thing is valid.

>watching capeshit
See, this was your first mistake.

Like how blacks are objectively less intelligent than every other race?

I'd understand the muh sjw boogeyman complaint if Luke had actually been right about Danny being 'privileged' but they both learned that one another were good people with individual struggles and became (sort of) friends. I don't know, the interpersonal relationships between characters were pretty lazily written but that's what I could infer. Luke jumped the gun and ended up liking Danny and not thinking of him as some evil rich white guy.

Nigga the Iron Fist program is public funded yo.

Privilege as a concept is overblown and is only ever used as a social bludgeon to silence people that blacks happen to hate that week.

It means nothing any more.

Doesn't change the fact white people are privileged but it takes less intelegent people to point that out for them

Begone Sup Forums

Privilege is a nonsense word. You may as well just say "ooga booga." The only reason it has any social relevance at all is due to white people who mistakenly believe they are personally responsible for their ancestors.

My having a lunchbox that's nicer than yours doesn't mean I'm privileged, Jamal.

>"I think niggers have more privlage than my kind"
The fuck raimi?

story behind this?

These were the terrible Nazis that were being protested in Boston yesterday.

Nobody is arguing the fact Asians are objectively the smartest race out on earth

Goy, I believe you're forgetting the chosen people.

>the interpersonal relationships between characters were pretty lazily written
I don't know if it was being lazy or a big pussy. Nobody said "hey Luke, you just pulled some prejudiced shit right out of your asshole." If you don't have the time to develop subtext then you have to put it right out in front. Because if you don't we get this half ass 'we're cool bro' resolution in the last ten minutes of the last episode.

he has good eyesight

>Its nonsense because I don't want it to me true
Such is the privilege of white people to ignore universal truths. What other words are nonsense senpai?

20 000 came to counter-protest Free Speech rally in Boston believing it was neo-nazi rally. There never was any nazies.

>This thread again

Can this board just fucking die already

>There never was any nazies.
So the protest worked.

Everyone in still talking about it as if there was nazies rioting and causing problems.

There are no universal truths, brainlet. Have you ever seen a walking, breathing fact? Privilege is an invented concept, invented by racist black academics to punish whites for perceived slights.

Privilege doesn't explain why Latinos, Whites, and Asians in exactly the same situations as blacks all somehow manage to do better. Privilege doesn't explain how Somalian Americans out earn and out learn their American brothers and sisters.

Someday you'll get it. For now, you'll whine and blame whitey for the weather today.

>blacks hate "the man"
>constantly suckle at "the man's" government funded teat

America is in mass hysteria and should be put down.

No, those are the "nazies".

>wrapped around my pussy lips
You may need to go to a doctor.

know the difference

Someone please bomb us

>it's a 'bait thread almost doesn't become a bait thread but then does because people are stupid' thread
On the one hand Sup Forums getting triggered will never not be funny but on the other hand bait is bait is cancer.

>Picking what truths you believe in to most benefit the perception of your own self
I'm not blaming you for it. I'm just pointing out its wrong. It is indeed true that concepts are created but they almost all require a foundation of truth and facts to be founded upon and grow. You seem to want to ignore any negative connotation about whites in favor of a victim complex. Just because the truth hurts you doesn't mean it's flawed

the internet getting popular ruined us. Social media is fucking terrible.

That doesn't negate the other user's statements, his powers were gained through no effort on his part while Danny's were.

And Luke's statements explicitly disregard that Danny did earn the power he has now.

>smacks lips
>gets powers by the government
>dogfucks Jessica
>loses child to aliens
>jerks off Barack Obama
>becomes virtue signal

it's funny because everything people said about a Black president turned out to be true for Trump

>constantly has to prove himself the alpha
>speaks without thinking
>assaults women
>brings all his family and friends into the govt
and of course

Nazis are whatever you want them to be.

Like that guy that cut me off in traffic the other day, fucking Nazi.

Tbqh I'm far from a leftist and I didn't mind Obama. In fact I'm glad he was elected, it gives nigs less of an excuse to not succeed.

Okay what about an asian or a native president?

God you nigger cuckolds are pathetic.

What are you on about?

I hate this. It's literally the media whipping everyone into a frenzy and I say this as a democrat but news has stopped being impartial. it's disgusting.

Nazis are people who consolidate power through a combination of blaming society's woes on scapegoat minorities (blacks, jews, gays) and stoking people's fears as a way of motivating the public to support them, by promising to get rid of the undesirables.

Here's a video made back in 1940. Still true.


Just elect that guy who abandoned his family to live with some people and he pretend he's a little girl.

"Luke "Smack a White All Night" Cage

Sup Forums for president?

what does Monsanto have to do with anything?

Luke "Looking Pale? Bite the rail" Cage

Yeah and he spent most of his life on a mountain halfway around the world.

Fuckin' hell, I've been told it's a privilege to have a car. Bitch I bought that car, I didn't get a white guy discount, I had to save up.

Luke "Stab Whitey, It's alrighty!" Cage

>White victim complex.
>Defend literally every other non-white race from the black insistence that no one else has it as hard as they do.

Brain. Let.

It means Cage had his powers given to him, and Danny had to train and earn his.

That's what it meant right?

>it's a SJW politics gets forced into a show episode
Thanks jews! Really gets my third world brains going


I am not American, but I always found it funny how Sup Forums hates Obama when he is the only American president in recent memory Israel didnt like.

who the fuck does this?

Women and Pakis.

>Luke Cage Season 1: Luke Cage is a soft spoken black man who believes politeness can go a long way and does his best to clean up Harlem never once blaming The White Man

>Defenders Season 1: Luke Cage goes on a bizarro rant about White Privilege

Prison time really does change a man.

Luke "Wipe out the Europeans, get their fried chikken'" Cage.


Boy I'm sipping tea in yo hood
What the fuck is up, you buttercup?
Purrp in that blunt, smoking suicide bloody blunts
Pussy boy you talking shit for Twitter, it ain't adding up
How these pussy niggas moving day to day
I've had enough
Post with that fucking blade, bitch, I'll skin your face
Dick on that fucking gun, I love it when they run
Fuck all that talking shit, do that shit for fun
Fuck 'round with these niggas, aye
Stab a body-fuck do you mean?
Post with that Glock and that beam
Put that shit right in yo' spleen, aye
Run through yo hood, aye
Fuck nigga what's really good, aye
My niggas wish that you would, aye, aye

Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo, aye, aye
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?
Bitch, I'm sippin tea in yo hood, what the fuck is up?

That artstyle seems familiar. Is that Assigned Male?

That doesn't really rhyme

So modern day rap?



Checks out for me.

it is, good eye

I miss the days when this sort of behavior would just cause people to call you an asshole. Now everybody feels the need to find some deep, sociological impetus for every little goddamned thing.

But the nazis are right about the Jews, every country eventually learns that the Nazis were right about the Jews.

Ask them how many countries they've been kicked out of.

The term "strawman" triggers webcomic "artists" to no end.

>Start to bring up Jews out of nowhere during discussion about how bullshit the concept of privilege is.

Keep your falseflagging elsewhere.

it's a term often used incorrectly. it's not a strawman if it accurately represents the view you're arguing against. it's only a strawman if it's exaggerated to more easily find fault with. The comic is completely correct

jews are easy scapegoats because the christian religion forbade money lending with interest. so jews were the ones who filled that niche, becoming money lenders, bankers, and eventually owners of lots of shit as bankers tend to. Also everyone owed them money, and that made them easy to hate. Blame Jesus.

>no effort on his part
Being the Only lab rat to survive the experiments that KILLED everyone else sure doesn't take effort